Date & Time: ______
Dog’s Name: ______Dog’s ID#: ______
PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING APPLICATION IN ITS ENTIRETY. Please note, we do not give refunds on adoption fees.
Name: ______
Address:______City______State______Zip______County: ______
Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______Work Phone:______E-Mail Address (Please write clearly):______
Place Of Employment:______Drivers License/State ID number:______Do you live in a: House ______Apartment ______Trailer ______Town Home______Do you: Own ______Rent ______
If you rent what is your landlord’s name and phone number?______
Are you In the process of moving, or anticipate moving in the next few months? Yes______No______
Do you live with your parents?______Are you 18 years of age or older? ______
How did you hear about us? Newspaper___ Comcast On Demand ___ ___ Facebook ___ Twitter ___ Friend/Family Member___ ___ Philadelphia Craigslist ___ Offsite location (PetSmart, Granite Run Mall) [please specify location] ______Other ______
Why are you choosing to adopt from the Delco SPCA? ______What other places have you visited when looking for a pet? Pet Store ______Newspaper ______Other shelter (s)______- please specify where ______
What is your past and/or current experience with dogs? ______1ST time owner ______Have had 1 or 2 dogs as an adult ______Have had more than 3 dogs as an adult ______Had a dog as a child ______Experienced in resolving behavior issues ______Frequently care for friends’ dog(s) ______
What kind of characteristics are you looking for in a dog/puppy? Why are you adopting an animal? ______
Have you adopted from the Delco SPCA before?______If yes, where is the pet now?______What activities do you want to do with your dog/puppy?______Who will care for this dog primarily (feeding, playtime, walks, vet visits)? ______
Have you ever surrendered or given away any pet to an animal welfare group, private rescue or individual person? ______If so, please explain the circumstance: ______
What are some reasons you would relinquish this dog back to the SPCA, e.g. human aggression, animal aggression, housetraining problems, excessive chewing, separation anxiety, moving, having a baby, cannot afford any longer, etc.? ______
Have you ever had a pet: Run away ____Get hit by a car ____ Die in your care? ______Kept as an outdoor pet?______If so, please explain: ______Have you ever: Given/sold an animal to a family member ______Given/sold an animal to other person ______Given an animal to a rescue or other animal welfare society (please list the organization(s))? ______If so, why? ______
What pets do you currently have or have had in the past THREE years in your household?
Are your pets current on vaccinations (received within the last year)? ______Were previous pets taken to the vet annually? _____ Are your pets spayed/neutered? ______Were previous pets spayed/neutered? ______If no, Please explain why? ______Who is your veterinarian? ______Please provide their address and phone number: ______Would the records be under another name other than the one provided on the front of this application? ______If so, please provide the full name: ______Do you have other veterinarians that may have records for your current or past pets? ______If so, please provide their name, address and contact information: ______
Please list the names and ages of all people living in the home and their relationship to you (Spouse/Partner/Roommate/Daughter)? Failure to fully disclose this information will result in immediate adoption denial.
Name and Age: ______Relationship: ______Name and Age: ______Relationship: ______Name and Age: ______Relationship: ______Name and Age: ______Relationship: ______Name and Age: ______Relationship: ______Name and Age: ______Relationship: ______
Do children (not in the immediate family) ever visit your home?______If so, how often: ______Age(s) of the children: ______
Does anyone in the household have allergies to any kind of animals?______If YES, have they consulted with their doctor about getting an animal? ______If YES, are they taking medication?______
Are you In the process of moving, or anticipate moving in the next few months? Yes______No______
If you ever move, have you considered that another place may not allow pets? What will you do if this happens? ______
How would you describe your household? Active____ Noisy____ Quiet____ Average____
Do you have a fenced in yard? ______If yes, describe the area and the fence: ______
Please understand that it may take a new dog 2 weeks or more to adjust to a new home and/or to other pets and visitors.
Where will you keep this dog? (Check ALL that apply)Free run of house ______Crate in house ______Inside Dog ______Outside Dog ______Inside/Outside dog ______In Garage ______Yard with a fence ______Basement ______Other (Please explain)______Where will the dog be kept during the day?______At night? ______How many hours will it spend alone?______Where will it be kept when its alone?______Would you consider using a crate to confine your new dog? ______How long will the dog possibly be crated daily? ______Why do you want a dog? (Check ALL That apply) House Pet______Guard Dog______Breeding______Companionship______Travel Companion______Gift for friend or relative ______Other (Please explain) ______
I certify that I have read this questionnaire and that all information I have given is true and accurate, and that I understand that any falsification may result in the nullification of an adoption.
______Signature Printed Name Date
Note: You must be present at shelter to be approved for adoption! We do not accept applications by e-mail or fax.
***The Delaware County SPCA reserves the right to deny any adoption.***
NOTES (for staff use only):
FOR OFFICE STAFF ONLY (please initial and date)
Adoption Counselor(s): ______DNA Check ______Home ownership/Landlord Approval______Vet Check______ID Check______Family Verification______Meet & Greet ______Read behavior evaluation _____ Read all relevant previous history from memopad _____ Printed and reviewed health records _____ Dog License ______Microchip check _____
Areas of emphasis that were counseled for this pet: Indoor/Outdoor concerns _____ Vet concerns _____ Crating ____ Kid restrictions ______Animal Restrictions ____ Work schedule ______Pet’s activity level/exercise needs _____ Medical conditions ______Other ______