Returners Fund 2017-18

Application Guidance and Eligibility Criteria

  1. Purpose of the Returners fund.

The Scottish Government committed in the Programme for Government to work with large employers to pilot Returnships in Scotland, to help women who have had career breaks back into the workplace.

This fund builds on initial funding to support women returning to careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) sectors. Link here

We are now keen to widen the initiative across various industrial sectors where women face barriers in re-entering the workplace after a career break.

Initiativesshould align with the aims of the Scottish Labour Market Strategy and the Fair Work Convention.

Fund Criteria

  1. Who Can Apply - Eligibility

We welcome proposals from any public, private or third sector organisations that have experience in delivering this type of activity and have good links/access to suitable employers.

Organisations should have knowledge of equality issues relating to gender and fair work practices.

Client eligibility

  1. This aim of the fund is to improve the position of women in the workforce.
  1. Males are eligible but any proposal involving male clients must provide clear evidence as why they require to be supported through this fund. ent eligibility criteria at point 6 above.
  1. How much can be applied for?

The fund value is up to £200,000.

There is no upper or lower limit to individual project funding. Applicants should justify the level of funding requested based on the number of clients benefiting from the project and the cost of delivery vs outcomes achieved.Clearly explaining the value added.

If the proposal receives other sources of funding we would like full details of the funding bodies/sources and how this fits with and adds value to the project proposal.

We are keen for the fund to allow several pilot projects to be funded across different sectors.

4.Eligible Activities

Applicants should justify the types of activity and support to clients and employers that they believe is required to achieve the aims of the project based on their knowledge of the policy area and their past experience.

However, based on previous returnship models we would expect some, if not all, of the following activities to be included:

  • Identify sectors/employers that experience a gender imbalance either due to a lack of women in the industry or a lack of women at senior levels.
  • Recruit employers to offer paid work placements at a level commensurate with the client’s qualifications and previous experience. Applicants should justifying the duration of the placement.
  • The project should ensure that employers chosen are able (or are supported) to provide a work environment conducive to retaining women returners e.g. having fair work practices/flexible work patterns etc.
  • Provide a package of support to clients that could include some, it not all of below;
  • One to one guidance/counselling,
  • careers information and guidance,
  • training opportunities on site/online/education e.g. confidence building, IT,
  • up-skilling in new technology, systems or policies in their relevant field,
  • an employer placement,
  • networking opportunities,
  • access to a mentor,
  • Post placement support,
  • Undertake robust monitoring practices, evaluating the project to track positive outcomes.
  • Disseminate good practice.
  1. Exclusions

Individualsare not eligible to apply to this fund.

5. Application deadline

Applications should be submitted to Andrew Boney

No later than midnight on Friday 19th May.