
Total no. of Botanic Gardens recorded in Japan: 55.

Approx. no. of living plant accessions recorded in these botanic gardens: 150,000 to 200,000

Approx. no. of taxa in these collections: 16,000 to 18,000 (perhaps 12,000 spp.).

Estimated % of pre-CBD collections: Unknown, perhaps 75% or more.

Location: BEPPU

Founded: 1952

Garden Name: Oita Research Station

Address: Turumi-710, BEPPU CITY, Oita-pref.

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 1,000

Ex situ Collections:

Tropical orchids, Rhododendron, Acer, Cupressaceae.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: CHIBA

Founded: 1965

Garden Name: Kemigawa Arboretum

Address: Experimental Station of Plants for Landscaping, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo, 1051 Hatamachi, CHIBA-CITY.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 500

Ex situ Collections:

Trees and shrubs, lawn grasses, camellias.

No. of taxa: 600

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Lotus.

Location: CHIBA-KEN

Founded: 1930

Garden Name: Keisei Rose Nurseries Inc.

Address: Keisei Rose Research Institute, Owadashinden, Yachiyo-shi, CHIBA-KEN. 276

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:


No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Rosa

Location: ENOSHIMA

Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Enoshima Tropical Plants Garden

Address: ENOSHIMA 2-3-28, Fujisawa.

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:


No. of taxa: 203

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: FUKUOKA

Founded: 1980

Garden Name: Fukuoka Municipal Botanical Garden

Address: 1-1 Ozasa 5 Chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 600

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: GIFU

Founded: 1971

Garden Name: Herbal Garden of Gifu Pharmaceutical University

Address: 6-1 Mitahora-higashi, 5 Chome GIFU, 502 Japan.

Status: University

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

Medicinal plants.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Medicinal plants.

Location: HACHIOJI

Founded: 1921

Garden Name: Asakawa Experimental Forest

Address: Forestry and Forest products Research Institute, 1833 Todori - machi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, 193 Japan.

Status: Educational Establishment

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 42,000

Ex situ Collections:

Flowering cherries, native flora.

No. of taxa: 1,500

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: 283 clones (varieties) of flowering cherry.

Location: HAKONE

Founded: 1976

Garden Name: Hakone Botanical Garden of Wetlands

Address: K817 Sengokohara, HAKONEMACHI, Kanagawa 250-06

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: Unknown.

Ex situ Collections:

Woody and herbaceous wetland plants, including Primula, Hemerocallis, Lysichitum, Iris, Lilium and Habenaria. Alpines (c.120 spp.), spring flowers, aquatics, rock plants, deciduous trees such as Quercus, Cornus and Acer.

No. of taxa: +1,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Threatened local wetland plants.

Special Conservation Collections: Wetland spp.


Founded: 1969

Garden Name: Hamamatsu City Flower Park

Address: Kanzanji, HAMAMATSU.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown


Founded: 1939

Garden Name: Wakayama Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants

Address: 1208 Habu, Kawabe-Cho, HIDAKAGUN, Wakayama-Ken, 649-13 Japan

Status: State

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Medicinal plants.

No. of taxa: 500

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown


Founded: 1976

Garden Name: The Hiroshima Botanical Garden

Address: 495 Kurashige, Schome, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima 731-51.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 6,000

Ex situ Collections:

Orchids, begonias, Gesneriaceae.

No. of taxa: 10,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Native orchids in Japan.

Location: HYOGO

Founded: 1985

Garden Name: Hyogo Prefectural Awaji Farm Park

Address: 1396 Yagiyohgikami, Mihara, HYOGO, P.C. 656-04.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: 3,700

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Native Calanthe in Awaji Island.

Location: HYOGO

Founded: 1974

Garden Name: Hyogo Prefecture Flower Center

Address: 1282-1 Iimori, Toyokura, Kasai, P.C. 679-01 Japan.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Begonia, Gesneriaceae.

No. of taxa: 2,053

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: IBARAKI

Founded: 1976

Garden Name: Tsukuba Botanical Garden

Address: National Science Museum, Amakubo 4-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305.

Status: State

Herbarium: YesApprox. no.of herbarium specimens: Unknown

Ex situ Collections:

Vascular plants of central Japan, east Asian ferns, Cycadaceae, Colocasia, South American orchids.

