Lakeshore High School

26301 Highway 1088

Mandeville, Louisiana 70448


administrationGuidance Counselors

BRENNAN McCURLEY, PrincipalSteve Watsey Grades 9-10

STEPHEN SOILEAU, Assistant PrincipalMichelle Canas Grades 11-12

JEANNE WAGNER, Assistant Principal


Table of contents

Introduction / 3
Counselors / 3
GEE & EOC Testing / 3
High School Graduation Options / 4
Local Requirements for Graduation / 4
Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Requirements / 4
Placement in Courses / 4
Early Start/Dual Enrollment / 5
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses / 5
Honors & Gifted / 5
Special Education / 5
Tuition Opportunity Program (TOPS) / 5
LA Public University Admissions / 6
St. Tammany Parish Weighted-Grade Program / 6
Grade Classification / 6
Rank In Class / 6
Conferences / 7
Schedule Changes / 7
Summer School / 7
A3 Virtual Academy / 7
LVS / 7
Compliance Notice / 7
LA Core 4 Curriculum / 8
La Basic Core Curriculum / 9
TOPS / 10
Diploma Endorsements / 11
Course Descriptions / 12-24
Senior Project / 13
Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) / 25
LA Career Clusters / 26-33



The purpose of this guide is to help you and your parents make better decisions concerning your course selections for the coming year. It is essential that you think seriously about a particular subject before scheduling it. It is also important to use this booklet for an overall plan for your entire school career. Each class that you choose should be a part of an overall plan. Read this guide carefully and discuss your plans with your parents.


A counselor is assigned to you and will work with you concerning vocational and career information, college and scholarship counseling, personal problems, testing, written recommendations, and references, etc. You would be well advised to communicate your unique interests, abilities, needs, and ambitions to your counselor.

It is important to understand that the role of the counseling staff is to advise students. Students and their parents/guardians assume full responsibility for the course work scheduled. Though the school personnel will attempt to locate and correct any errors, it is the students’ and their parents’ responsibility to select the courses, keep copies of records and plan their schedule to meet all requirements for graduation. Also, parents and students have the responsibility to check requirements for graduation, TOPS, and the college of their choice and to schedule coursework accordingly.

GEE 21 andEOC (End-of-Course)

All public high school studentswill be required to take the stateexit tests. The tests will include

the subject areas in English,Math, Social Studies, and Science.This requirement is in addition

to the required number ofCarnegie Units. Students havenumerous opportunities to retake

any exit test not passed. Remediation is available to studentswho do not pass exit tests in accordance with the St. Tammany Parish Pupil Progression Plan.

The GEE 21 (Louisiana Education Assessment Program – Graduate Exit Exam) is a graduation requirement in the state of Louisiana for incoming freshman prior to 2010-2011. The test is composed of four sections. The English/Language Arts and Mathematics sections of the GEE 21 are taken by all 10th graders. Under the current policy, students must achieve a score of Approaching Basic or above in both English and Math to meet graduation requirements. Juniors will take the Science and Social Studies sections. Under current policy the students must score at Approaching Basic or above on either the Science or the Social Studies section to meet graduation requirements.

In 2005, the Louisiana Department of Education initiated an End-of-Course (EOC) assessment program to support consistent and rigorous standards in key high school courses. Beginning in 2010-2011 and beyond, all incoming freshmen must pass three EOC Tests in the following categories to earn a standard diploma: (a) English II or English III; (b) Algebra I or Geometry; and (c) Biology or American History.


High School Graduation Options

LA Core 4 and Basic Core curriculums

All students entering Lakeshore High School as first-time freshmen will follow the LA Core 4 Curriculum. At the end of their sophomore year, students may wish to opt out of the LA Core 4 Curriculum into the Basic Core Curriculum by having a parent or guardian sign and file with the school a written statement asserting their consent to the student graduating without completing the LA Core 4 Curriculum. By signing they are acknowledging that one consequence of not completing it may be ineligibility to enroll into a Louisiana four-year public college or university. Students who opt into the Basic Core Curriculum will be eligible to enroll in a community or technical college and may enter a 4 year college/university after earning an associate degree.

The new curriculum will bring rigor and relevance to high schools throughout the state. Because grasping math concepts are such a strong indicator of success in both college and the workforce, all students will be required to take an extra unit of math, increasing graduation requirements from 23 units to 24 units. Please examine the two diploma options in order to decide which option is most aligned with post graduation goals. Any student who would like to opt out of the Core 4 diploma must schedule a meeting with one of the guidance counselors.

Local Requirements for Graduation

Since a seven-period day daily schedule has been funded to enhance educational opportunities for high school students, it is the intent of the St. Tammany Parish School district to have students complete four full years of a high school education. Therefore, students shall enroll in English IV or Senior Applications in English only after completing three (3) full years on a high school campus.

