Connecting GTA Teachers
Regional Planning TeamMeeting
Monday, November 19, 2012
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Humber ITAL, Residence Conference Room (T132)
Joe Andrews, HumberPaul Bertrand, EDU
Chris Coleman, (Coordinator)
Lawrence Cotton, York CDSB
Rosa Duran, George Brown
Pat Evans, Peel DSB
Ken Harrison, Humber (Chair)
Susan McPhedran, Upper Grand DSB
Catherine Moynihan, Toronto CDSB
Chris Pearson, Sheridan
Carol Ray, Humber
Bruno Sacco, Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Michael Smith, SCWI
Pat Tait, Humber
Dale Thorington, Centennial
Mary Vesia, Humber / David Armstrong, SCWI
Kiley Bolton, Seneca
Tina Cotrupi, Toronto CDSB
Domenic DeMarco, Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Vicky Essebag, York Region DSB
Christine German, Halton DSB
Jane Jenner, Sheridan
Ethan Millberg, York Region DSB
Greg Murray, Halton IEC
Michelle Rao, Georgian
Annette Ryan, Dufferin-Peel DSB
Diane Sharpe, TDSB
Shelagh Taber Walsh, George Brown
Mary Talamo, York CDSB
Sonja Vandermeer, EDU
Tobin Walsh, Toronto CDSB
1.Welcome and Introductions
Ken welcomed participants,and a round of introductions was made.
2.Agenda Check
A check of the Agenda was made and four items added under Other Business.
A Meeting Information Package was distributed containing information that was to be referenced throughout the meeting.
3.Review of Previous Meeting Notes
- Meeting Notesfor October22, 2012,were accepted and a copy posted at in the Open Meetings section.
- A good portion of our last meeting was spent on the RPT2 SMART Goals Report.
- ACTION: The numbers in the SMART Goals Report will become important as we get into the next round of Proposals. Members were asked to review the Report and let ow if any changes need to be made.
3.PHASE 17 – RFP for 2013-2016
[Editor’s Note: All of the following documents are now available on the CGTAT Website at in the “RFP/Proposals” section:]
SCWI+CODE RFP Memo (November 8, 2012)
- A paper copy of the SCWI+CODE RFP Memo was circulated as part of the Meeting Information Package (mentioned above). It was released at the SCWI Chairs and Coordinators Meeting on
November 8th. - This outlines the RFP requirements for 2013-2016 for Dual Credit Programs, explains the funding and accountability expectations, and highlights successful programs from 2011- 2012.
- The RFP contains links to important documents in support of Proposals.
Dual Credit Policy and Implementation - October 2010
- Although it’s dated 2010, this document is still relevant.
- The purpose of this document is to provide direction for the implementation of dual credit programs
Reporting, Approval & Monitoring Process for 2012-2013 School Year
- Requirements for Regional Planning Teams, Activities and Forums. Dual Credit Programs and Program Proposals, Funding and Reporting, and Submission deadlines.
Interim Funding Benchmarks for Activity Projects/Dual Credit Programs
- Interim Benchmarks for Activities and Forums
Level 1 Dual Credits Seat Purchase 2013-14
- This form must be completed for each MCTU Field Office, including the DC Program Proposal Number, the Trade Number, Trade Name, Number of students funded through TCU, Number of student requests for seat purchase, Semester, and Total Funding committed.
- If you plan to run a Level One OYAP, it is essential that you have a discussion with your TCU Field Office to see what they’re willing to support.
- The document must be signed or “you’ll be sent back for it”.
- It was suggested that members of the MTCU Field Office be invited to attend CGTAT meetings.
Attestation of Training Facility for College Oversight (OYAP) 2013-2014
- This form must be completed for Level 1 Apprenticeship in-school training at a participating High School facility taught by a qualified teacher.
- If you’re running an Apprenticeship Program at a site other than a college.
2011-2012 Decision Rubrics
- Criteria used in judging proposals last year.
5. RFP Submission Process and Critical Path
- Excel Forms have been created for submitting proposals for 2013-2014. Paper copies were distributed.
- Electronic copies were sent out to each organization.
- In the electronic copy, in the Project Name box, you’ll see a drop-down list of the 2011-2012 Projects for your organization that are on EDCS. To see details of these proposals, log into EDCS. Instructions available upon request.
- ACTION: The Forms essentially mimic the headings and labels on the EDCS system. To propose Activities and/or Dual Credit Programs, please fill in these Forms and return them to who will then enter the data into EDCS.
FORMS for proposing a2013-2014 Project (Activityor Dual Credit Program)
- Ken went through the paper copies of the Forms explaining what is expected in each.
- SCWI will assign the Project Numbers when they give us the approvals.
- If you want to propose something different, but you decide not to do a project you did last year. So effectively, you’re asking for the same money, not new additional money, the explanation must go in the Notes section. And the Project should be identified as “New”.
