Public Works Department
Facilities Management Division Memorandum
TO: Municipal Complex Occupants
FROM: Facilities Management Division
SUBJECT: Thefts in the Workplace
Tacoma Municipal Building & Tacoma Municipal Building North
DATE: March 2, 2009
There have been several thefts of personal and City property recently from the Municipal Buildings. We would like to remind everyone that both City and personal property should be secured when left unattended. This can mean ensuring doors, desks, and file cabinets are locked during lunch breaks, non-business hours, or any other period when the items are left unobserved. Purses, electronics, etc. should be secured and kept out of sight.
The Municipal Buildings remain open to the public during normal business hours and into the evenings as necessary to accommodate scheduled meetings. As such, the public can access any floor once inside the building. The most effective form of security in this environment is to ensure office entrance doors are locked when left unoccupied.
Facilities Management and Risk Management are currently looking at ways to increase the security of the building. We need everyone’s help in this endeavor. You can help by immediately reporting suspicious behavior or loss of property to Justin Davis via email/blackberry or at 591-5449. If it is a life threatening emergency please dial 9-1-1.
We would also like to remind you that Personnel Management Policy 195 (http://cityweb/Departments/HR/Documents/PMPs/PMP%20195.pdf) specifies that employees assigned to work at the Tacoma Municipal Building and Tacoma Municipal Building North are required to display in full view their identification badges at all times when at work. Division/Department managers are responsible for assuring employees wear their badges in accordance with the provisions of this policy and assuring that the badges are retrieved in an instance of retirement or termination. The same policy of retrieval should also apply to hard-keys that are issued to employees.
If you have any questions or concerns as it relates to this memo please feel free to contact Justin Davis at 591-5449.
747 Market Street, Room 744 || Tacoma, Washington 98402-3769