It is strongly recommended that students who wish to get an early start in college participate in Advanced Placement or Early Start/Dual Enrollment courses. In order to graduate at the end of the junior year, a student must be facing extraordinary circumstances that cannot be addressed with concurrent enrollment or early admissions. In addition, any student who wishes to graduate at the end of the junior year must have earned a 3.8 cumulative GPA and scored at least a 30 on the ACT. A student who meets these requirements shall apply to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for a recommendation to the Superintendent.

individual graduation plan requirements

By the end of the eighth grade, each student shall develop, with the input of his/her family, an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). The purpose of the IGP document and related activities are as follows: explore educational and career opportunities, make appropriate secondary/postsecondary decisions as part of an overall career plan based on the student’s talents and interests, and consider graduation requirements relevant to the student’s chosen area of concentration and postsecondary entrance requirements.The student and parent/guardian are required to review these plans annually and update all required signatures. IGPs with original signatures will be kept on file at the school.

Placement in Courses

Placement in honors, AP, and early start/dual enrollment courses is determined by student ability and teacher recommendation. Student ability is determined by results of standardized tests, criterion referenced tests, placement tests, and past academic achievement.


Early Start/Dual Enrollment Program

Early Start/Dual Enrollment is a program that allows eligible high school students currently attending St. Tammany Parish public or private schools to concurrently enroll in a college course. The credits that students earn will be eligible towards both a high school diploma and college credit.To be eligible for the Early Start/Dual Enrollment Program, a student must be 16 years old, classified as a junior or senior, and meet PLAN and/or ACT requirements.

Advanced Placement Courses

AP courses are college level courses offered in the high school for qualified students who are interested in pursuing a comprehensive program of study. AP courses follow guidelines established by the state and are different from other courses in their focus on higher levels of reasoning, greater self direction and accelerated course work. Students who take AP courses are encouraged to take the AP exams at the end of the courses. The score obtained on the exam and each college’s policy regarding AP will determine whether college credit will be granted for the course.

Honors and Gifted

Students scheduled in honors or gifted courses will accelerate both their reading and writing beyond the minimum requirements. Students must have an IEP to be enrolled in gifted courses and must have teacher recommendation to be enrolled in honors courses.

Special Education Department

Special Education and Gifted and Talented courses are offered and are designed to meet the individual needs of exceptional students. The student’s course of study will be determined by the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Louisiana’s Tuition Opportunity Programfor Students (TOPS)

This program awards college, university, or state technical college tuition to Louisiana high school graduates at a Louisiana college or university who meet specific academic standards. To receive the TOPS award, students must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 in the core curricula courses that follow and must have an ACT score equal to or greater than the state’s prior year average. The annual award amount varies since it is based on the amount of tuition and mandatory fees charged by individual institutions. TOPS offers five award programs.

The application for the TOPS award begins with filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA form must be filed within the deadlines for priority consideration and to avoid penalties. The FAFSA form must be received by the final state deadline set by the TOPS office. A FAFSA form may be obtained by calling the Office of Student Financial Assistance at (800) 259-5626 or you may apply over the Internet at It is the student and parent’s responsibility to fill out the FAFSA form and to meet the required deadlines. The St. Tammany Parish School Board sponsors a parent meeting with a representative from the Office of Student Financial Assistance to provide information about completing the FAFSA form.

The TOPS Opportunity Curricula is listed on the following pages. The eligibility requirements and rules governing the TOPS program are subject to legislative and regulatory amendments subsequent to the date of the last published brochure. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to be aware of the TOPS requirements and changes.


Louisiana Public University Admissions

Please check with your Guidance Counselor and/or the specific institution in which you are interested for requirements.

Weighted Courses

Weighted grades apply to English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies in designated courses of honors, gifted, Advanced Placement, and non-remedial core college courses. All students enrolled in weighted courses will receive an extra quality point for an A, B, or C earned in a maximum of 16 weighted courses from the designated weighted courses.

St. Tammany Parish Designated Weighted Course List
English / Math / Science / Social Studies
English I (H) (G) / Algebra I (H) (G) / Physical Science (H) (G) / World Geography (H) (G)
English II (H) (G) / Geometry (H) (G) / Biology (H) (G) / Civics/Free Enterprise (H) (G)
English III (H) (G) (AP) / Algebra II (H) (G) / Chemistry (H) (G) (AP) / American History (H) (G) (AP)
English IV (H) (G) (AP) / Pre-Calculus (H) (G) / Physics (H) (G) (AP) / World History (H)
Calculus (H) (G) / Biology II (AP) (H) / Psychology (H) (AP)
AP Calculus AB / Chemistry II (H) (AP)
Physics II (H) (AP)


Grade Classification

Students are classified by the number of Carnegie units earned. Students are not promoted mid-year. The units required for each grade are:

Classes / Class of 2012
and Thereafter
Sophomores / 5 Units
Juniors / 11 Units
Seniors / 17 Units
Total Units for Graduation / 24 Units

rank in Class

Rank in class will be based upon the quality points earned on a maximum of 28 credits and no more than 16 weighted classes in all high school subjects. All St. Tammany Parish students shall attempt 3.5 credits each semester in grades 9-11. Students electing to take a short day schedule in the senior year will negatively impact their class rank. Please note that St. Tammany Parish schools do not provide rank until a student’s final class rank after graduation.