No. of taxa: 4,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown


Founded: 1971

Garden Name: Kagoshima Botanical Garden

Address: 1-7-15 Yoziro, KAGOSHIMA CITY, Kagoshima Prefecture.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KAMO-GUN

Founded: 1969

Garden Name: Jungle Park

Address: 546-1 Irozaki Minamiizu-Machi, KAMO-GUN, Shizuoka-Prefecture.

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 3,000

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KANAGAWA

Founded: 1961

Garden Name: Kanagawa Prefectural Ofuna Botanical Garden

Address: 1018 Okamoto, KAMAKURASHI, Kanagawa.

Status: State

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Paeonia suffruticosa, Paeonia lactiflora, Iris kaempferi, Camellia, Azalea, Selaginella tamariscina.

No. of taxa: 10,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KANAGAWA

Founded: 1967

Garden Name: Botanical Garden

Address: Tokyo University of Agriculture, 1737, Funako, Atsugi, Kanagawa.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no.of herbarium specimens: Unknown

Ex situ Collections:

Theaceae, Malvaceae, Ebenaceae. Useful plants.

No. of taxa: 1,500

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KANAZAWA

Founded: 1950

Garden Name: Botanic Garden of the Faculty of Science

Address: University of Kanazawa, Marunouchi, KANAZAWA-SHI, Ishikawaken.

Status: University

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown


Founded: 1967

Garden Name: Botanical Gardeb of Kawaguchi-City

Address: Araijuku 700, KAWAGUCHI CITY, Saitama Prefecture.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KOBE

Founded: 1940

Garden Name: Kobe Municipal Arboretum

Address: 4-1 Nakaichiri-yama, Shimotanigami, Yammada-cho, Kita-Ku, KOBE.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 10,000

Ex situ Collections:

Native and exotic trees and shrubs, conifers. Trees from the Japanese Archipelago, Asia, North America, Europe and Australasia. Cherries, Hydrangea, Rhododendron.

No. of taxa: 1,257

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KOBE

Founded: 1933

Garden Name: The Rokko Alpine Botanical Garden

Address: Mt Rokko, KOBE.


Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 1200

Ex situ Collections:

Alpine plants of Japan and Himalayan plants.

No. of taxa: 900

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KOCHI

Founded: 1958

Garden Name: Makino Kochi Prefectural Botanical Garden

Address: Godaisan, 3579-2 Kochi City, KOCHI-KEN.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 30,000

Ex situ Collections:

Japanese Rhododendron, Acer, Chrysanthemum, serpentine plants, limestone plants, plants of Sohayaki region, wild plants of Kochi region.

No. of taxa: 5,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown


Founded: 1898

Garden Name: The Aritaki Arboretum

Address: 2566 KOSHIGAYA, Koshigaya-Shi, Saitama-Ken 343.

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Trees and shrubs. Magnoliaceae (Magnolia grandiflora, M. distichum, M. macrophylla, M. sieboldii), Theaceae, Eucommiaceae, Sapium sebiferum, Pterocarya stenoptera, Catalpa speciosa, Quercus serrata, Cornus kousa, C. florida, C. capitata, Tilia tomentosa, T. miqueriana, Eucommia ulmoides, Fritillaria verticillata, Pachysandra terminalis, Rhamnella franguloides, Chimonobambusa quadrangularis, Ilex rotunda, I. latifolia, I. opaca, Hydrangea macrophylla, Aesculus turbinata, A. carnea, Catalpa ovata, C. speciosa, Actinidia chinense, Ehretia dicksonii var. japonica, Camptotheca acuminata, Liriodendron tulipifera, Chimonanthus praecox, Diospyros kaki, Sapindus mukurosi, Sabia japonica, Cinnamomum camphora, Ulmus parvifolia, Koelreuteria bipinnata, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Crytomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis, Pinus densiflora, Camellia japonica cvs., Clethra barbinervis, Prunus campanulata, Idesia polycarpa, Paeonia suffruticosa, Trachelospermum asiaticum, Lycoris albiflora, Kerria japonica, Taxus cuspidata, Laurus nobilis, Pieris japonica, Acer palmatus cvs, Cordyline australis, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Michelia fuscata, Osmanthus fragrans var.aurantiacus, Semiarundinaria camaldulensis, Phellodendron amurense, Sophora japonica, Loropetalum chinense, Juglans sieboldiana, Rhododendron tashiroi, etc.

