1. Name: ADENIJI,Moses Adenuga

2. Department:Serials Division

3. College/Faculty:University Library

4. Date and Place of Birth:13th Feb., 1964, Sagamu, Ogun State

5. Nationality:Nigerian

6. Marital Status:Married

7. No. of Children:Three

8 E-mail address

9Name and Address of Spouse: Mrs. S.E. Adenijic/o Awokoya Patrick

G. P. O. Box 36531Dugbe, Ibadan.

10.Name and Address of Next of Kin: Same as in (9) above

11. Date of First Appointment with the University: 26th July, 2000.

12. Status of First Appointment and Salary: Assistant Librarian& UASS1

13. Present Position and Salary: Librarian I & UASS, 3 Step 8

14. Date of Last Promotion/ Regrading: 1stOctober, 2006

15. Date of Confirmation of Appointment: Nil

16. If not confirmed, why? Transfer of Service

17. Period of Present Contract: Nil

18. Total Number of Year of Teaching and Research:

(a)Polytechnic/ College of Education: Nil

(b)University: 14 years


1a. Academic Qualifications/Institutions Attended (With Dates)

(i) Master in Library & Information Science (MLS)-2003

(ii)M.ED (Industrial Education)-1997

(iii)B.ED (Adult Education/Political Science)-1995

b.Institutions Attended with Dates

(i)University of Ibadan, Ibadan-2001 - 2003

(ii) University of Ibadan, Ibadan - 1995 - 1997

(iii) University of Ibadan-1991 - 1995

2. Current Higher Degree Programme Registered for (if any):

(1)Ph D - Department of Adult Education,

Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan– 2006 to Date.

3. Award and Distinction: Nil


1. Previous Work Experience outside the University System: - Nil

2. Previous Work Experience in other Universities:

Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan -1986- 2000

3. Details of Professional Experience at Olabisi Onabanjo University

(i)Teaching function:

Course taught includes:

(a)Library Routine (CESAP and Regular) -2 units - 2000 – till date

(b) D.L.I. 207: Subject Information Sources in Sciences and Technology

(CESAP &Regular)- 2 Units - 2000-till date

(c) D. L.I. 206: Library Method in Education

(CESAP and Regular) - 2 Units -2000 –till date

(d) Taking part in Library Orientation for newly admitted students and

Staffs - 2000 – till date

(e) Supervising the Students on Industrial Attachment (IT) - 2000 – till date

(ii) Research (Completed/On-going):

(a)Application of Information and Communication Technology in NigerianUniversity Libraries.

(b)Mishandling of Library Resources in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

(c)Information Literacy: Librarian role in the Nigerian University System.

(iii)Administrative Function & Contribution to the University:

Representative of University Librarian in colleges and Faculties

  • Faculty Board of Science - 2013-Date
  • University Publication Committee - 2013-Date
  • On the condition of Service for Junior staff - 2013- Date

(a)Staff, Technical Services Division - 2000- 2004

(i)Manual Processing of Books using the Library of Congress Schedules

and SubjectHeading,

(ii)Supervision of Junior Staff in the Section,

(iii)Cataloguing and Classification of Library Materials

(iv)Writing monthly and situation report of the Division.

(b) Circulation Librarian- 2004- 2005

(i)Assisting the Readers Services Librarian in the day to day

running of the section.

(ii)Helping the readers to articulate their problem and

connect them with information resources.

(iii)Supervising the Staff in the Division.

(iv)Taking part in Library Orientation and teaching Information literacy toLibrary Users.

(c)College Librarian, Ibogun Campus, O.O.U- 2005-2013

(i)Oversees Information services to the Library Patrons.

(ii)Responsible for the day to day running of the College library.

(iii)Make recommendation for the development of library

resources and facilities.

(iv)Shelving and Shelve reading of Library resources.

(v)Acting in advisory capacity of Professional expert to the

Provost and otherPrincipal Officers of the College.

(d)Serials Librarian2013 – till Date

(i)Rendering assistance to students and staff within the library

(ii)Sourcing for donations and gifts materials (Journals).

(iii)Acquisition of Serials Publications (Newspaper and Magazines).

