You are not expected to cover every detail of this Pulpit Curriculum, rather, consider it a resource to help you in guiding your group to a deeper understanding and application of the Word. Lifegroup leaders may find it beneficial to select 3 to 6 questions that will make the time most productive. Remember, there is great benefit to group members whose hunger to grow will stimulate their returning, on their own at a later time, so as to understand and apply it further.
Introduction – Pastor Mark told the story of the Korean airliner 007. The crew made a series of bad decisions based on erroneous information with tragic consequences. Mark used that flight as an analogy for our lives. Sometimes we get off the path of walking with God. Rather than trusting the truth found in Him and His Word, we follow our own way. The difference may seem minor. However, just like the airliner, following bad information will lead to bad results for our lives. Instead, we must obey the truth that God provides in passages like Proverbs 3:5-6. Read this passage.
- Losing Our Way
- God’s People – Look at Exodus 16. What did God’s people do? Why? What is our tendency when difficulties arise? From Jeremiah 2:13 what evil had the people done? When this happens to us, what must we do to get back on the right path of trusting Christ?
- God’s Church – Read Revelation 2:2-4. The Ephesian church did many things well. What had they lost? How? What can we do to rekindle our first love of Christ?
- God’s Creation– What does Genesis 1 assume? How do we prove the existence of God? If we understand God is creator of all, what does this mean for His authority in our lives?
- How We Lose Our Way – Genesis 1 – 3
- Our Great Start – Read Genesis 1:26-31. What did Adam and Eve have? What did God say about His creation?
- Our Disastrous Detour–In Genesis 2, God placed a restriction on what Adam and Eve could eat. Do restrictions enhance our freedoms? How? Even though we may hear and know God’s Word, Mark gave four actions we wrongly employand four strategies of the enemy that work against our obedience to its truth. List them. To avoid disaster, what must we do? I Cor. 6:18; I Cor. 10:14; I Tim. 6:11; James 4:7. What happens if we tarry?
- Our Ongoing Affliction–Pastor Mark reminded us that we are ‘desire’ driven. Just like Eve, who saw that the fruit looked delightful, was good for food, and would make one wise, we too are drawn by what appeals to us. How does I John 2:15-16 describe this? Not all desires are bad. What behavior helps us to discern the difference between what is a good or bad desire (Gen. 3:10)? What does John 3:19 add? According to James 4:1, what makes controlling our desires difficult? What is our typical response when we are caught in sin (Gen. 3:12)? What is a better response? Pastor Mark encouraged us to deal with our own sin because it always brings death. What church ministry is helping you to take responsibility for your sin and to repent?
- How Can We Keep from Losing Our Way
- Trust God Fully – We must choose to live by faith. Many believe that faith is a “feeling in their gut”. But, over the last several weeks, we have been learning that this belief is really faith in faith. Instead, it is the object of our faith that is the key. That means that we choose to believe in Christ and know thatHe is able to do all things. God’s Word provides a clearer picture. How does Hebrews 11:1 describe faith? Based on this verse, what do you plan to trust God for this week? How will you trust Him?
- Admit Your Limitations – It is natural for us to ‘lean on our own understanding”. It takes diligent discipline to get God’s truth into our lives. Are you studying God’s Word regularly to get His perspective? What is your plan to become a II Timothy 3:16 -17 man or woman?
- Regard Jesus’ Example – When trials or decisions come, do you follow Jesus’ example in Matthew 4:4? How do you plan to “acknowledge Him in all your ways”?
- Mutual Ministry Moment:Recalibrating is difficult. It is much easier to “go with the flow” rather than disciplining ourselves. What if Eve had accurately repeated God’s Words? What if she had chosen to trust what God said rather than feeling as if she were missing something? What if she had paused to pray about her decision? Share an example of a time when you refused to recalibrate on the truth of God’s Word or to pray and ask for His guidance. What was the result? Now, share how you plan to live differently.
Prayforthe church to finish strongin our prayer and fasting in the “God Will Get it Done” emphasis. Pray for our Aug. 5thMISSIONS SUNDAY and the Next Generation guest Shannon Hurley who will come to challenge us on the subject of missions. Prayfor our leadership as they seek God’s wisdom and clarity for our future space needs.
The “Intercessory Prayer” groups during our worship services 08/5/12:
1st hour –Peterson
2nd hour –Blanchard
3rd hour – C. Schmitz
We Need to Receive Direction from God and Walk in His Path. This is possible as we are diligent to study His Word and live it out in our lives. God’s desire is that we know His will for our lives. Read the following verses. What does the Lord promise?
Proverbs 16:9 ______
Psalm 25:8 ______
Psalm 32:8 ______
Isaiah 30:21 ______
Isaiah 48:17 ______