CHALLENGER SPORTS 2016 – British Soccer

20 Point Camp Marketing Plan

1) Challenger Web Site

Camp details will be immediately set up on line at

2) Links on Host Organization Web site

Have your webmaster add our camp display advertisement or a camp announcement on your site and provide a link to your sign up page on our web site.IMPORTANT,do not copy the link of the registration page that shows in your browser – the correct link will be supplied by Challenger.

3) Social Marketing

Set up Facebook pages for the camp – Here is a great example of a club who use it really well.

Encourage your members to become fans of the Challenger Sports Facebook page – they will get access to special discounts, coupons and competitions.

4) Color Brochures

The Camp Brochures will be printed once all camp information has been confirmed and inputted onto the Challenger website. These are also available in Spanish.

-Brochure Distribution

The brochures will be mailed directly to you for distribution via the following routes:

  • Hand out flyer to each player at registration. This is by far the best way to distribute the flyers since all the players are guaranteed of receiving information on your soccer program.
  • Direct mail Camp Flyers to all players in your organization.
  • Put camp flyers in Coaches Packets before Spring Season. The coaches then hand out to each player at start of season. Distribute Camp flyers on game days during the Spring Season.
  • Brochure information can be listed into any activity booklets that you have distributed. Please contact us if you would like action shots of the campers for the booklets.
  • Display additional flyers in any buildings or recreational sites.
  • If you have access to school distribution - can we distribute through the school programs? We can do an additional run of flyers for the schools if needed.
  • Distribute flyers/posters at local indoor soccer facilities, stores, Community Centers and YMCA's.
  • Place flyers in coaches' packets and hand out/display at local tournaments.
  • Mail to last year's campers. We can supply this list if needed

5) Single Sheet Camp flyer

This can be used as a supplementary marketing tool for hand-outs, school drops, display advertisements in tournament books, as an email attachment, as a small poster or as replacements if you have run out of the color brochures.

These are also available in Spanish.

6) Posters

We provide you with full color posters to post in high traffic areas of your soccer complex or local community. Your camp information can be added using a photocopier or by hand, and displayed at game days during the spring- see the examples I have included in this pack and replicate or feel free to adapt how you wish, even let the kids have some fun and decorate them!!

7) Banners

We provide you with Plastic banners that can be written on with marker pen and displayed indoors or outdoors in your community and used at events within your organization such as Challenger sign up days, tournaments, registration days for example. If you know that myself or my staff are attending a promotional event then please bring these along.

8) Email

Every 3 weeks beginning in January, Challenger will automatically send out a camp marketing email to all past campers on a national basis. If you have an email list of you’re the players in your club, we will be pleased to add them to our distribution list.

9) Color Postcard

In March, Challenger will mail a color postcard to all previous campers reminding them to sign up for camp. If you send us a list of your members we will be happy to send them the postcard.

10) Press Releases

I will be glad to help you contact local newspapers and if possible TV and Radio. Contact them in advance of the camp and try and get them to run a story on the British or Brazilian staff that are coming to your community! We will provide you with a sample press release (see resources section below)

11) Promotional Days

We can set up a field day, a promotional clinic, or an NSCAA approved parent coaches clinic where a Challenger representative will come to your fields to meet with parents and explain more about the upcoming camp. We can hand out your camp flyers and will set up a sign up area where parents can sign their children up and receive a free gift!

12) Coordinator Resources

Extra marketing tools, press releases and logos can be found at (see full instructions within this packet to access your account). This is also where you can check the latest camp registration numbers. Please contact me if you have lost or forgotten your log in details.

13) Advertise Camp in Association newsletter/Club publication/activity booklet.

14) Record camp message on "Club Hot-line". Ask us to do this with our accent!

15) Explore opportunity to use local network and cable TV.

16) Organize a Telephone Network to call all Club Coaches.

17) Promote & talk-up the camp at Coaches meetings, Board meetings, registration etc

18) Ask us to come to your local elementary schools to do a soccer day.

19) Promote the camp through your local soccer/sports retailer.

20) “Refer a friend” Camp is more fun when you come with a friend. Contact all current campers and have them pass the message on to their teammates, school friends and Facebook friends.