(iv)Using the Online Library of Congress Catalogue to Process Journals.

(v)Writing acknowledgement letters to donors.

(vi)Supervisions of staffs in the section.

(vii)Supervision of the daily library routines work of Students of I T posted

to the Division.

(viii)Treating Official Files and Memos.

(ix)Processing, Listing, Stamping and Accessioning of Journals donated

to thelibrary.

(x)Attend Official meetings.

(xi)Assist and make recommendation for development of library resources

and facilities.

(xii)Writing monthly and situation report of the section.

(xiii)Shelving and shelving reading of Journals in Serials section of the library.

(xiv)Provide personal services to library users in support of their research.

(iv)Contribution to the University

(a)Circulation librarians,

Olabisi Onabanjo University library -2004–2005

(b)College Librarian,

Ibogun Campus Olabisi Onabanjo University - 2005-2013

(v)Contribution to the Nation

External Examiner, West African Examination Council - 1997-1999


(i)Member, Librarians’ Registration Council of Nigeria (LRCN) (2005 to Date)

(ii)Member, Nigerian Library Association – (NLA) Ogun State Chapter (2000 to Date)

(iii)Member, Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) (2000 to Date)



(i)Adeniji,M. A. (1995). “Crises Management in the University of Ibadan after the exit of Professor Ayo Banjo”. Unpublished B.Ed Thesis, Ibadan: University of Ibadan, Ibadan

(11) Adeniji M. A. (1997). “Organizational Conflict and its Resolution in First Bank”. (Plc) Nigeria”. Unpublished M.Ed Thesis, Ibadan: University of Ibadan, Ibadan.

(iii)Adeniji M. A. (2002). “An Analysis of Human Resources Development Programme in Two Selected University Libraries in Nigeria”. Unpublished MLS Thesis, Ibadan: University of Ibadan.

2.Books: - Nil

3.Monographs:- Nil

4. Published Journal Articles:

(i)Adeniji. M.A.(2006). Use of School libraries by Teachers in Ogun State. Nigerian School Library Journal.5. (2): 32 -41.

(ii)Onasote, A.O., AdenijiM.A. (2007). Impact of Leadership on Effective Information Services in Nigeria University libraries. The Nigerian Library Links.5(1): 55-65.

(iii)Adeniji M.A. (2007) Information Needs and Seeking Habits of Academic Staff in Ibogun Campus of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State. Gateway Library Journal; 10:127-135.

(iv)Adeniji M. A. (2007) Job Performance and Satisfaction among Junior Staff of the Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago- Iwoye Ogun State. O. O. U-JET Journal of Environmental Technology; 1(1&2): 62-68.

(v)AdenijiM. A., Adeniji S. E. (2008) Role of Library in Accreditation Programmes of Nigerian Polytechnics. International Journal of Multi – disciplinary Research; 1(1):113-116.

(vi)Babalola G. A. AdenijiM. A. (2009) Study of Benefits of Copyright Protection among Right Owners in Federal University of Technology, Minna,

Journal of Information Resources Management;2 (1): 62-79.

(vii)Adeniji, M.A. . Omale,A (2010) Teaching Reading Comprehension in Selected Primary School in Oyo state. Library Philosophy and Practice; Available at Published in (U.S.A).

(viii)Adeniji M. A. (2011). Training and its Multiplier Effect on Productivity at the Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria. PNLA Quarterly; 75, No.3, Available at Published in (U.S.A.).

(ix)Adeniji,M.A., BabalolaG.A., Adeniji S.E. (2012). Worker Training Programmes in Two University Libraries in Nigeria.Library Philosophy and Practice.Available at PublishedinU.S.A

(x)Babalola G.A., AdenijiM.A., Udoudoh S.F. (2013) Effect of Environmental Factors on Productivity of Academic librarians in Niger State, Nigeria. Journal of Library, Education Media, and Information Studies; 5 (1): 61-72

