Choral Directors’ Association
Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2013
I. Call to order
Jennifer Grant-Dupuy called to order the regular meeting of the Choral Directors’ Association at 6:24 PM on November 4, 2013 at Nicholls State University.
II. Roll call
Sarah Melohn conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Valencia Pleasant, Ginny Medina-Hamilton, Shonie Morvant, Jennifer Grant-Dupuy, Nicole Webb, Kenny Klaus, Sarah Todd, Cherise Songiet, Jacklyn Konicek, Tonia Hampton, Beth Dupuy, Mary Luquette, Mike Townsend
III. State LMEA Business
- Solo & Ensemble festivals will be held in the Spring
- There has been talk about having regional State Festivals – mostly district 3 and directed towards bands
- District III has suggested having an additional Festival at the end of March, but no progress has been made towards it.
- District Assessment dates will be March 20-21st at Nicholls; if necessary, the dates can be changed to March 19-20th if problems arise.
- 1st Round Audition Issues:
o There were issues with 1st round audition screens, and not having a monitor.
o Suggestion to have 1st round auditions at the same time as band auditions (Wednesday evening)
o Suggestion to have a monitor in each room
o It would have to be an expectation that directors would have to be there to help. This would not be an optional event.
o Walk-ups would be taken up to a certain point.
o We will meet to discuss this at a later date. Motioned by Ginny, seconded by Jennifer to have a committee to work out the details.
§ Committee to work out the details: Nicole, Ginny, Jennifer, Sarah M.
o This would let kids do both band and choir in one day. It would show them what it’s like to do both groups.
o Jim will ask Fran about 1st round audition piece options.
- Misc. – District VII had 27 (band) groups at State Festival.
IV. Calendar
- Check the website for dates.
V. District Honor Choir
- Returned forms and fees / Directors must have IMCOMPLETE paperwork and fees due by the first Thursday night rehearsal. TO AVOID IMCOMPLETE PAPERWORK, USE THE CHECKLIST!
- Check the calendar for rehearsal dates/ times. Send reminder letters to students and permission slips if necessary.
- Elementary accompanist will be Jennifer Eastland.
- Elementary – 90ish kids
- Each director can recommend UP to 2 more students by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th.
Jr. High
- Casey Haynes will be the accompanist
- Anthony Sears will need a hotel room
- Boys will sing “Viva Viva” as written.
- Altos and Sopranos will sing scales to differentiate/distinguish altos from sopranos (due to audition piece).
- Sarah Todd will be the accompanist
- “Circle of Motion” will be cut from the repertoire list.
- Susan needs an airline ticket. Nicole will make the reservations.
Sr. High
- Andy needs an accompanist - Howard is not able to do it this year.
o Nicole will call Rachel B. Klaus
- Motioned by Tonia (seconded by Ginny) that if we have to go out of the district, (on an emergency/ last resort basis) we will pay mileage.
- Ginny and Sarah M. will handle all of the paperwork. Craig will handle all deposits.
- Students auditioning Saturday will be sent paperwork. DO NOT PRINT PAPERWORK.
- Elementary directors, print paperwork and send it to Sarah M. ASAP. Do not worry about the colored paper situation.
Recorded Entries
- 1 CD per kid. Record auditions with Name, Voice Part, & Teacher’s MENC number.
Honor Choir Duties
- Sarah M. will send a revised duty list to everyone by Thursday.
Other Business
- NAfME National Conference – Teacher Evaluation
o NAfME has put together a task force and 2 workbooks based around the Danielle Davidson Rubric and put the rubric (ex. COMPASS) in music language and how it would look in the real music classroom.
o The workbook is available for purchase through NAfME for $34.95. It is a working document, but is a great resource.
o – Connecticut’s Common Assessment website. Based around outcomes of creating, performing, and reflecting. Great resource!!!! Ginny will put the link on the website.
- Common Core Correlation – in our profession, we teach “the process” – advocacy tool.
- Chorally, Louisiana was represented by 5 students, all from Hahnville High School!!
- If you have more/any questions, ask Ginny! She is happy to share!
- IF you have a District registration, please send it to !!!
- Music distribution – first order should be made the first week of December so music packets can begin being delivered the week before students leave for Christmas break.
Jennifer Grant-Dupuy adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM
Minutes submitted by: Sarah Melohn