The Brutal Facts About Mission Clearwater Room

Presenter: Jon Strain

Come to this workshop to learn how to embody a relational style of evangelism and discipleship that can be easily embraced by a more “reserved” Lutheran culture. Jon is the Area Director for Search Ministries in Boise which equips adults to compassionately and skillfully express their relationship with God through a lifestyle of ministry in their homes, neighborhoods, places of employment and leisure. Jon grew up Lutheran (ELCA) in SW Montana, and further discovered what it means to be devoted to Christ’s Great Commission from other faith communities.

Catching People With Worship Emerald Room

Presenter: Rob Gohl

In this workshop, explore with Rob how the ELW can be a resource for mission! Rob currently serves as pastor of Grace Lutheran and St. James Episcopal Churches in Cashmere, WA. He recently served on the EWAID Synod Team that introduced the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) at a town near you. Rob enjoys playing the guitar, singing, and songwriting.

Community, Context, and Transition Garnet Room

Presenter: Dr. Gary Waller

In this workshop individuals will be taught how to assess their own: cultural context, leadership, church structures, and community needs in developing strategies for more effective missional ministry implementation. Gary has pastored, taught at the University and Seminary level, and has been a consultant for missional and emerging churches. He currently serves as the Directory of Educational Resources and Vice President of Allelon Ministries (Eagle, Idaho). The most important part of Gary’s life is his wife, Ann, their two children, and four grandchildren.

Getting Jesus Out of the Church: Becoming a Missional Church Opal Room

Presenter: Darius Larsen

In this workshop, explore with Darius how to see Jesus in the world and meet him there! Darius deeply believes that we need to be a more sending people and have too long been focused on gathering.

Darius currently serves as the Mission Director and Stewardship Specialist in both this synod as well as in Montana. He has been a mission pastor, parish pastor and campus pastor in Colorado, New Mexico, and Minnesota.

Great Commission: Reclaimed (first session only) Northstar Room

Presenter: Bp. Claude E. Payne

Meet Bp. Payne in a more intimate setting to further explore what it means for the church to deepen and broaden its evangelism, enhance community experience, and renew hope of personal and spiritual transformation through reclaiming the Great Commission. Bishop Payne is co-author with Hamilton Beazley of the book, Reclaiming the Great Commission. He served as the seventh Bishop in the Diocese of Texas (retired) and is married to Barbara King. He has a distinguished history of service to the church.

Great Commission: What Kind of Fire? (second session only) Northstar Room

Presenter: Bp. Martin Wells

In recent months, Bishop Wells hosted “Great Commission-Great Commandment” conversations throughout the synod. In this workshop, the conversation continues. Bp. Wells is on fire about mission! Be ready for your imagination to be ignited to the possibilities for mission and ministry in our synod (heat resistant clothing not required). Martin Wells has served as bishop of the Eastern Washington-Idaho synod since 1999.

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Gutenberg to Google: Theological Publishing for the 21st Century Cinnabar Room

Presenter: Martin Seltz

Gutenberg to Google examines how we – like Luther – use technology to proclaim the Gospel in new ways! Martin Seltz is the Publisher for Worship and Music at Augsburg Fortress. A member of Christ Church Lutheran in Minneapolis, Martin came to Augsburg Fortress after fifteen years of pastoral ministry in Livonia, Michigan. Since 2001, Martin has been serving on the ELCA’s management staff for the Renewing Worship project.

The Lutheran – Your Magazine (second session only) Delamar Room

Presenter: Daniel Lehmann

This workshop is an opportunity to meet the current editor of The Lutheran magazine and to hear what’s new and share your concerns. A lifelong Lutheran with decades of experience in secular journalism, Daniel Lehmann, like many of you is interested in the theological and historical roots of our faith and how that plays out in the contemporary world. He wants to know what our church leaders are thinking, what other Lutherans are doing, how religion in general influences and is impacted by culture. His favorite reading materials are newspapers, specialty magazines and non-fiction.

Manna and Mercy Riverside Boardroom

Presenter: Lisa Kraft

Lisa will offer an overview of the book and ways to use it for adult bible study. Lisa is a member of King of Glory Lutheran Church (Boise) and has been involved with Christian Education for over 12 years and is currently leading a class there on this book. With her husband, she co-led a weekend at Luther Heights Bible Camp on the Early Christian Church and the Nicene Creed. A member of the Synod council, she has a wonderful husband, Todd, and two teen-age children, Joanna and Brian. She works for the American Red Cross Blood Services in validation and equipment management.

Public Church Advocacy & Mission Topaz Room

Presenter: Paul Benz

Come and discuss how advocacy and mission relate. Pastor Benz serves as the Director of the Lutheran Public Policy Office of Washington State where the mission is to advocate justice for all of creation and particularly the “least of these in our midst” in three key areas:

*Church-educating congregations

*Legislative Advocacy – at local, state and federal levels

*Community Involvement – partnering with other groups sharing a mission.

What’s up with the ELCA (first session only) Delamar Room

Presenter: Christina Jackson-Skelton

What’s happening throughout the ELCA? Come to this workshop to find out! Christina is the churchwide representative to our assembly this year, representing Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson. Christina Jackson-Skelton is the treasurer of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Prior to her election she served in the finance area in the Division of Global Mission.

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