No. of taxa: 1,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Yes, including Franklinia alatamaha.

Special Conservation Collections: Machilus thunbergii (400 years old).

Location: KUMAGE-GUN

Founded: 1954

Garden Name: Tanegashima Medicinal Plant Research Station

Address: National Institute of Hygienic Sciences, Kagosima-ken, Kumage-gun, Nakatane-mati, Noma 17019, 891-36

Status: State

Herbarium: YesApprox. no.of herbarium specimens: Unknown

Ex situ Collections:

Mainly subtropical. Medicinal plants.

No. of taxa: 601

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KYOTO

Founded: 1953

Garden Name: The Nippon Shinyaku Institute for Botanical

Address: Research, Sakanotsuji-cho 39, Oyake, Yamashina-ku, KYOTO 607.

Status: Educational Establishment

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 3,000

Ex situ Collections:

Economic plants, especially Artemisia, Matricaria, Anthemis, Ephedra.

No. of taxa: 2,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: KYOTO

Founded: 1924

Garden Name: The Kyoto Botanical Garden

Address: Hangi-Cho, Shimogamo, Sakyoku, KYOTO,606.

Status: State

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 2,000

Ex situ Collections:

Acanthaceae, Marantaceae, Bromeliaceae, Araceae, Orchidaceae, Gramineae (Bambusaceae), Gesneriaceae.

No. of taxa: 5,500

Rare & Endangered plants:Bamboos

Location: KYOTO

Founded: 1933

Garden Name: Kyoto Takeda Herbal Garden

Address: Ichijoji, Sakyo-ku, KYOTO 606.


Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 30,000

Ex situ Collections:

Medicinal plants.

No. of taxa: 3,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Medicinal plants.

Location: MASAKI

Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Kubota Palm Garden

Address: MASAKI-CHO, lyo-gun, Ehime-ken.

Status: Unknown.

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:


No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown


Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Izu Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants

Address: Nat. Inst. Hygienic Sciences, 155 Shimokamo, MINAMIIZU, Komo-gun, Shizuaka-Ken.

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Medicinal plants.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: MIYAJIMA

Founded: 1964

Garden Name: The Miyajima Natural Botanical Garden

Address: Murohama, MIYAJIMA ISLAND, Miyajima-cho, Saiki-gun, Hiroshima, Pref. 739-05.

Status: State

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 50,000

Ex situ Collections:

Subtropical species, halophytes.

No. of taxa: 439

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: NAGOYA

Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Higashiyama Botanical Garden

Address: 3 - 70 Higashiyamamoto - Machi, Chikusa - Ku, NAGOYA.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

Papaver, Glycyrrhiza, Gentiana, Rheum, Aconitum, native wild flora.

No. of taxa: 330

Rare & Endangered plants: Adansonia digitata, Norantea guinensis.

Location: NARAMOTO

Founded: 1958

Garden Name: Atagawa Tropical & Alligator Garden

Address: 971-9 Naramoto Higashiizu-machi Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture. 413-03.

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Orchid species.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants:CITES listed species.

Location: NAYORO

Founded: 1964

Garden Name: Hokkaido Experimental Station of Medicinal Plants

Address: National Institute of Hygienic Sciences, 108 Ohashi, NAYORO, Hokkaido, 096 Japan.

Status: State

Herbarium: YesApprox. no.of herbarium specimens: Unknown

Ex situ Collections:

Paeonia, Gentiana, Rheum, medicinal plants.

No. of taxa: 286

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: 6 families, 7 genera, 8 species.

Location: NIGAWA

Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Awaji Farm Park

Address: Awaji Island, NIGAWA.Status: Unknown

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: NIKKO

Founded: 1911

Garden Name: Nikko Botanical Gardens

Address: Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, 1842 Hanaishicho, NIKKO, Tochigi Pref., 321-14.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 12,000

Ex situ Collections:

Temperate and alpine plants of Japan and the adjacent regions, especially wild species of Prunus, Acer, Rhododendron and others.

No. of taxa: 2,500

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Temperate species in Japan.

Location: OITA

Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Kanko

Address: Oita City Hall, OITA CITY.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

Trees of economic importance.

No. of taxa: 630

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: OKAYAMA

Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Handayama Botanical Garden

Address: 2-1319 Kitagata, OKAYAMA-SHI.

Status: Unknown.

