Parks Advisory Board Minutes – October 5, 2012 Page 2
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting of October 5, 2012
7:30 a.m. – Tree Tops Park – Davie
Board Members Present / County Staff:Terry Danger / Dan West, Parks Director
Sharon Kent / Jim Federici, HCED
Marc Kiar / Cheryl Cayer, Parks
Stephen Lawson / Chris Deal, Parks
Alex Lazowick / Caleb Gunter, Parks
Jack Mathison / Cathy Hagen, Parks
Stephanie Munson / Sarah Perkins, Parks
Bill Norkunas / Gayle Preston, Parks
Bill Spute / Barbara Reinking, Parks
Board Members Absent
Patrick Brochu
Christina Clifford
Tyson Jones
Dana MacDonald
Howard Nelson
Guy Roper
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Board) meeting was called to order by Bill Spute, chair, at 7:36 a.m., after which all present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called; a quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made by Board member Danger to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2012, meeting. The motion was seconded by Board member Kent, and passed unanimously.
Park Manager’s Report: Barbara Reinking, Parks and Recreation Manager III, welcomed the Board members to Tree Tops Park. Ms. Reinking provided a brief report on the park facilities. Ms. Reinking distributed a list of amenities that are currently offered at the park. She described plans for future renovations, including those that will involve creative partnerships with Scouts, Trail Riders and other groups. Board member Lawson questioned the level of crime at the park. Ms. Reinking stated that she was aware of two vehicle break-ins in the last six months and that Davie police are patrolling regularly. Board member Munson asked about the relationship of the Trail Riders with the park, and whether park management is satisfied. Ms. Reinking responded that their relationship is excellent. Ms. Munson stated that Tree Tops’ marked trails are very good, and that the bikers, hikers and horseback riders safely share the trails at Tree Tops.
Bond Construction Update: Jim Federici, Parks Planning and Design, provided an update on current bond construction projects. The project to replace the existing stairs and handrail system and to strip and re-stain the building’s exterior at Fern Forest Nature Center is complete. Phase I of the Miramar Pineland design-build project is ongoing and includes pedestrian trails, information kiosks, a playground and picnic facilities. The contractor has completed all underground utilities, the restroom building, shelters, roads, parking lots and the playground. The walkways and overlook are 80% complete, with substantial completion anticipated by December 2012. The West Creek Pineland (pedestrian) Bridge to connect Broward County property to the Coconut Creek greenway trail is complete except for a few punch list items and a change work order. Complaints about the bridge’s appearance are being addressed. Other projects are being reviewed by the Purchasing Division and are expected to be out for bid soon. The design is complete for the maintenance facility at Central Broward Regional Park and has been submitted to the City of Lauderhill for review. The schematic for the new bridge at Everglades Holiday Park is complete. This will be a joint project with South Florida Water Management District. The agreement to split the cost of the bridge 50/50 is being drafted, and the design work will begin once the agreement is approved. A request for letters of interest will be advertised to hire a consultant for Phase II design work at Everglades Holiday Park, which will include redesign of the parking areas. The design for site development of a nature trail and overlook at Saw Palmetto Natural Area is 90% complete. A design consultant is preparing plans for renovations to the boardwalk and construction of a new overlook at Secret Woods Nature Center. Tradewinds North DB-3 is in Purchasing for review. The scope has changed over time and a request to reappoint a Selection Committee has been made.
Board member Norkunas asked if these projects are funded by the bond and how long those funds will last. Mr. Federici responded affirmatively, stating that the money would last about two more years. Mr. Norkunas questioned the practice of hiring consultants to do work that might be done by staff. Mr. Federici explained that permitting and licensing procedures often require credentialed professionals that the County may not have on staff, such as licensed, registered architects or professional engineers. Additionally, the County does not have production facilities to put these often complicated plans together. They can be managed by staff but not prepared. Mr. Norkunas suggested that perhaps the studies could be done in-house. Mr. Federici explained that the unique nature of many projects requires expertise that does not exist in-house, an example being the Everglades Holiday Park bridge design that required a structural engineer that the County does not have. Dan West, Director, added that in the last 20 to 25 years a shift has occurred nationally in the way government agencies are structured. Funding has been cut and public agencies have been severely downsized as staffing models have gone from having permanent staff to carry every need to contracting services as needed. Maintaining specialists on staff is deemed more costly than using specialists when needed, and the current practice of bringing in consultants is considered to be more effective and efficient. Mr. West also noted that when major reductions of staff occur, such as in the Division’s case of going from over 700 employees to 450, responsibilities are forced to shift. Contract services have increasingly taken the place of regular staff. Several examples were provided.
Demolition on the slide at C. B. Smith Park’s water park is expected to begin in the next few weeks. Mr. Federici anticipates that the new waterslide will be ready for the 2013 Memorial Day weekend or early June 2013.
