Compassion in Practice Action Area One
6Cs, 6 actions areas and 6 areas (in AA1) where nurses, midwives, health visitors and care staff make a difference every day to improving and protecting healthacross personalized care to population health. #the 6Cs live! Week of Action, beginning 28th Oct to 4th Nov, celebrates and spreads that work and shares ideas about how our professions can have even more impact.
The diagram above sets out 6 domains linking to the public health outcomes framework, to social care and to ‘health of children and young people’ – areas where our professions take a leading role – providing personalized care and improving population health. National leaders have given us their thoughts and support for this week of action - you can read their quotes below.
Public Health Outcomes Framework
The new public health outcomes framework concentrates on two high-level outcomes to be achieved across the public health system. These are:
- increased healthy life expectancy
- reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities
The outcomes reflect a focus not only on how long people live but on how well they live at all stages of life. The second outcome focuses attention on reducing health inequalities between people, communities and areas. Using a measure of both life expectancy and healthy life expectancy will enable the use of the most reliable information available to understand the nature of health inequalities both within areas and between areas.
A set of supporting public health indicators will help focus understanding of progress year by year nationally and locally on those things that matter most to public health. The indicators, which cover the full spectrum of public health and what can be currently realistically measured, are grouped into four ‘domains’:
- improving the wider determinants of health
- health improvement
- health protection
- healthcare public health and preventing premature mortality
We are using these in our 6Cs live week of action together with
- Supporting health being and independence especially on older age and with social care
- Life course – a Healthy Start - focus on children young people
Published Public Health Nursing and Midwifery Products:
All of the products via the following embedded attachment are relevant to action area 1. You could choosea couple that resonate with you to tweet - anything you feel you want to re-promote and get out into“twittersphere” or anything that links to visits or events you are attending.
Improving the wider determinants of health
Objective: Improvements against wider factors that affect health and wellbeing, and health inequalities
Duncan Selbie - Chief Executive of Public Health England (PHE)
“As Chief Executive of Public Health England, I am committed to the contribution all nurses make to improving the public's health and am proud to be associated with the national nursing strategy Compassion in Practice. PHE Director of Nursing Viv Bennett and her deputy Joanne Bosanquet are leading for PHE on Action Area 1, Helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes. 28th October 2013 sees the start of a week-long diary of activities to promote the public’s health as everyone’s business and making every contact count. We look forward to supporting this vital work. See or link in via twitter to @VivjBennett @MrsBosanquet @PHE_UK @6CsLive #AA1 #6CsLive”
Health Improvement
Objective: People are helped to live healthy lifestyles, make healthy choices and reduce health inequalities
Kevin Fenton - Director of Health and Wellbeing – PHE
“As Director of PHE’s Health and Wellbeing Directorate, I believe nurses are integral to and are well placed to influence the public health agenda and making every contact count. We are establishing various Programme Boards and through close working with the Nursing Directorate, we will ensure PHE nurses have a place.
I am delighted to be supporting Action Area 1: Helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes of the national nursing strategy Compassion in Practice. PHE’s Nursing Directorate will be engaging in various activities throughout the week of action which begins on 28th October 2013. Some of these include webinars focusing on school aged children, making every contact count and place based health and social care. See link in via twitter to @VivjBennett @MrsBosanquet @PHE_UK @6CsLive #AA1 #6CsLive “
Health Protection
Objective: The population’s health is protected from major incidents and other threats, while reducing health inequalities
Paul Cosford – Director of Health Protection – PHE
As Director of PHE’s Health Protection Directorate, I consider nurses to play a vital role both within public health and more specifically in health protection. Nurses are integral to the effective prevention, management and control of infection and the recently published Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Strategy is a prime example of where nurses can and do make a difference.
I am pleased to support supporting Action Area 1: Helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes of the national nursing strategy Compassion in Practice. The week of action begins on 28th October 2013 and Viv Bennett along with her deputy Joanne Bosanquet will be tweeting, running a webinar and contributing to a twitter chat. Health protection is an integral component of this work and Joanne will be visiting an outreach immunisations team on 31st October. For more information, see or link in via twitter @VivjBennett @MrsBosanquet @PHE_UK @6CsLive #AA1 #6CsLive
Health Care Public Health
andMaking Every Contact Count
Reduced numbers of people living with preventable ill health and people dying prematurely, while reducing the gap between communities
Felicity Harvey – Director General for Public Health – Department of Health
“As Director General for Public Health, I understand the significant contribution that all nurses and midwives can make to the public’s health and wellbeing. The work that we are undertaking at the DH to strengthen the visibility and contribution of nurses and midwives to the public health agenda is a vital part of this, and I am proud of the work the Department is doing to lead and shape work.
I am particularly pleased to be supporting Action Area 1 of the National Nursing Strategy, Compassion in Practice: Helpingpeople to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes.
Nurses and midwives are ideally and uniquely placed to identify and use opportunities to promote health and well-being. They have the skills and opportunities to work at population, community, family and individual levels and – by making every contact count – can make a real difference. Promoting the public’s health is everyone’s business and this week of action gives us a fantastic opportunity to raise the profile of the nurse’s contribution.
The Nursing team within my Public Health Directorate will be engaging in a range of activities andincluding webinars and contributions to social media throughout the week of 28th October 2013. For more information see or link via twitter to @VivjBennett @Mrs Bosanquet @PHE_UK @6CsLive #AA1 #6CsLive”
PHOF Domain 5
Vulnerable Older People Plan: Right Care Right Place Right Time – How can we improve health and care for vulnerable older people
‘Staying Healthy for Longer’ ‘Joining Up Services’
Jon Rouse –Director General of Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships – Department of Health
“I am really pleased that Compassion in Practice emphasises the value of nurses and care staff working in care settings. It is great that Action Area 1 focusses on Helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomesand recognises the complexities of providing integrated care across the health and social care system.I look forward to the collaboration between teams in the Department of Health and other partners working together to improve quality of experience for those in our care.“
See link in via twitter to @VivjBennett @MrsBosanquet @PHE_UK @6CsLive #AA1 #6CsLive “
PHOF Domain 6
Healthy Child Programme 0-5 and 5-19 :Improving all children’s life chances y giving families the help they need to keep their children healthy and safe
‘Prevention early intervention good physical health strong emotional resilience’
Dame Liz Fradd - Chair Health Visitor Taskforce, Member of Children’s and Young People’s Forum
"A life-course approach to public health enables a focus on people and provides evidence based interventions that improve health and wellbeing.
The start of life and the developing years are vital and midwives, health visitors and school nurses are key professionals in providing the Healthy Child Programme ensuring that all families get support and those who need more help have effective early interventions. Their work is vital to help support families and communities so that our children and young people have the best start in life.
"I am therefore delighted to be endorsing the '6Cs live week of action on maximising well-being and improving health outcomes'. This is a great opportunity to raise the profile of the work nurses, midwives and carers do in improving the publics' health."