Somerby Parish Council
12th April 2017
Somerby Methodist Hall
Present Cllrs. Lynne Camplejohn
Pat Fynn
Colin Marlow
David Vurley
Clerk/RFO Kathryn Staley
1. WELCOME, APOLOGIES AND declaration of interests
001/17/18 Welcome – The Chairman welcomed 9 Government Electors, Cllr Higgins and Cllr Orson
002/17/18 Apologies – Apologies were received from Cllr Blakebrough and Cllr Crosby.
003/17/18 Declarations of Interest – There were none
2. Adoption of Minutes of Meeting held: 8th MARCH 2017
Proposed by Cllr Fynn Seconded by Cllr Vurley
Cllrs. resolved to approve
004/17/18 Nigel Spencer, Press Officer for the Leicestershire and Rutland 4x4 Response Group, spoke to the Parish Council about the road closures affecting Somerby & Pickwell on Sunday 23rd April during the Cicle Classic race. He explained that there is a history of problems in Somerby with people ignoring the road closures, and forcing their way through. He emphasised that the closures are enforceable, and that the police will become involved if necessary. The race timings were outlined. In the event of an emergency, emergency vehicles will be allowed through and the race will be stopped if necessary.
Cllr Fynn requested that advanced notice is given in future so that the details may be published in Towards. Nigel agreed to do this next year. He explained that the ladies’ race will be taking place in June and agreed to send full details by 18th May.
Cllr Orson stated that members of the public are disadvantaged by the race and asked whether there is any evidence that there is any benefit put back in to the local economy. Nigel was unable to respond to this as he is not involved in the organisation of the race, though he was aware that they do sponsor the Mount Group RDA in Somerby, and added that the event does benefit the area in terms of tourism.
Cllr Vurley predicted that he would receive complaints about litter following the race, as has happened in previous years. He proposed that Colin Clewes of Cicle Classic be contacted beforehand to request that measures be taken to minimise litter. Mel Davies stated that she had been in contact with Mr Clewes on this matter and that he had undertaken to arrange a litter pick of the entire route within 5 days of the race.
005/17/18 Melton Local Plan
Cllr Higgins stated that the Plan has been delayed to consider the 10,000 responses submitted, including challenges from some of the ‘experts’ involved. LCC are now considering putting the bypass on the eastern side of Melton; this has not been consulted on, so MBC may have to have another 6-week consultation. This could delay the MLP by 3 months.
006/17/18 SHLAA
Planning applications 16/00100/OUT (32 new dwellings at Oakham Rd), 16/00146/OUT (12 new dwellings at Southfields Farm), and 16/00616/FUL (Southfields farmhouse) will all go before the Planning Committee on 27th April. The Clerk will reserve a spot for the SPC to speak on 16/00100/OUT and 16/00146/OUT.
Carl Powell has decided that his report should be emailed to Committee members rather than posted due to print quality, the possibility of last minute changes, and the fact that several of the members are very keen on green issues and might think it wasteful to print off such a large document. Cllr Orson and Cllr Higgins suggested that it would be useful to have a printed executive summary (single page) of the report placed before the members at the meeting.
Clerk to reserve spots for SPC to speak at the Planning Committee
007/17/18 Somerby Parish Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Fynn reported that the theme groups are all moving forward, formulating the objectives from which the policies will be derived. She asked Cllr Higgins and Cllr Orson which plan the Neighbourhood Plan needs to conform to, since the MLP is not in place yet. They responded that it must conform with the NPPF. Should there be any conflicts between the Neighbourhood Plan and the emerging MLP, Melton BC will challenge these at the consultation stage.
008/17/18 113 Bus Service
Cllr Vurley reported that the CBP has had timetables printed and these will be delivered to the Clerk for distribution with the next issue of Towards.
009/17/18 East Leics and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group
Cllr Vurley proposed that the article published in Towards about Minor Illness/Injury facilities locally, should be republished to refresh parishioners’ memories.