Staff recently met with the lead remediation contractor to discuss the project at Markham Park. Once work begins, which staff anticipates will occur by February 2013, the project is expected to take four to five months. Ms. Munson asked if there has been a change of management at the Target Range. Although there has not been any change of that nature, Mr. West stated that major improvements are planned for the facility that would go a long way to improve and renovate the park. Mr. West acknowledged the significant value of having Broward Sheriff’s Office as a partner and the challenge that the range faces in maintaining high levels of safety without compromising customer service. Discussion continued about the challenge to balance the needs of the non-club participants with the private clubs. Mr. West stated the renovations and improvements at Markham Park will be done by staff after completion of projects at Tradewinds, Everglades Holiday, and Brian Piccolo Parks.
Parks and Recreation Division Update: Mr. West announced that the budget for fiscal year 2013 was approved by County Commission. The Division will not see any staffing eliminated in the budget and has received permission to fill certain vacancies.
Mr. West updated the Board on the Needs Assessment meetings and thanked Ms. Munson, Mr. Roper and Mr. Spute for supporting the Division at these meetings. Once County Administration and the Commissioners have had an opportunity to review and provide feedback on the 130-page report, the results will be made available to others, such as the Board. This is the first verifiable, approved strategic plan developed for the Division. The Efficiency Study completed in 2010 listed about 200 recommendations. Approximately 60% of these have been completed or are currently being addressed. The Needs Assessment is providing feedback from the public and has helped to identify strengths and weaknesses. The Needs Assessment confirmed that the Division faces a fundamental challenge to successfully market to a county with a population of 1.7 million, hard–to–reach communities, a significant visitor population, and demographics that change about every 5 to 7 years. Several tracks were recommended to address this issue. Safety and security was a significant issue with the focus groups, who want to see security improved beyond police car drive-throughs. Also, a better understanding of the Division’s fee structure is needed.
Mr. West stated that integrating the results of the Efficiency Study and the Needs Assessment will provide the basis of developing a Strategic Plan for the Division. This integration will be done in-house over the next year and one-half and will also help establish a base line and strengthen the foundation for future bond requests or capital needs assessments. Mr. Norkunas questioned whether it might be a good idea to address the issue of bond funds running out in two years by putting together a focus group now to try to build support for a new bond issue. Mr. West suggested that a better time to consider a new bond issue would be once the Strategic Plan is developed with defined goals and objectives. Mr. Spute added that tantamount to the success of the 2000 bond issue was the commitment of every staff person to participate in the actual process of getting the word out about the award-winning park system. Ms. Kent added that allowing participation of the cities in the bond funds generated significant citizen support.
Old Business: Mr. Spute reviewed the agenda item that was recently approved by the County Commission directing the County Attorney’s Office to amend the Administrative Code by adding two categories of excused board meeting absences: jury duty and subpoena for testimony.
New Business:
Mr. Spute announced the appointment of Rashid El-Amin, representing District 8.
Staff presented a proposed schedule for 2013 board meetings. Meetings usually occur on the first Friday of the month in which meetings are held. Staff noted that the September meeting will be held on the second Friday in recognition of Rosh Hashanah. County Administration’s guidelines are to avoid scheduling board meetings on religious holidays. A motion was made to approve the 2013 meeting schedule. The motion was seconded, and passed unanimously.
Mr. West updated the Board on the revised fee schedule. It has not yet gone before the Commission for approval. A request was made to include a meeting room fee at the Carpenter House, separate from the fee to use the entire facility. Some feedback suggests that the new fees, which are currently slated to go into the general fund, might be used for Division needs that were identified in the Needs Assessment, such as increased security. Mr. West noted that the Division has worked to reduce costs and improve efficiencies, and that being able to use the fees would be appropriate. There was additional discussion about security in the parks, including high school students or other volunteer groups monitoring the parking lots as a safety measure, but this was perceived by Board members as dangerous for the volunteers. Mr. West stated that staff is exploring a park watch program that focuses on being attentive for suspicious activity, such as a model program developed at T.Y. Park. A goal of the Division is to reduce cash transactions.
Ms. Kent asked about the status of the County’s agreement with Nova Southeastern University for the turtle rescue center at the Carpenter House. Mr. West explained that there have been delays obtaining the needed permit from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and that once the permit is granted, work on the center can progress. FWC has approved the resident caretaker, who is working on her doctorate and has significant experience. A small gift shop is open for business on weekends at the Carpenter House. The parking lot across the street from the Carpenter House for approximately 25 vehicles is expected to be completed in January or February 2013.
Board Meeting adjourned at 8:46 a.m.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at 7:30 a.m., November 2, 2012, at Anne Kolb Nature Center in Hollywood.