Trenton HS Chorus 2017-2018 FIRST TRIMESTER

Objectives of the course:

  • Perform publicly as an ensemble
  • Develop and refine performance skills to use in musical performance
  • Demonstrate and practice good singing technique
  • Study music in varying contexts (arts video days, karaoke days, solo days, ensembles)
  • Develop mature music listening skills
  • Promote ensemble rehearsal skills through group interaction and self-discipline


All music classes are academic courses and will be afforded an academic grade. Students will earn their grade throughDAILY CLASS PARTICIPATION which means SINGING when the class is singing.

PARTICIPATION IS KEY: If you are working and singing in class, you are getting an “A”. If you are not singing or participating, it will be reflected in your overall grade (see percentages below).

Simplifying it even further:

I expect that every student in chorus participates in every rehearsal which means:

*You sing – after attendance is done, we warm up then rehearse parts or as a full ensemble. It is

understood that while the instructor may be rehearsing some other part with another section that you

remain respectful and relatively quiet so that the instructor can complete the task without disruption

*You are not doing homework, even if you are singing unless given specific instruction to do so

*Your phone is not out - there are computer and phone activities that may occur in class; I am referring

to disruptive, distracting or disrespectful use of phones during rehearsal

*You are not talking/disruptive during the class rehearsal to the point of distraction

*On alternative activity/non-singing days, participation by all students is also expected

A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / C- / D+ / D / D- / E
100-93 / 92-90 / 89-87 / 86-83 / 82-80 / 79-77 / 76-73 / 72-70 / 69-67 / 66-63 / 62-60 / 59-0

Records of each day of non-participation (see above) are kept. Always singing and participating = 100%. I expect to give a lot of “A’s” as it is assumed that if you enrolled in CHORUS that you are here to SING as an ENSEMBLE on a daily basis. Participating only half of the time = 50% which is an “E” grade.

1st trimester concert Wednesday, November 15 All concerts at 7 pm in the THS Auditorium

Mike Kurilko, Director of Music, Trenton HS

/ 734 692 4530 x1620