010/17/18 Patient Participation Group
Nothing to report
011/17/18 Improvements to Somerby Play Area
Nothing to report
012/17/18 Traffic Measures Pickwell
The Clerk has contacted 2 companies to quote for speed surveys. Cllr Vurley is assisting in providing the relevant information required by the companies.
013/17/18 Somerby Cemetery
Cllr Marlow reported that he had cleared the vegetation from the lychgate and that the gate did not need a new closer; if the gate is removed and re-hung, and the hinges cleaned, it will naturally close by itself. He could only locate two holes in the ground and stated that these simply need topping up with soil. This will be a regular maintenance issue.
Cllr Vurley reported that the new contractors have done their first cut of the grass, and that he has received phone calls expressing satisfaction at the improvement.
It was agreed that Mark Ashman would be contacted to commission a tree survey.
Clerk to contact Mark Ashman and arrange for him to meet with Cllr Vurley at the cemetery
014/17/18 10th Battalion War Memorial
Cllr Marlow reported that potential plans include plaques on significant buildings, the creation of a walk and the possibility of painting the phone boxes maroon to raise awareness.
015/17/18 Swale Ditches
Cllr Marlow has confirmed that responsibility for the ditch at Surgery Close is shared between NCHA and LCC, but neither party seems willing to clear it. It was suggested that a site meeting be arranged with Cllr Marlow, NCHA and LCC. Cllr Higgins added that Raman Selvon, MBC Waste and Environmental Maintenance Manager, would be a useful person to involve in this site meeting.
Clerk to set up a site meeting between Cllr Marlow, NCHA, LCC & Raman Selvon
016/17/18 Community Speedwatch
Cllr Vurley is hopeful that CSW will be carried out in the Parish this year, subject to LCC budget settlement. He will chase them up.
Cllr Vurley to chase this up
017/17/18 Pickwell Closed Churchyard
Cllr Vurley reported that the first cut of the grass has been carried out by the new contractors. The PCC has expressed their satisfaction. With regard to the other maintenance issues, the Clerk has registered SPC with the Online Faculty System; the plan now is to submit an application for the removal of the conifers, the renovation of the tomb and the stone facing of the wall.
018/17/18 Somerby Shop Parking
Highways have confirmed that the white lines will be repainted in April.
019/17/18 Litter and dog fouling
Litter picks were carried out in each of the 3 villages in March. Cllr Camplejohn expressed the gratitude of the PC. The quantity of litter at the Little Dalby turn was highlighted. The lay-by is regularly used overnight by lorry drivers. Cllr Camplejohn has suggested that a litter bin might be installed there. She asked who is responsible for emptying litter bins. Cllr Higgins recommended that the Clerk speak to Philip Challoner, Clerk for Twyford and Thorpe Satchville, as they have a litter bin in a lay-by on the road between the two villages which is regularly emptied. Cllr Orson expressed doubt that either MBC or LCC would approve a litter bin being placed at the Little Dalby turn as it is not an official lay-by. He also pointed out that, if lorries are regularly parking there overnight, environmental health might be interested as there are obviously no toilet facilities. LCC Highways have previously cordoned off similar areas to prevent overnight use.
Clerk to contact LCC to find out the appropriate way forward to reduce litter at this location
At the March meeting, Mel Davies complained about the ‘dog fouling’ stencils which have been painted on the pavements in the parish and asked who was responsible for these. Cllr Marlow has contacted the Dog Warden and he does not know who is painting them. Mel has reported that there were several lots of dog mess on the pavement between Pickwell and the new equestrian centre; also that a pile of at least 20 dog waste bags had been found in a heap at the bottom of Manor Lane, all of the same colour and clearly accumulated over some time. Cllr Camplejohn has proposed that the dog waste bin on Manor Lane be moved to this location. Mel queried whether the location is on the public highway, or whether it is on private land. The Clerk agreed to look into this.
Cllr Camplejohn has suggested that the locations of litter and dog waste bins be published in the next Towards. Residents will also be informed that the dog waste bags can be disposed of in the black household waste bins.