5.Paper Accepted for publication(with letters of Acceptance):-Nil

6.Contribution to Books: -Nil

7.Published Conference Proceedings: -Nil

8.Technical Reports: -Nil

9.Manuscripts Submitted for Publications: -Nil

10.Unpublished Conference /Workshop papers and public lectures:-Nil


  1. Participants, Workshop on “Research for National Development” -Organized by Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye Ogun state. Held at Main CampusAgo Iwoye 15-16, December, 2004.
  2. Participants, Workshop on “writing a publishable papers”organized by Nigeria Library Association (N L A) Ogun State Chapter. Held at Simeon Adebo library Kuto Abeokuta. 25th May 2006.
  3. Participants, at the 22nd National Annual Conference of the Nigerian Library School Association (N S L A). Held atChapel of the Resurrection Hall University of Ibadan, 23rd -26th October.2007.
  4. Participants, at the 2008 N.L.A Annual General Meeting (A G M) Conference and Workshop of the Nigerian Library Association,Held at Arewa House Conference Centre Kaduna 1st -6th June, 2008.
  5. Participants, at the Dissemination Workshop on Utilization of HINARI Resources among Researchers and Clinicians in Health Institutions in SouthwesternNigeria. Heldat IAMRAT Conference Hall College of Medicine, U.C.H Ibadan 9th Dec, 2009.
  6. Participants, at the 2009 Conference and Annual General Meeting (A G M) of the Ogun State Chapter of Nigerian Library Association (N. L. A) Held atSimeon Adebo Library Kuto Abeokuta Ogun State 4thMarch, 2010.


1.within the University:

(i) Advise students on moral, academic and ethical value

  1. Outside the university:

(i)Counsel member of the Community towards good behavior and honesty

(ii)Empathy for the physically challenged and less privileged


My contribution to knowledge are derived from my area of specialization that cut across various disciplines such as information science and Human Resources Development programmes in Nigerian universities, These area of specialization form the basis of my research topics, which were derived from provision of referenceservices to library users, getting involve in information literacy to students and staff of the university library at the College of Engineering and Environmental Technology, Ibogun Campus. Presently, as Serials librarian where serials services are offered to library users.

The under listed research article highlights some of the area of my specialization.

1.Research on Job Performance and Satisfaction among Junior Staff of the Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago Iwoye Ogun State

The study (Ref C V. Pg.6 Article 4), this work revealed that when workers are rewarded for their hard works, it would propel them to put in their best into the job. The management team of the institution has a role to play towards the satisfaction of workers.To enhance higher productivity therefore, staff of the library should be paid other allowance apart from the one received presently. Constant and adequate training programmes be organized for workers to update their knowledge and assist them to perform better. The working condition and environmental factor should be conducive enough to promote better performance in the day to day routine of the library operation.

2.Research on use of school libraries by Teachers in Ogun State

The studyin (Ref C.V. Pg 5. Article1). The study conclude that: School library is an essential part ofthe educational system that provides information resources for students and staff to enhance theirperformance on the job. To promote the use of the library the study recommends adequate funding of the school libraries and attendance of seminars, in services training and other developmental programmes to enhance their performance on the job.

3. Research work on impact of leadershipon Information Services in Nigerian University libraries

The study (Ref. C.V. Pg. 6 Article 2),this study concludes that leadership behavior count more thanacquisition and preservation of information resources in the library. The effectiveness of an academic librarian is demonstrated through the skills that these information professionalsprovide tousers in securing appropriate resources, a positive working environment and the ability to achieved goals of the information services.Moreover, the article show that conflicting goals that is essential in human organization between management andemployees will lower morale, lessen level of motivation and eventual affect the objectives of the library as a service institutions

4.Research on Role of the Library in the Accreditation Programmes of the NigerianPolytechnics.

The study (Ref. C V. Pg.6 Article 5), this work shows that library at the Polytechnic occupies a central place in their academic programmes .The problem of human and materials resources should be addressed to ensure effective services provision of the library and its personnel intechnical education in Nigeria.

5.Information needs and seeking habits of Academic staff in Ibogun Campus of the Olabisi Onabanjo University

The Study (Ref C.V. Pg, 6 Article 3).The author is of the opinion that the lecturers in the College have some information needs which have not been met by the library at the campus. As a way forward the paper recommend that the only library in the college should be adequately funded to employ morequalified staff to meet the enormous demands made on them by users. Thecollege management should put in place programmes that will promote learning and research. Acquisition drive of the college should be centered on print and non print materials that can aid teaching and learning.


