646-658 Woodville Rd Guildford NSW 2161
Working with Children’s Policy
The Working with Children’s Policy commenced on the 12 March 2014 and binds all Old Guildford Public School staff, parents and associates that are working with children in their the duty of care who have direct contact with children and deemed as a worker. This school based policy is in conjunction to the NSW Department of Education Working with Children’s Check Policy 2016 and Working with Children Check Procedures 2013.
Old Guildford Public School is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of children who are involved in or may be affected by staff, parent or outside agencies activities by:
· requiring individuals engaged in child-related work to have a working with children check clearance in accordance with the Act;
· excluding from child-related work individuals whom the Children’s Guardian has barred from working with children or as otherwise determined by the Principal; and
· informing staff and parents of their obligations under child protection legislation and educating students about personal safety.
Child-related work
A Working With Children Check (WWCC) is required for all child-related work.
Old Guildford Public School’s child-related activities and or personnel include:
· Face to face teaching.
· School counselling.
· School Administrative Office Staff
· Paraprofessional and allied health support engaged by the school but not limited to: Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapist Occupational Therapist, Community Nurse.
· Community agencies that would like to speak or interview students and include Family and Community Services and their associates.
· Preservice teachers or work experience placements over the age of 18 years old.
· Parent members acting in a voluntary basis but involved in face to face work with students eg Class Reading Program
· Providers of onsite maintenance services.
· External providers of school programs.
· Providers of commercial and non-commercial children’s entertainment or program.
· School Cleaners
· Transport service providers for children
· Providers of Special Religious Instructions and;
· University staff conducting studies or research into schools.
Note: All research must be approved by the NSW Department of Education
In addition:
· Providers of educational program off the site for children at Old Guildford Public School.
P&C members and parents volunteers who have children in our school are exempt from WWCC but must provide 100 points of identification and complete the exemption form. (Note: This group can elect to have a WWCC)
Visitors to the school site who are not primarily engaged with students on a regular basis are not subject to a WWCC provided they are supervised by staff members. This may include parents visiting for parent teacher interviews, school assemblies or school events or guest speakers that have the approval of the Principal.
Record Keeping
Old Guildford Public School will hold securely a hard copy of all WWCC in the school’s office. It is the responsibility of all staff and volunteers to keep their WWCC up to date. While the requirement of the check must be completed by the 31 December 2017 for primary schools, staff can provide their WWCC prior to this date.
Old Guildford Public School Staff and associate engaged in child-related work are responsible for holding a current working with children check. The Principal is responsible for verifying the WWCC status of all individuals engaged in child related work.
A teacher who fails to provide a valid WWCC clearance for paid workers within the relevant transition period cannot continue to be employed as a teacher or in any other child-related position.
When staff and associates apply to Services NSW, the result of a working with children’s check will be:
• a clearance to engage in any child-related work in NSW for five years, with the worker continually monitored for relevant new records during the life of the clearance; or
• a bar against working with children, which means it is a criminal offence to engage in any child-related work, whether paid or unpaid.
Casual Teachers
Old Guildford Public School requires all casual teachers to provide their WWCC on their initial engagement with the school. The details will be kept in the office.
Barred Workers
Old Guildford Public School will not engage a barred person in child-related work and will refer any person applying for engagement in our school to NSW Department of Education and or the NSW Police.
An employee who is the subject of an interim bar must not engage in child-related work. The Principal will consult the Department about the consequences for a barred person.
A person may be entitled to apply to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal for a review if the interim bar has been in force for more than six months.
A person who is refused a WWCC clearance or has their clearance cancelled by the Office of the Children’s Guardian may be entitled to apply to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal for a review within 28 days after being notified of the decision.
There are no appeals processes within the school.
Nominated Contact Persons
The school based contact persons for the Office of the Children’s Guardian are Principal Mrs Kay Campbell or Assistant Principal Ms Margaret Finos
All teaching staff in primary, central, infants, SSP, EEC and hospital schools / 30 January 2017 to 31 December 2017All non-teaching staff (including employees, specified volunteers and contractors) in primary, central, infants, SSP, EEC and hospital schools / 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018
Other Legislations
Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012
Child Protection (working with Children) Regulation 2013
NSW DoE Working with Children Policy 2016
Office of the children’s Guardian Website
Teaching Services ACT 1980
Communication and Support with Staff
This policy will be communicated with all staff and community and placed on the school’s website and extracts included in the school’s newsletter. An annual review will occur each year with keystakeholders.
Kay Campbell
September 2016
Process of Applying for Working with Children’s Check (DoE Staff Member)
A person can attend a Services NSW Branch and apply in person. Alternatively, they can commence the process online but will still need to provide identity evidence at a Services NSW Branch.
1. https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-working-children-check
2. After you apply online, you will receive a reference number by email.
3. Go to a Services NSW Centre and produce your evidence and the reference number.
4. Pay your $80.
5. You will receive an email with a WWCC Number.
6. Go to your DoE portal and into ESS.
7. Click on my WWCC on the left hand side menu, type in your number in the window and then save.
8. Provide the school office with a hard copy of your number.
9. Keep your WWCC number in a safe area.