020/17/18 Flooding at Leesthorpe Bridge
Cllr Marlow has cleared the debris. He will continue to do this as required.
021/17/18 Commonwealth War Graves
The locations of the three war graves in Somerby Parish have now been identified and the details passed to Davina Bates. She has passed the information to the War Graves Commission.
022/17/18 TPOs at site of new development on Pickwell Road
At the March meeting, Cllr Marlow expressed concerned that 2 trees have been badly damaged and that they may have TPOs on them. He had been unable to locate the site-specific TPO map on the MBC website. Cllr Marlow will continue to investigate.
023/17/18 Fallen Headstone in Somerby Churchyard
Cllr Marlow an inspected the headstone and advises that it is safe. Cllr Vurley suggested that there may be living relatives interested in the maintenance of the grave.
024/17/18 Disposal of dog mess by West View resident into the play area
The Clerk has written to the resident. The resident replied that they were unaware of the issue but would ask their gardener to deal with it. They have subsequently stated that there was no evidence of any dog waste in the hedge. Cllr Higgins agreed to look into the matter and report back to the Clerk.
025/17/18 Amenity Site
The Clerk has submitted an email to Customer Services regarding the condition of the road on the approach to the amenity site.
Parish Projects
026/17/18 Somerby Horse Pond
Cllr Crosby has contacted a number of contractors, none of which are interested in the contract, though they do not appear to have visited the site. Cllr Crosby feels that the dipping platform is putting them off. The Council agreed that quotations should be sought for the project without the dipping platform. Cllr Vurley stated that it was important to get the project moving forward as sponsors were keen to allocate their funds.
Cllr Crosby to obtain quotations for the work without the dipping platform
There were no matters raised.
New Applications
027/17/18 / 17/00313/FULHH / Two storey extension including demolition of existing single storey extension at 4 Oakham Road, Somerby028/17/18 / 17/00396/DIS / Discharge of conditions of 13/00140/FUL at Firdale Farm, Somerby
Decisions Received
029/17/18 Bank balance £48,818.37
SPC / £40006.72Neighbourhood Plan / £8393.12
Somerby Parish Protection Group / £418.53
030/17/18 Crime updates
Expenditure031/17/18 / Clerk salary / £543.15 / BACS payment
032/17/18 / Somerby Memorial Hall (Hall hire) / £15.00 / Cheque
033/17/18 / Eon (Power) / £541.30 / BACS payment
034/17/18 / Eon (Maintenance) / £28.16 / BACS payment
035/17/18 / Tim Maydwell (Christmas trees) / £75.00 / BACS payment
036/17/18 / Tim Maydwell (grasscutting) / £141.00 / BACS payment
037/17/18 / Print & Buying Services / £9.14 / BACS payment
038/17/18 / Ernest Cook Trust (play area rent & recycling centre licence) / £182.40 / BACS payment
039/17/18 / BT / £158.88 / Direct Debit
040/17/18 / Angela Fisher (NP stationery) / £24.13 / BACS payment
041/17/18 / Yourlocale / £1500.00 / BACS payment
042/17/18 / Kerstin Hartmann (NP admin) / £70.00 / BACS payment
043/17/18 / Bank interest (Acct 5) / £0.62
044/17/18 / Bank interest (Acct 3) / £0.11
045/17/18 / Towards Advert (Northfields Farm) / £20.00
046/17/18 / Towards Advert (Gardens by June) / £96.00
047/17/18 / Enquiry from Mousley Funerals re interment of ashes at Pickwell048/17/18 / Email from Grant Thornton re Annual Return
049/17/18 / Email from MARS in the Community re grants available
050/17/18 / Email from Roger Snowdin re Internal Audit arrangements
051/17/18 / Email from Philip Sullivan re AD plant in Somerby Parish
052/17/18 / Notice of road closure
There was none.
053/17/18 Next Meeting: Annual Parish Meeting, Wednesday 10th May 7.30pm, at Pickwell & Leesthorpe Village Hall
Adopted and signed this …………… day of ……………………………………… 2017
Chairman …………………………………………………………..