------12th June 2016-


Signature Date




Journal Articles
1 / Empirical / 2006 / Nigerian School Library Journal. 5(2): 32-41 (ISSN 0331-8214). / Published / Nigeria / A / 1 / 1 / 3
2 / Opinion / 2007 / The Nigerian Library Link, 5(1): 55-65. / Published / Nigeria / C / 2 / 2 / 2
3 / Empirical / 2007 / Gateway Library Journal.
7 (1&2): 44-64. ISSN: 1119-6041). / Published / Nigeria / A / 1 / 1 / 3
4 / Empirical / 2007 / O O U J E T Journal of Environmental Technology.1 (1&2):62-68. / Published / Nigeria / A / 1 / 1 / 3
5 / Opinion / 2008 / International Journal of Multi –disciplinary.1 (1):113-116. / Published / Nigeria / D / 2 / 1 / 1.8
6 / 0pinion / 2009 / Journal of Information Resources Management.2(1:62-79 / Published / Nigeria / E / 2 / 2 / 1.2
*7 / Empirical / 2010 / Library Philosophy and Practice Paper Available online at 2000. / Published / U S A / D / 2 / 1 / 1.8
*8 / Opinion / 2011 / P N LA. Quarterly. 75:3
(Spring 2011) Available online at .pnla.org. / Published / U S A / C / 1 / 1 / 2.0
*9 / Empirical / 2012 / Library Philosophy and Practice, (January). Paper Available online at //lpp.htm / Published / U S A / B / 3 / 1 / 2.4
10. / Empirical / 2013 / Journal of Library, Education Media, and Information Studies, 5(1): 61-72. / Published / Nigeria / C / 3 / 2 / 2.0


Journal Articles
1 / Adeniji M.A. (2006) / Use of School libraries by Teachers in Ogun State. Nigerian School library Journal. 5(2):32-42 .(ISSN:0331-8214) / Empirical / I initiated thework, conducted the literature search, did the analysisand wrote the final draft. Thepercentage of my contribution to this work is 100% / On shore / Published / 3
2 / Onasote. A.O. and AdenijiM. A. (2007) / Impact of Leadership on Effective Information Services in Nigeria University libraries” The Nigerian Library Links, 5 (1): 55-65 / Opinion / This work was carried out by the two authors A .O initiated the study and wrote the introduction section, while Author M.A. managed the literature searches, wrote the conclusion and recommendation At the end the two authors read and approval the final draft. Contribution to this work is 50%. / On shore / Published / 2
3 / AdenijiM. A. (2007). / Information Needs and Seeking Habits of Academic Staff in Ibogun Campus of Olabisi Onabanjo University,Ogun State. Gateway Library Journal, (10).2: 127-135. (ISSN: 1119-6041). / Empirical / I initiated the work, conduct the literature search, did the analysis and wrote the final draft of the work.The percentage of my contribution to this work is 100% / On shore / Published / 3
4 / AdenijiM. A. (2007). / Job Performance and Satisfaction among Junior Staff of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago- Iwoye Ogun State. O O U –JET Journal of Environmental Technology1 (1&2):62-68 / Empirical / I initiated the work, conduct the literature search, did the analysis and wrote the final draft. The percentage of my contribution to this work is 100% / On shore / Published / 3
5 / AdenijiM. A. and Adeniji, S.E (2007). / Role of Library in Accreditation Programmes of Nigerian Polytechnics. International Journal of Multi – discipline Research. (1).1:113-116. / The work was initiated by M A and conducted the literature search. While two authors wrote and approved the final draft. The percentage of my contribution to this work is 60% / On shore / published / 1.8
6 / Babalola, G A and Adeniji M. A.(2009) / Study of Benefits of Copyright Protection among Right Owners in Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria. Journal of Information Resources Management .2(1): 62-79. / Empirical / The first author initiated the work, while the second authors did the literature review as well as analysis the data. Both authors then wrote the final draft. The percentage of my contribution to the work is 50%. / On shore / Published / 1. 2
7 / *Adeniji M.A. and Omale, A (2010) / Teaching Reading Comprehension in Selected Primary School in Oyo state” Library Philosophy and Practice, Available at (U.S. A) / Empirical / The work was initiated by the first author, while the second author wrote the literature review, did the analysis of data. Both author read and approved the final draft. The percentage of my contribution to the work is 50%. / Off shore / Published / 1.8
8 / *Adeniji M.A.(2011) / Training and its Multiplier Effect on Productivity at the Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria” PNLA Quarterly75(3) Available
at (U.S.A) / Opinion / I initiated the work, conduct the literature search and wrote the final draft. The percentage of my contribution to this work is 100% / Off shore / Published / 2.0
9 / *Adeniji M. A. and Babalola, G A Adeniji, S.E. (2012) / Worker Training Programmes in Two University Libraries in Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice. Available at (U.S. A) / Empirical / The research was carried out by the three authors, the first author initiated the study and the second author performed the statistical analysis while all the authors wrote the final draft. The percentage of my contribution to the work is 50%. / Off shore / Published / 2.4
10 / Babalola G.A.,Adeniji, M A. Udoudoh,S.F (2012). / Effect of Environmental Factors on Productivity of Academic librarians in Niger State, Nigeria” Journal of Library, Education Media, and Information Studies, 5(1):61-72. / Empirical / The research was carried out by the three authors, the first author designed the study and the second author performed the statistical analysis while all the authors read and wrote the final draft. The percentage of my contribution to the work is 50%. / On shore / Published / 2


