Family Support is defined as ‘both a style of work and a set of activities that reinforce positive informal social networks through integrated programmes. These programmes combine statutory, voluntary, community and private services and are generally provided to families within their own homes and communities. The primary focus of these services is on early intervention aiming to promote and protect the health, wellbeing and rights of all children, young people and their families. At the same time particular attention is given to those who are vulnerable and at risk’ (Dolan, Pinkerton and Canavan 2006, p.16).

In 2011, the National Forum of Family Resource Centres and the Family Support Agency agreed a working definition of community-based family support as ‘supporting families and individuals in communities to identify their family and local needs to collectively develop holistic responses and enhance participation in wider community life’ (cited in Family Support Agency 2011, p. 42). Six core elements of community-based family support accompanied this definition. These comprised: participation, equality, awareness raising, early intervention, strengths based and advocacy (Ibid.).

This planning template reflects the Strategic Framework for Family Support within the Family and Community Services Resource Centre Programme as adopted by the Family Support Agency in September 2011. This Strategic Framework aligns the programme with national policy concerning the provision of support to families. Furthermore, it reflects the recognition expressed in national policy of the importance of delivering services in and through communities (FSA 2011, pp. 4 - 7).

The Report of the Task Force on the Child and Family Support Agency (2012) dedicates the Child and Family Support Agency to the achievement of 5 National Outcomes for Children. Following publication of the Report of the Task Force, the Family and Community Services Resource Centre Programme updated its Strategic Framework to confirm these 5 Outcomes, as they relate to children, families and the broader community, as National Programme Outcomes (FSA 2012, p23).

This planning template requires all Family Resource Centres to explicitly link each of their Project Outcomes to one or more of the 5 National Programme Outcomes and the 6 Transformational Goals written into “Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures – The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People”.

National Programme Outcome / That children, families and the broader community be:
OUTCOME 1 / Healthy, both physically and mentally
OUTCOME 2 / Supported in active learning
OUTCOME 3 / Safe from accidental and intentional harm / Secure in the immediate and wider physical environment
OUTCOME 4 / Economically secure
OUTCOME 5 / Part of positive networks of family, friends, neighbours and the community / Included and participating in society
6 Transformational
Goals / That the Goals of the National Strategy :
GOAL 1 / Support Parents
GOAL2 / Provide earlier Intervention and prevention
GOAL3 / Listen to and involve Children and Young people
GOAL 4 / Ensure Quality Services
GOAL 5 / Support Effective Transitions
GOAL 6 / Cross Government and Inter-agency Collaboration and Coordination


Being strategic gives a sense of confidence, stability and direction to a Family Resource Centre (FRC). The development of a Strategic Plan will help FRCs to remain pro-active rather than re-active irrespective of whatever changes may take place within the communities where they are based. Compiling a Strategic Plan involves developing:


This is what the future would look like if the Family Resource Centre was 100% successful in delivering the Strategic Plan.


This is what the Family Resource Centre will do to bring about their Vision (the Core Work of the FRC).


This outlines the guiding principles or values that govern the work of the FRC.


This template is designed to provide a structure and format for FRCs to present their Three Year Strategic Plans to the Family Support Agency.

Family Resource Centres are required to complete a separate Annual Action Plan for each year of its Three Year Strategic Plan. Section 8 of this template provides a structure and format for presentation of an Annual Action Plan.

It is envisioned that FRCs will use this template to present both their Three Year Strategic Plan and the Annual Action Plan for year one of this three year period.

Subsequent Annual Action Plans can be submitted using the same layout as presented in Section 8 of this document.


It is likely that the information required to complete Sections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 of this template has already been compiled by Family Resource Centres and presented in previous reports and plans. Where available, this material can be inserted directly into the relevant section of this template.

Whereas FRC staff are in the best position to complete Sections 3 and 7 of the template, the input of Voluntary Boards of Directors through facilitated discussions with the Regional Support Agency is crucial in completing Sections 4 and 8.

Voluntary Boards of Directors need to be familiar, and satisfied, with all section of the Strategic Plan and the Annual Action Plan before the document is signed in Section 9.


Each section of the template contains guidance and direction relating to the information required to complete it. Directions and tips are presented in blue ink. All material presented in blue ink should be deleted before submitting the document.

Please note that the Strategic Plan / Annual Action Plan must be signed off by both the FRC Voluntary Board of Directors and the Regional Support Agency before sending it to the Family Support Agency for approval.