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

Camellia, Acer.

No. of taxa: 3,200

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: OKAYAMA

Founded: 1953

Garden Name: The Handayama Botanical Garden

Address: Hokaiin 3-1, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: No.

Ex situ Collections:

No information available.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: OKINAWA

Founded: 1968

Garden Name: South East Botanical Gardens

Address: 2146 Chibana, Okinawa.

Status: Unknown

Herbarium: YesApprox. no.of herbarium specimens: Unknown

Ex situ Collections:

Trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials. Aquatics, palms, tropical ornamentals.

Himeyuri Park (International Cactus Kingdom), an associated garden at 1300 Maehira, Itoman City, contains over 450 taxa of cacti and succulents (1,000,000 individual plants) including large specimens of the Saguaro), palms (450 taxa).

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: OSAKA

Founded: 1929

Garden Name: Kosobe Conservatory

Address: Kosobe, Takatsuki, OSAKA, 569.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 2,000

Ex situ Collections:

Orchids, Begonia, Nepenthes, Melastomataceae.

No. of taxa: 3,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Unknown

Location: OSAKA

Founded: 1974

Garden Name: Medicinal Plant Garden

Address: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, 1-6 Yamada-oka Suita, OSAKA 565.

Status: University

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Medicinal plants.

No. of taxa: 1,200

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: OSAKA

Founded: Unknown

Garden Name: Kisaichi Botanical Gardens

Address: Faculty of Science, Osaka City University, Kisaichi, Katano-city, Kitakawachi-gun, OSAKA 576.

Status: University

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Hibiscus, Hemerocallis, and wild trees of Japan, Acer, Alnus, Camellia, Cinnamomum, Ilex, Lagerstroemia, Quercus, Rhus, Trapa, Rhamnus, Vaccinium, Zanthoxylum.

No. of taxa: +150

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: OSAKA

Founded: 1929

Garden Name: Kosobe Conservatory.

Address: Kosobe, Takatsuki, OSAKA, 569.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 2,000

Ex situ Collections:

Orchids, Begonia, Nepenthes, Melastomataceae.

No. of taxa: 3,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Unknown

Location: SAPPORO

Founded: 1886

Garden Name: The Botanic Garden

Address: Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, N-3, W-8, Chuo-Ku, SAPPORO 060.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 40,000

Ex situ Collections:

Alpine plants including Primula, Anemone, Viola, Saxifraga, Gentiana, Sedum and Aconitum. Northern Japanese species. Temperate trees and shrubs such as Ulmus davidiana var. japonica, Acer, Phellodendron, Quercus, conifers, (Pinus, Picea and Abies), Salix, Forsythia, Daphne, Magnolia, Rhododendron, Prunus, Malus, Viburnum, Spiraea, Aesculus, Syringa, Tilia, Pseudocamellia, Hydrangea. Greenhouse collections of decorative foliage plants, Pelargonium (7 spp.), gloxinias, Fuchsia, Begonia (45 spp.), Cyclamen, some aquatics, Peperomia (11 spp.), Ficus (8 spp., 11 taxa), Nepenthes (2 spp., 4 hybrids), Drosera (7 spp.), Cactaceae, Crassulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Gesneriaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Acanthaceae, Rubiaceae, Palmae, Araceae, Bromeliaceae, (53 taxa), Liliaceae (Aloe, Dracaena), Amaryllidaceae (Agave, Clivia), Marantaceae, Orchidaceae (132 taxa, mainly spp.). Bulbs and herbaceous perennials including Adonis, Fritillaria, Veronica, Adenophora, Chrysanthemum, Campanula, Eupatorium, Trillium.

No. of taxa: 4,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Special Conservation Collections: Trillium, Primula, Aconitum. Ethnobotanical collection.

Location: SENDAI

Founded: 1958

Garden Name: Botanical Garden

Address: Tohoku University, Kawauchi, SENDAI, 980.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 132,000

Ex situ Collections:


No. of taxa: 1,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown


Founded: 1955

Garden Name: Fuji Bamboo Garden

Address: 885 Minami-Isshiki, Nagaizumi-cho, Sunto-gun, SHIZUOKA-KEN, 411.

Status: Unknown.

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 3,000

Ex situ Collections:

450 species and varieties of Bamboo.