Conference with Teachers: When parents want to communicate with a teacher, they either may contact the office or e-mail the teacher through the school’s web site: Personal conferences are welcome if a telephone conversation or e-mail does not prove adequate. To schedule a conference with several teachers, please contact the front office. If a conference is needed with only one teacher, please contact the teacher.

Conference with Counselors: Students wishing to see a counselor should first check in with student services. Parents should call or e-mail and make an appointment when a personal conference is needed.

Schedule Changes

A considerable amount of time and effort is devoted to the scheduling process. If students make their course selections carefully and follow the recommended procedures, there should be few if any reasons for schedule changes. Extenuating circumstances explained in writing and signed by both the student and parent will be considered in making schedule changes. Other changes necessitated by course cancellations, course failures, administrative decisions, or scheduling conflicts that cannot be resolved will be made at the beginning of each semester with administration approval. Requests for schedule changes must be received within three days of the new semester. With the exception of extenuating circumstances, students will not be allowed to drop or add a course after the first week of each semester. Students enrolled in a one year or one semester course will be expected to stay in the course for the full term.

Louisiana Virtual School (LVS)

The Louisiana Department of Education provides Louisiana high school students with access to high school courses delivered by certified highly-qualified Louisiana teachers through the Louisiana Virtual School (LVS). Students in LVS courses utilize the web, e-mail, and other online and offline resources. Fees will apply to these courses.

a3 Virtual Academy

St. Tammany Parish offers online courses for credit recovery or new credit to St. Tammany Parish school students. These courses may be offered during the school year or in summer school. Fees may apply.

Summer School

St. Tammany Parish offers summer school courses each year for a set fee viaa3 Virtual Academy. Students must have written authorization of the school principal to register and receive Carnegie credit for courses taken in summer school. High school students may enroll in summer school to earn Carnegie credit in order to graduate in four years, to remove a deficiency, or to improve grade point average by repeating a previously taken course. However, Carnegie credit earned through summer school shall not carry a weighted designation. Although the high school student may earn Carnegie credit during summer school for a course she/he previously failed, both failing and passing grades are included in the computation for grade point average.

Compliance Notice

The St. Tammany Parish School Board adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of the Federal Civil Rights laws and regulations that are applicable to this agency. Therefore, no one will be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, or national origin (Title VVI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964); sex (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972); disability (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) in attaining educational goals and objectives and in the administration of personnel policies and procedures. Anyone with questions regarding this policy may contact St. Tammany Parish School Board at 985-892-2276.


The information presented in this document is based on St. Tammany Parish School Board guidelines and the Louisiana Department of Education guidelines as of December 2011. Although we will follow any changes to policy for the 2012-2013 school year, we are not responsible for making these changes in the current Curriculum Guide until December 2012. 7

LA Core 4 curriculum

(Effective for 2008-09 Freshmen and thereafter)

LA Core 4 Curriculum
Credit / Courses / Credit needed
English / 4
English I / 1
English II / 1
English III / 1
English IV / 1
Math / 4
Algebra I / 1
Geometry / 1
Algebra II / 1
Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Math Essentials, Financial Math, or Functions & Statistics / 1
Social Studies / 4
World Geography / 1
Civics/Free Enterprise / 1
American History / 1
World History, or Psychology / 1
Science / 4
Physical Science / 1
Biology / 1
Chemistry / 1
Physics, #Ag. II, Biology II, or Environmental Science / 1
Physical Education/Health / 2
Physical Education I or JROTC I / 1
Physical Education II or JROTC II / .5
Health / .5
Foreign Language / 2
Foreign Language or * Speech / 2
Fine Arts / 1
Fine Arts Survey, Art, Music, or Theater / 1
Electives / 3
Electives ** / 3
Total Credits / 24

*4 year universities may require 2 consecutive years in a foreign language and may not accept speech.

** Selection of electives should be aligned with career cluster requirements.

# Agriscience I is a prerequisite for Agriscience II and is an elective course.


LA Basic Core curriculum

(Effective for 2008-09 Freshmen and thereafter)

LA Basic CoreCurriculum
Credit / Courses / Credit needed
English / 4
English I / 1
English II / 1
English III / 1
English IV or Sen. Apps. In Eng. / 1
Math / 4
Algebra I / 1
Geometry / 1
Algebra II, Functions & Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Math Essentials, or Financial Math / 2
Social Studies / 3
Civics/Free Enterprise / 1
American History / 1
World Geography or World History / 1
Science / 3
Biology / 1
Physical Science, Chemistry or Physics / 1
Environmental Science , #Ag. II, Physics, or Biology II / 1
Physical Education/Health / 2
Physical Education I or JROTC I / 1
Physical Education II or JROTC II / .5
Health / .5
Electives ** / 8
Electives / 8 / *7
*Education for Careers or Journey to Careers / *1
**Must complete career area of concentration
Total Credits / 24

*Effective for incoming freshman in 2010-2011 and beyond .

** Selection of electives should be aligned with career cluster requirements.

# Agriscience I is a prerequisite for Agriscience II and is an elective course.