8th Grade Pre-AP 9 Week Book Projects

You will complete 1 book project of your choice from the following list for 1 book you read during the nine weeks. (Don’t forget to complete the reading form in Google Classroom for EACH book.)

**For the first grading period (August 28 – October 20), you will complete 2 book projects: 1 for your summer book and 1 for an additional book you read during the first grading period. They MUST be over 2 different books and they MUST be 2 different projects.

I expect your projects to be completed by YOU and to be original work that was not copied or “borrowed” from another source. I must believe this is your own work for credit to be awarded.

Due dates for your projects are as follows:

1st grading period: October 20th

2nd grading period: December 15th

3rd grading period: March 9th

4th grading period: May 25th

You may turn your project in at any time during the grading period. You do not have to wait until the due date. I ask that you choose a different project each time. Be creative and give it your all. I have included many different ideas so you will have plenty to choose from. Please remember these all count as a test grade for the grading period. Your rubric is the directions you are given for each project. All elements must be included. You must do your best, ORIGINAL work for full credit. Have FUN with these projects!

* Depicts items that can easily be used for non-fiction books.

  1. Create a sculpture of a character. Use any combination of soap, wood, clay, sticks, wire, stones, old toy pieces, or any other object. An explanation of how this character fits into the book should accompany the sculpture. Your explanation must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  2. Interview a character/person from your book. Write at least ten questions that will give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. You must turn in a hard copy of your questions and answers. You will receive 10 extra points if you also record your interview (play both characters by changing costumes). If the book is an autobiography, biography. memoir, diary, etc. you must write ORIGINAL questions that you create yourself.Your interview must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  3. Write a diary that one of the story’s main characters might have kept during the book’s events. Remember that the character’s thoughts and feelings are very important in a diary. It must have at least 10 entries, a sturdy front cover, and a sturdy back cover. Each entry must be dated for a different day and each entry must be at least 10 sentences. If the book is an autobiography, biography. memoir, diary, etc. you must write ORIGINAL entries that you create yourself.Your diary must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  4. Build a miniature stage setting of a scene in the book. Include a written explanation of the scene. Your explanation must (1) be at least 7-10 sentences long, (2) must explain the importance of the scene, where it is located, as well as who is involved and (3) must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  5. Make at least 5 sketches of some of the scenes in the book and label them. One sketch may be the main character or group of main characters. The remaining 4 sketches must be scenes/events from the book. You must include 3-5 sentences explaining each sketch and its importance to the book.Your explanation must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  6. Imagine that you are the author of the book you have just read. Suddenly the book becomes a best seller. Write a letter to a movie producer trying to get that person interested in making your book into a movie. Explain why the story, characters, conflicts, etc., would make a good film. Suggest a filming location and the actors to play the various roles. YOU MAY ONLY USE BOOKS WHICH HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN MADE INTO MOVIES. Your letter must be at least a full page and must be typed - double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman or Arial. (You would not send a handwritten letter to a movie producer.) Your letter must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  7. Construct a diorama (three-dimensional scene which includes models of people, buildings, plants, and animals) of one of the main events of the book. Include a written description of the scene. Your description must explain the importance of the scene, where it is located and who is involved. Your explanation must be at least 7-10 sentences and must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  8. Write a letter to the main character or author of your book asking questions, protesting a situation, making a complaint and a suggestion. This must be done in the correct letter format. Your letter must be at least a full page and must be typed - double spaced, size 12 font, Times New Roman or Arial. Your letter must follow the writing non-negotiables. You will receive 10 extra points if you write to the author and bring in a self-addressed (and addressed to the author) stamped envelope in which to mail your letter to the author.*
  9. If the story of your book takes place in another country, prepare a travel brochure using pictures you have found or drawn. You must include no less than 5 full-color pictures with a 3-5 sentence description on each section or for each picture. Your brochure must be front and back with at least 2 columns on each side. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  10. After reading a book of history or historical fiction, make an illustrated timeline showing events of the story and draw a map showing the location(s) where the story took place. You must include at least 5 colorful pictures (they can be drawn) no smaller than a small notecard. Each item on the timeline must include a 3-5 sentence description/explanation. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  11. Create a mini-comic book relating an important chapter of the book. Your comic must include an illustrated sturdy front cover, at least 5 pages with at least 3 pictures and writing, and a sturdy back cover. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  12. Make three full-size posters about the book using two or more of the following media: paint, crayons, chalk, paper, ink, real materials. Your posters must include all plot elements – characters, setting, rising actions, climax, conflict, falling actions, and resolution (not on each but throughout the 3). You must also include a brief explanation of each poster – 3-5 sentences each. You must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  13. Design costumes for dolls and dress them as characters from the book. Explain who these characters are and how they fit in the story. Your explanations must be at least 5-7 sentences each. Your explanations must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  14. Write and video record an original song that tells the story of the book. You must include a hard copy of the lyrics. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. Some allowances will be given for writer’s craft in regards to complete sentences. *
  15. After reading a book of poetry, do three of the following: (1)write an original poem – at least 10 lines; (2)display a set of pictures which describe one of the poems you read – at least 3 pictures; (3) write original music for one of the poems you red; (4)add original verses to the poem – at least 5 lines. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. Some allowances will be given for writer’s craft in regards to complete sentences.
  16. Do a full-size collage/poster showing at least 10 pictures or 3-d items that related to the book.You must write 3-5 sentences beside each one to show its significance. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  17. Make a mobile about the story that includes no less than the main characters, setting, climax, conflict and best soon. You must include colorful pictures and a 3-5 sentence explanation for each. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. Your mobile must have hanging capabilities. *
