Choral Directors’ Association

Meeting Minutes

November 4, 2013

I.  Call to order

Jennifer Grant-Dupuy called to order the regular meeting of the Choral Directors’ Association at 6:24 PM on November 4, 2013 at Nicholls State University.

II.  Roll call

Sarah Melohn conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Valencia Pleasant, Ginny Medina-Hamilton, Shonie Morvant, Jennifer Grant-Dupuy, Nicole Webb, Kenny Klaus, Sarah Todd, Cherise Songiet, Jacklyn Konicek, Tonia Hampton, Beth Dupuy, Mary Luquette, Mike Townsend

III.  State LMEA Business

-  Solo & Ensemble festivals will be held in the Spring

-  There has been talk about having regional State Festivals – mostly district 3 and directed towards bands

-  District III has suggested having an additional Festival at the end of March, but no progress has been made towards it.

-  District Assessment dates will be March 20-21st at Nicholls; if necessary, the dates can be changed to March 19-20th if problems arise.

-  1st Round Audition Issues:

o  There were issues with 1st round audition screens, and not having a monitor.

o  Suggestion to have 1st round auditions at the same time as band auditions (Wednesday evening)

o  Suggestion to have a monitor in each room

o  It would have to be an expectation that directors would have to be there to help. This would not be an optional event.

o  Walk-ups would be taken up to a certain point.

o  We will meet to discuss this at a later date. Motioned by Ginny, seconded by Jennifer to have a committee to work out the details.

§  Committee to work out the details: Nicole, Ginny, Jennifer, Sarah M.

o  This would let kids do both band and choir in one day. It would show them what it’s like to do both groups.

o  Jim will ask Fran about 1st round audition piece options.

-  Misc. – District VII had 27 (band) groups at State Festival.

IV. Calendar

Check the website for dates.

V. District Honor Choir

- Returned forms and fees / Directors must have IMCOMPLETE paperwork and fees due by the first Thursday night rehearsal. TO AVOID IMCOMPLETE PAPERWORK, USE THE CHECKLIST!

- Check the calendar for rehearsal dates/ times. Send reminder letters to students and permission slips if necessary.


- Elementary accompanist will be Jennifer Eastland.

- Elementary – 90ish kids

- Each director can recommend UP to 2 more students by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th.

Jr. High

-  Casey Haynes will be the accompanist

-  Anthony Sears will need a hotel room

-  Boys will sing “Viva Viva” as written.

-  Altos and Sopranos will sing scales to differentiate/distinguish altos from sopranos (due to audition piece).


-  Sarah Todd will be the accompanist

-  “Circle of Motion” will be cut from the repertoire list.

-  Susan needs an airline ticket. Nicole will make the reservations.

Sr. High

-  Andy needs an accompanist - Howard is not able to do it this year.

o  Nicole will call Rachel B. Klaus

-  Motioned by Tonia (seconded by Ginny) that if we have to go out of the district, (on an emergency/ last resort basis) we will pay mileage.


-  Ginny and Sarah M. will handle all of the paperwork. Craig will handle all deposits.

-  Students auditioning Saturday will be sent paperwork. DO NOT PRINT PAPERWORK.

Elementary directors, print paperwork and send it to Sarah M. ASAP. Do not worry about the colored paper situation.

Recorded Entries

-  1 CD per kid. Record auditions with Name, Voice Part, & Teacher’s MENC number.

Honor Choir Duties

-  Sarah M. will send a revised duty list to everyone by Thursday.

Other Business

-  NAfME National Conference – Teacher Evaluation

o  NAfME has put together a task force and 2 workbooks based around the Danielle Davidson Rubric and put the rubric (ex. COMPASS) in music language and how it would look in the real music classroom.

o  The workbook is available for purchase through NAfME for $34.95. It is a working document, but is a great resource.

o – Connecticut’s Common Assessment website. Based around outcomes of creating, performing, and reflecting. Great resource!!!! Ginny will put the link on the website.

-  Common Core Correlation – in our profession, we teach “the process” – advocacy tool.

-  Chorally, Louisiana was represented by 5 students, all from Hahnville High School!!

-  If you have more/any questions, ask Ginny! She is happy to share!

IF you have a District registration, please send it to !!!

-  Music distribution – first order should be made the first week of December so music packets can begin being delivered the week before students leave for Christmas break.

Jennifer Grant-Dupuy adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM

Minutes submitted by: Sarah Melohn