Encore English 10 name:
Mrs. Sharp period:
Hero’s’ Journey Project
Using all you’ve learned about the framework of the Hero’s Journey and the different types of heroes that can be found throughout time and across cultures, you will create a project in which you present a version of the Journey.
You will trace the steps of the Hero’s Journey through a text* of your choice (film, literature, television, graphic novel, etc.) In your presentation of the Journey, you must cover all steps (including information about the Ordinary and Special Worlds). For each step, you must include a detailed description of the text and your rationale/explanation.
You will create your own, original Hero’s Journey text* which represents all the steps of the traditional monomyth (including information about the Ordinary and Special Worlds). Your story must focus on a Hero who takes a Journey to self-discovery and knowledge. Each of the steps of your Hero’s Journey must be clearly marked, and, if necessary, explained.
You will tell the story of the Hero in your text (self-created or not), using details to describe events and give depth to the story. Then, you will analyze and label the steps of the Journey as they appear in your text. You should also explain how that element of the text connects to or represents that particular step in the Hero’s Journey.
All projects must CLEARLY DEFINE and REPRESENT all steps of the Journey:
The Ordinary World
The Special World
The Call to Adventure
Refusal of the Call
Meeting the Mentor
Crossing the Threshold
Threshold Guardian
Tests, Allies, and Enemies
Approaching the Cave
The Ordeal
The Reward
The Road Back
The Death and Resurrection
Return with the Elixir
Regardless of which project you are completing, you have many options for how to present your work. You might choose to:
· Create a poster, with still images/drawings of the story and labels/explanations for each of the steps of the Journey in your text
· Draw a storyboard, charting the process of the Hero’s Journey within the story, describing and explaining the steps as necessary
· Make a PowerPoint presentation of your text, detailing each of the steps of the Journey and including text/images to illustrate the framework within your chosen text
· Make a video slide show of your text, using still images or video clips and labeling each of the steps of the journey therein, including explanation and details where necessary
· Create an original film (using original content or film clips) of your Hero’s Journey, including examples/plot points for each of the steps of the Journey and adding details/explanations where necessary
· Give an informational speech (with or without visual aids) to trace out the steps of the Hero’s Journey within your chosen text, detailing and describing each step
· Create a “storybook” of your text, highlighting the steps of the Hero’s Journey and including details/images to support your understanding of each step
· Write a song (which you will perform/record) about your Hero’s Journey, including details about each step of the Journey with explanations where necessary
· Write an essay in which you analyze a text and explain/describe how it fits into each of the steps of the traditional framework, using details and quotations from the text to support your ideas.
Even if you are basing your work on another artists’ text, your analysis and presentation of it must be your ORIGINAL, INDEPENDENT work; anything else is PLAGIARISM and will result in a ZERO.
Your Hero’s Journey Project must be complete by
the start of your class period on Thursday, October 27th.
Late work will lose 10% each day it is late.
Any work received after the beginning of class on the 27th will be considered “late.”
Absence from school on the due date does NOT ensure an extension or excused lateness.
If you have some mitigating circumstances, you may contact Mrs. Sharp for an extension, but be sure to do this BEFORE the due date.
Any “live” performances (oral presentations, live performance of music, PowerPoint presentations, etc.) will be presented on October 27th. Any other work will be turned in (possibly to be viewed another day). All electronic media must be emailed or brought to school no later than the start of class on Thursday, October 27th.
You will be given time to work in class, in addition to the time you have to work independently outside of class. Use this time wisely. Bring any materials you might need to class with you next week. In addition, you should use the RUBRIC as a guideline as you create and complete your work.