The Outline

Review the assignment once more and make a beginning outline of what you will write. Divide the outline into three parts Introduction—where you will have your thesis statement and some beginning remarks, Body—which will include at least three (3) main topics and Conclusion—summarizing each of the three points made in the body, a restatement of your thesis and your conclusions.

A beginning outline should help organize the paper, it is the road map for your paper. You may wind up doing it after you have read and made some note cards to see what is out there on your topic, or, you may do it as soon as you get the assignment since what to write is clearly stated by your teacher. You can use the “Rule of 3” -- find 3 supporting arguments for each point you discuss-- start with a strong argument, followed by a stronger one, and end with the strongest argument as your final point.

I would make it a simple Word document that you can add to as you write:


Why you are writing the paper/describe problem or issue*






Final concluding statement

Conclusion is where you can really shine—what are your opinions about the topic? If you disliked the topic why? Can you apply the topic to your life experiences? Why or why not?

Topic: Asbestos Poisoning

1.  Introduction

1.  Definition of Asbestos Poisoning

2.  Significance of the Study

3.  Definition of Terms

2.  Body

1.  Symptoms of Asbestos Poisoning

2.  Effects of Asbestos Poisoning

3.  Treatments

3.  Conclusion

1.  Conclusion

2.  Recommendations

1.  How to Deal with Asbestos Hazards


o  Do I want to convince my readers that I am right about a specific point? (This is an argumentative purpose.)

o  Do I need to draw general conclusions from facts and specific evidence? (This is an analytical purpose.)

o  Do I want to explain something in detail and show its role in a larger context? (This is an explanatory purpose.)