MIC 104E: Winter 2008 Page 1


1974 - MIC 104E - Section IP1, Winter Quarter 2008 - 2 credits

Microsoft Excel 2007 Spreadsheets

Type of Course:Professional/Vocational

Length of Course:11 weeks

Prerequisites:None, but MIC 101 is recommended

Classroom & Time:Lab Hours: Lab 3168: Tuesday & Thursday 10:00–10:50 a.m.

Instructor:Yun Moh


E-Mail Address:

Web site:

Office: Office 3176

Office Hours:Posted at the Web site

REQUIREDText: “Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Complete”, Shelly and Cashman, 2008

REQUIREDMaterials:A USB drive or similar device

Americans With If you need course adaptations or accommodations

Disabilities Act:because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible

Course Description:Mic 104E explains how to use Microsoft's Excel 2007 spreadsheet software.

Course Objectives/Students will learn to use spreadsheets to setup, solve,

Outcomes:troubleshoot and analyze a variety of problems encountered in everyday business situations. Problem solving and mathematical skills will enhance one’s ability to successfully complete the course


Philosophy:Learning by practicing and helping

Course Contents:This is a tentative outline of the topics to be covered in the following weeks and is subject to change

Week 1: / Course Overview, My Computer (file management)
Weeks 1 & 2: / Chapter 1 & 2– Excel Introduction, Creating Worksheets and Charts
Weeks 3 & 4: / Formulas, Functions, Formatting
Weeks 5 & 6: / What-If-Analysis
Weeks 7 & 8: / Financial Functions
Weeks 9 & 10: / Sorting and Filtering
Weeks 11 / Creating Templates and Multiple Worksheets

Instruction Method:The chief method of instruction is: Learning by doing! Each lab day is analogous to a building block. Coming to class everyday and finishing the cases should enable the student to "complete" the pyramid by the end of the quarter. As a result, to succeed it is far more important to do the cases and get as much lab time as possible then it is to take notes and memorize information

During lab days I will occasionally give a brief demonstration of a topic. Otherwise, I will take questions from students while they do their cases. Students are encouraged to communicate and cooperate with each other but must work independently of each other. In other words, students must complete and turn in their own work or they will be dismissed from the course

Thursday is the lecture hour. I will do demonstrations, review material, answer questions and hand back homework.

Course work:Cases will be assigned on a weekly basis. Due dates will be given in class. Most course work will be done using the computer. Late assignments will receive an automatic 30% grade deduction unless the student has prior permission to turn in late work. Students who seek permission must inform the instructor prior to a due date. Otherwise, students who wish to turn in late work will have only 5 DAYS to do so. Also, students have only one week to pick up returned homework. Finally: Turning in the final project late will not be allowed so please turn it in on the assigned date

Attendance:Attendance is not graded but is taken periodically to ensure students are registered and attending classes

Should the student choose not to attend the lab sessions, it is the student's responsibility to obtain information regarding homework as well any assignment and syllabus changes

Cheating:Any type of cheating will result in a failing grade for the course and possible expulsion from the college. Cheating includes the following: looking in the direction of another student's quiz/exam or computer screen, plagiarism, exchanging files, substituting a student's work for one's own and using cribnotes to name just a few. Especially problematic is a student copying an assignment for someone else. Please don't do it!

Withdrawals:Students may officially withdraw from the course by January8thwithout instructor permission. February22ndis the last day to withdraw from the course. Instructor permission is required. It is extremely difficult and most unlikely a student a student will be able to receive a No Credit or Incomplete grade

NOTE: It is the student's responsibility to do the proper paperwork when dropping the course. If the student stops attending classes but is still listed on the instructor's grade sheet, the student will flunk the course

Grades:The following is a breakdown of the required course work by the total points possible per section

Case studies/Projects:70%


Grading Scale:The following is the scale used for calculating final marks, where X is a random variable representing the weighted average of the student’s course work results

X  97A:4.072  X  76 C: 1.9 - 2.1

94  X  97A:3.968  X  72 C-: 1.5 - 1.8

90  X  94A-:3.5 - 3.864  X  68 D+: 1.2 -1.4

87  X  90B+:3.2 - 3.460  X  64 D: 0.9 - 1.1

84  X  87B:2.9 - 3.156  X  60 D-: 0.7 - 0.8

80  X  84B-:2.5 - 2.8X  55 F: 0.0

76  X  80C+:2.2 - 2.4