No. of taxa: 1,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: TOKYO

Founded: 1684

Garden Name: University of Tokyo Botanical Gardens

Address: (Koishikawa), Hakusan 3-7-1, Bunyo-ku, Tokyo 112.

Status: University

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 1,500,000

Ex situ Collections:

Variety of east Asiatic wild plants, Rhododendron, Camellia., Japanese primulas, cherries and forms of cultivated Prunus. Cupressaceae (Chamaecyparis spp. and cvs.), Juniperus, Thuja, Ephedraceae (5 spp.), Pinaceae (Picea and Pinus, 22 spp.), Podocarpaceae, Taxaceae, Taxodiaceae, Agavaceae, Graminae, Liliaceae, Aceraceae (Acer, 18 spp.), Anacardiaceae, Aquifoliaceae (Ilex, 20 taxa), Araliaceae, Berberidaceae, Betulaceae, Bignoniaceae, Buddlejaceae, Buxaceae, Caprifoliaceae (Viburnum, 18 taxa), Celastraceae (Euonymus), Cercidiphyllaceae, Cornaceae, Elaegnaceae, Ericaceae (Rhododendron, +400 spp., hybrids and cvs, Vaccinium, 13 spp.), Euphorbiaceae, Fagaceae (Quercus, 18 spp.), Hamamelidaceae, Juglandaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Lauraceae, Leguminosae (Wisteria, 17 cvs), Lythraceae, Magnoliaceae (Magnolia, 20 taxa), Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Nyssaceae, Oleaceae, Pittosporaceae, Punicaceae (Punica, 3 cvs), Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae (Prunus, c150 spp. and cvs), Rosa, Spiraea), Rubiaceae, Rutaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, Saxifragaceae (Hydrangea, 30 taxa), Scrophulariaceae, Styracaceae, Theaceae (Camellia, +220 spp. and cvs), Thymelaeaceae (Daphne), Tiliaceae (Tilia, 10 taxa), Ulmaceae (Ulmus, Celtis, Zelkova), Verbenaceae, Vitaceae. Pteridophytes, including 353 taxa, such as Adiantaceae, Aspleniaceae (Asplenium, 24 spp.), Athyriaceae (Diplazium, 30 taxa), Blechnaceae, Cyathaceae (Cyathea, 5 spp.), Dryopteridaceae (Arachniodes, 11 spp., Cyrtomium, 11 taxa, Dryopteris, 45 taxa), Hymenophyllaceae, Lomariopsidaceae, Ophioglossaceae, Osmundaceae, Polypodiaceae and Pteridaceae (Pteris, 22 taxa).

No. of taxa: 4,000

Rare & Endangered plants: Native plants

Special Conservation Collections: Endemic and endangered species.

Location: TOKYO

Founded: 1957

Garden Name: Tokyo Metropolitan Jindai Botanical Garden

Address: 5-31-10 Jindaiji-Motomachi, Chofu-Shi, TOKYO.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 2,000

Ex situ Collections:

Native plants, Camellia, Iris, Paeonia, Prunus (1,100 cherry trees), Rhododendron, tropical greenhouse plants (650 spp.) including Begonia and waterlilies, azaleas (12,000 accessions of 300 taxa), plums (280 accessions of 110 taxa), Quercus serrata, Dennstaedtia hirsuta, Stryax japonica, aquatics, Magnolia, Liriodendron, Abelia, Hamamelis, Patrinia scabiosaefolia, Hypericum, Chrysanthemum, Acer, Adonis, Tulipa, Corylopsis, Cornus.

Rosa (6,000 accessions of 300 sp.).

No. of taxa: 3,500

Rare & Endangered plants: Telosma cordata.

Special Conservation Collections: Primula sieboldi cvs.

Location: TOKYO

Founded: 1871

Garden Name: National Garden Shinjuku Gyoen

Address: Naito-cho, 11 Shinjuku, TOKYO.

Status: State

Herbarium: No

Ex situ Collections:

Cherry trees, chrysanthemums, orchids.

No. of taxa: Unknown

Rare & Endangered plants: Unknown

Location: TOKYO

Founded: 1945

Garden Name: Tokyo Metropolitan Medicinal Plants Garden

Address: 72 Nakajima - cho, Kodaira - shi, TOKYO 187.

Status: Municipal

Herbarium: YesApprox. no. of herbarium specimens: 5,000

Ex situ Collections:

Medicinal plants, Papaver, Aconitum.