Please prayerfully consider helping your parish by volunteering for a ministry or parish activity. Our Parish can only be as strong, holy and generous as its members. You can indicate your interest below and fill in your name, email & phone, so that we can contact you in the near future. Thank you for so generously giving of your time and talent for the good of Saint Paul Church, and God’s people within our community and beyond.


Contact Number______Envelope Number (If you know it)______

___Altar Servers— Serve at weekend Mass with other servers

___Bakers– Prepare requested cookies/bake goods for some upcoming church events (New Initiative)

___Baptismal Robe Makers—Create/sew robes for each person Baptized at our church

___Bereavement Support Group– Assist those in our parish who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

___Berlin Fair Committee– Prepare booths (Main food &Nacho) before the fair, recruit workers, staff the booth.

___Census Updating—Assist the Parish Staff in keeping our Census up to date. (New Initiative)

___Parish Grounds Clean Up Days – Spring and Fall (New Initiative)

___Decorating Committee– Work with Fr. Raymond to decorate our church for holidays

___Eucharistic Ministers– Serve at Mass and visit the homebound of the parish

___Eucharistic Adoration Committee -- Organize those who sign up to attend Eucharistic Adoration
(New Initiative)

___Family Life Committee– Find ways to bring together and support the young parish families (New Initiative)

___Italian Night Committee– Work with chairperson(s) planning, preparing food, set up

___Knights of Columbus– Meets monthly and works to support numerous parish efforts

___Lectors—Read at Mass about once a month

___Lenten Lunches– Help set up for lunch after the noon Mass on Wednesdays in Lent (5)

___Men’s Ministry/Retreat League—Gather for a weekend retreat in the Spring and Men’s Conference in the Fall.

___Music Ministry—Provide vocal and instrumental music to enrich our liturgical services

___Parish Blog Epistle—Help to create and edit our Parish Blog (New Initiative)

___Parish Office Assistant– Occasionally help with mailing or other projects

___Parish Picnic Volunteer—Prepare for and/or staff the annual picnic

___Prayer Shawl Makers– Makes shawls for the sick, meets second Monday of the Month

___RCIA– Become a Catholic through this program

___Religious Education—teachers **

___Religious Education – Aide (New Initiative)**

___Religious Education – Office Volunteer (New Initiative)**

___Rosary Makers– Makes sets of rosary beads for distribution, meets every other Tuesday morning,

___Safe Environment Committee – Assist with the safe environment program of the Archdiocese/ Parish

(New Initiative)

___Social Action Committee– A group that reaches out to those in need

___St. Paul’s Ladies Guild –Plan ways to promote various parish functions, meets 1st Wednesday of the month

___Saint Paul School Volunteer– Help in office, lunchroom and classroom**

___Ushers– Serve at Mass to collect parishioner contributions

___Women’s Retreat League– Attend and promote a yearly weekend retreat and an annual day of reflection

___St. Paul’s Cares—Help seniors in need**

___St. Paul’s Garden Club– Help plan, create and upkeep our church/school gardens (New Initiative)

Please list any other ministries/activities you think we should have: ______

**Requires Virtus Training

Please drop this in the collection or mail / drop it off in the Parish Center.

Attn: Fr. Robert

St. Paul Church Parish Center

467 Alling Street

Kensington, CT 06037