  18. Create Graffiti about the book on a "brick" wall poster board. Cut your words out of construction paper and glue them on the wall. You must include at least 15 items of “graffiti” that explain your understanding of the book. *
  19. Make a map (full-size poster) of where the events in the book take place. The map must be neat and colorful. If events took place in multiple areas of the map, these must be displayed. You must include a 7-10 sentence description and explanation of your map. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  20. Choose five "artifacts" from the book that best illustrate the happenings and meanings of the story. You must include a 3-5 sentence explanation for each item describing why you chose each one. Your items must be contained in a bag or box. Your items must be NONPERISHABLE. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  21. Create a board game based on events and characters in the book you read. By playing your game, members of the class should learn what happened in the book. Your game must include the following: (1) a game board, (2) a typed rule sheet and clear directions, (3) all pieces needed to play the game, and (4) events and characters from the story. *
  22. Make models of three objects which were important in the book you read. On a card attached to each model, you must include 3-5 sentences describing why that object was important in the book. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  23. Make an ORIGINAL test for the book you read. Include 10 true-false, 10 multiple choice, and 10 short essay questions. After writing the test, provide the answers for your questions. Your test must be typed using Times New Roman or Arial and size 12 font. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  24. Imagine that you are about to make a feature-length film of the novel you read. You have been instructed to select your cast from members of your English class. Cast all the major characters (at least 3) in your novel from your English classmates and tell why you selected each person for a given part. You must include a 5-7 sentence explanation for each student you choose. You must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  25. Plan a party for the characters/people in the book you read. In order to do this, complete each of the following tasks: (a) Design an invitation to the party which would appeal to all of the characters. (b) Imagine that you are five of the characters in the book and tell what each would wear to the party. (c) Tell what food you would serve and why. (d) Tell what games or entertainment you will provide and why your choices are appropriate. (e) Tell how three of the characters will act at the party. (f) What kind of a party is this? (birthday, housewarming, un-birthday, anniversary, etc.) You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  26. After reading a non-fiction book, become a teacher. Prepare an ORIGINAL lesson that will teach something you learned from the book. It could be a "how-to" lesson or one on content. Plan carefully to present all necessary information in a logical order. You don’t want to confuse your students! Your lesson must be typed. Your lesson must follow the writing non-negotiables. You will receive 10 extra points if you video record your lesson. *
  27. Look through magazines for words and pictures that describe your book. Use these to create a collage on 5different bookmarks. Make the bookmarks available for others to use as they read the same book. Each bookmark must be created with different ideas/details of the book. You must include a 3-5 sentence explanation for each bookmark. Your explanations must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  28. After reading a book, design a game, based on that book and its theme. Will you decide on a board game, card game, concentration? The choices are only limited to YOUR CREATIVITY! Be sure to include clear directions and provide everything needed to play. Your game must explain your book so that I can see your understanding of what you read – 50% of your score. Your score will also depend on how easy it is to play your game – 50% of your score. You will receive 10 extra points if you video record your family or friends playing your game successfully.
  29. Gather at least 10 articles of current events that reflect incidents that closely parallel those in your book. You must include a 5-7 sentence explanation of how these articles relate to your book. You must also include a 3-5 sentence summary of at least 5 of the articles. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  30. Create character astrology signs. After reading brief descriptions of the astrology or sun signs, figure out which signs you think three of the main characters from your book were born under. Write a 5-7 sentence explanation (for each) of why you think they fit the sign, drawing on their actions, attitudes, and thoughts from the book. You must include your characters “birthdate”, a drawing of the astrological sign, as well as the birthdays included within that sign. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *
  31. Create a fake Facebook/Twitter page. Select several characters (at least 3) and design a fake Facebook/Twitter profile page for each of them, picking out appropriate backgrounds and pictures and then creating information that would tell a viewer about your character. Also, create links to at least three different sites that you think your character would be interested in. Then write up and post on the page an explanation of how you made the decisions you did and what you believe this tells us about the character. You must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  32. Create an award for each of the main characters (at least 3) based on their actions in the book. One might be awarded “most courageous” for fighting peer pressure, another might be awarded “wisest” for the guidance he or she gave other characters. For each award, write a paragraph (at least 5-7 sentences) that explains why this character deserves this award. You must provide the award certificate with your explanation. You must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  33. Create a scrap book. Think about all the kinds of mementos you would put in a scrap book if you had one. Then create a scrap book for your character/person, cutting out pictures from magazines or drawing the mementos he or she would have in a scrap book. You must include a 3-5 sentence explanation for each picture or memento (from your character’s point of view). Your scrapbook must have a sturdy front cover, at least 10 pages - at least 1 picture and explanation on each page, and a sturdy back cover. You must follow the writing non-negotiables.
  34. Create a vlog for your person/character. Your video blog should have at least 5 posts, each at least 3 minutes long. Each post should address your fans/viewers/followers and describe events from your day/the book. You may upload these to YouTube and supply me with the link or you may turn in a video recording of each.
  35. Create a PSA. Think of an issue that was very important to your character. Then create a pamphlet or video recorded PSA aimed at persuading others of the importance of the issue. Include factual information, testimonials, pictures or graphics, etc. Your video, should you choose to create one, must be at least 3 minutes. If you choose to create a pamphlet, it must be ORIGINAL. It must also be colorful with at least a complete front and back. You must follow all writing non-negotiables. *
  36. Create a character alphabet. Choose a character you liked and then create sentences based on the alphabet scheme that demonstrate your knowledge of the character. You must follow the writing non-negotiables. *

Example:If after reading Spite Fences, you decided to write Zeke’s alphabet it could start like this:

A is for the ABUSE Zeke took at the hands of a racist mob.

B is for his BENDING OVER BACKWARDS to make sure the visiting civil rights activist could work in obscurity.

C is for the CAMERA he gave Maggie so she could begin to look at the world in new ways.