- It is not likely there will be any new money.
Transportation Costs
- Transportation continues to be a challenge because we don’t want to dedicate money that is not going to be well used. Two years ago, we left over half the allocation for transportation
($2 million) “on the table” because it wasn’t needed, wasn’t spent. - ACTION: SCWI really needs “your absolute, firm, best predictions” as to what transportation will cost for each project that you’re proposing for 2013-2014 – right to the cost of each individual bus or taxi, etc. The RFP does not call for a breakdown of Transportation Costs by board, but you should keep a record for future reference. If you don’t know at this point the exact number of students, all you can do is make your best possible projection based upon what you have been doing.
Miscellaneous Funding
- The Benchmarks are staying the same for 2013-2014. They seemed to work quite well in 2011-2012.
- However, there are some Miscellaneous Costs that are not covered by the Benchmarks. So, if you have a need under Apprenticeship Training or some of your high cost tech programming for extraordinary costs, things that you think are well justified and necessary to the Program, then you need to be exactly specific.
Due date and deadlines
- By Friday, December 14th, 1:00 pm, Ken must sign off on all the proposals we’re making.
- ACTION: Consequently, we’d like the information back by Wednesday, December 12th.
6. Budget Process and Invoicing
These go to Mary. They are used to make the accounting for all the money that we spend through the course of the year. The templates have changed a bit from last year. If you have ten different courses in a Program, you need to complete ten of these forms.
TEMPLATE for Invoicing for a Dual Credit Program
- There are now three parts to this invoice. Part 1 identifies the Dual Credit Course details specifically.
- Part 2, Transportation Funding, is identical to the Form on the original Program Proposal.
- Part 3, the Summary page, indicates that you submit your invoice with the school board or college letterhead.
- The bank accounts for Phase 16 (2012-2013) are currently empty. CGTAT will not receive money until March, after it submits its Interim Report. The dilemma now is, can CGTAT accept invoices now or should it wait until sometime in second semester. Discussion followed. It was decided that CGTAT would accept invoices for transportation at the end of the first semester and would work out how to pay them from there.
- ACTION: Please use these templates to submit invoices. It helps Mary tremendously.
TEMPLATE for Invoicing an Activity Project
- This template is very similar to the one for a Dual Credit Program. Please use this template and provide as much detail as you can.
7. RPT Chairs/Coordinators Meeting (November 8) – Report
- Some summary information was forwarded by David Armstrong.
- These are important numbers when we’re comparing Success Rates, Retention Rates, etc. to the provincial average. Item 7 presents the provincial averages
8. Contract Change – Cycle 4 (Forms due December 7)
- A reminder that if you’re changing something, the next closing date for submitting Contract Forms is Friday, December 7. Please submit to and copy and if you’re applying for a Summer SWAC, you need to submit a Form 3 as well as a Contract Change Form.
9. Dual Credit Teacher Forum - update
- The Forum Team is looking at May 8th, 2013, at the new Waterfront Campus of George Brown College.
- The theme will be “Supporting Student Success”.
- The agenda will be aligned with the SMART Goals.
- There will be sessions with secondary school teachers and college staff.
- Expect 100-120 people at the event. For a full day.
- Will be sending in a Contract Change Form requesting more funds.
- Other boards are still invited to sit on the Forum Team. If you’d like to participate, send an email to
- Ken thanked the team for their work.
- RPT #6 has shared some of the details on the dual Credit Teachers Forum that they are planning on Monday, December 10th, 2012. It was forwarded to members of our Forum Team. It was suggested that some members of our Forum Team attend at the Durham Catholic DSB in Oshawa.
- Members of SCWI and the Ministry would be most welcome to attend.
- This agenda item will be carried forward to the next CGTAT meeting.
10. Other Business
SMART Goals update
- On the last page of the Meeting Information Package is a copy of the updated RPT2 SMART Goals for 2013 going forward.
- If you discover an error in the provincial SMART Goals Report, make note of it in the “Notes” section of your Proposal(s).
RPT Governance Report
- A copy of this report was emailed out.
- You may be asked to submit more information as example from this RPT.
Update on Fall Dual Credit Start Numbers
- At the last CGTAT meeting we sent out a spreadsheet that identifies the numbers of students that have been approved for your first semester Dual Credit Programs.
- ACTION: You are asked to report back the numbers of students who actually started the Programs (Day 10, Semester One, 2012). Send your completed spreadsheets to as soon as possible.
Seneca’s Info Letter to Dual Credit Students
- Included in the Meeting Information Package is a copy of a letter that Seneca sends to its graduating Dual Credit Students.
11.Next Meeting:
Monday,November 19, 2012
Humber ITAL North
Residence Conference Room (T132
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