Paper by paper evaluation

S/N / Author’s, Title and Publisher’s, Name / Distribution(National or International) / Quality Rating / Points / Remarks
1 / Adeniji, M.A. (2006) Use of School libraries by Teachers in Ogun State. Nigerian School library Journal. / National / A / 3.0 / Associationbased Journal
2 / Onasote. A.O.and Adeniji,M. A. (2007) Impact of Leadership on Effective Information Services in Nigeria University libraries” The Nigerian Library Links, Nigeria / National / C / 2.0 / Association based Journal
3 / AdeniAdeniji,M. A. (2007)Information Needs and Seeking Habits, of Academic Staff in Ibogun Campus of Olabisi Onabanjo University,Ogun State. Gateway Library Journal, Nigeria / National / A / 3.0 / Association based Journal,
4 / Adeniji,M .A. (2007). Job Performance and Satisfaction among Junior Staff of the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago- Iwoye Ogun State. O O U –JET Journal of Environmental Technology., Ibogun Campus of Olabisi Onabanjo University Nigeria / National / A / 3.0 / Institutional based Journal
5. / Adeniji, M. A and Adeniji, S.E (2008) Role of Library in Accreditation Programmes of Nigerian Polytechnics. International Journal of Multi – discipline Research.Nigeria / National / D / 1.8 / Institutional based Journal
6 / Babalola, G A &Adeniji, M. A. (2009) Study of Benefits of Copyright Protection among Right Owners in Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria. Journal of Information Resources Management. Nigeria / National / E / 1.2 / Association based Journal
7 / Adeniji, M.A. and Omale, A (2010) Teaching Reading Comprehension in Selected Primary School in Oyo state” Library Philosophy and Practice, Available at (U.S. A) / International / D / 1.8 / Institutional based Journal
8 / Adeniji, M.A.(2011) Training and its Multiplier Effect on Productivity at the Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria” PNLA Quarterly75(3) Available at (U.S.A) / International / C / 2.0 / Institutional based Journal
9 / Adeniji, M. A. and Babalola, G A Adeniji, S.E. (2012) Worker Training Programmes in Two University Libraries in Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice. Available at (U.S. A) / International / B / 2.4 / Institutional based Journal
10 / Babalola G.A., Adeniji, M A. Udoudoh,S.F (2012). Effect of Environmental Factors on Productivity of Academic librarians in Niger State, Nigeria” Journal of Library, Education Media, and Information Studies, Nigeria / National / C / 2.0 / Association. based Journal
TOTAL / 22.2