Annual Kate Davidson Tanner Award Nominations
Kate Davidson Tanner was an early childhood educator who was committed to making a difference in the lives of children. Her family and friends have created an award to recognize her strong commitment to the children in our state.
MnAEYC and the family of Kate Davidson Tanner give an annual award to recognize an individual working in an early childhood program who demonstrates excellence in his/her profession.
This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize someone who you work with or know who has made a positive difference in the lives of young children. This can be your child’s preschool teacher or your colleague in a childcare center. The individual will receive a certificate and a small stipend in recognition of their achievement.
Please see the attached criteria to see if an individual you know would be deserving of this award.
The recipient will receive a certificate, a small stipend in recognition of his/her achievement and a celebration in their honor.
Deadline for submission is March 18, 2016.
Checklist for Submission of Nominee
q Submit nomination form (attached).
q Check all the criteria that apply to the nominee (on attached form).
q Submit nominee’s resume.
q Submit at least two letters of recommendation from the nominee’s co-workers, supervisor, peers, clients, or colleagues.
q Submit one picture (black and white or color, 5x7" or smaller) of nominee with photo release. Photo becomes property of the Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children and cannot be returned.
q Deadline for submission is March 18, 2016. Nominations must be postmarked or e-marked by that date to be considered for selection.
Please send nominations to:
2610 University Ave. W. Suite 425; St. Paul, MN 55114
or to
Thank you for your participation!
2016 Kate Davidson Tanner Award in Early Childhood
Nomination Form
Top of Form 1
[Please print carefully to avoid misspellings. Please verify spelling before submission.]
Nominee Name:
First Middle Initial Last Name
City: Minnesota Zip Code:
Day Phone: ( ) - Evening Phone: ( ) -
Email: @
Submitted by:
City: State: Zip Code:
Day Phone: ( ) - Evening Phone: ( ) -
Email: @
Criteria for the 2016 Kate Davidson Tanner Award in Early Childhood
The nominee is:
(Please check all that apply.)
q An outstanding teacher of children in an early childhood setting.
q Currently working in an early childhood program; either as a teacher, director, or aide.
q Showing a lifetime commitment to the early childhood field.
q A resident of the state of Minnesota.
q An individual who has made a positive impact on the lives of young children.
q An individual who has been in the profession for more than five years (by nomination deadline).
q A current member, in good standing, of the Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children (MnAEYC).
**Candidates receiving the nomination for Kate Davidson Tanner Early Childhood Award may only receive this award once in a lifetime.
**Current members of the MnAEYC Board of Directors may not be nominated for this award.
Letters of Recommendation for the
2016 Kate Davidson Tanner Award in Early Childhood
The nomination should include at least two letters of recommendation from the nominee’s co-workers, supervisor, peers, clients, or colleagues.
The letters should include:
· Any accomplishments that the nominee has achieved to make them eligible for this award.
· How this person has made an impact on your life, an early childhood program, or the profession as a whole.