Contract No2018/______

for fee-paid service delivery

Krasnoyarsk Date:______2018

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Siberian Federal University” represented by its acting rector VladimirKolmakov acting pursuant to the University Charter and Resolution of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science No. 12-07-03/151 of 25.10.2017 andhereinafter referred to as “the Contractor” on the other hand, and ______represented by its director / rector ______acting pursuant to the______hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”, and collectively referred to as “the Parties” concluded this about the following:


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide services for the Customer as follows: holding the XXV International Conference ISUF 2018 (hereinafter referred as “The Conference”).

1.2. The Conference venue: Krasnoyarsk, Siberian Federal University.

1.3 The Conference dates: 5 July - 9 July 2018


2.1. The Contractorundertakes to:

2.1.1. Organize preparation and conduct the conference within the time specified in clause 1.3 of this Contract;

2.1.2. Ensure the Customer representative’s participation ______(participant’s surname, first name) in all the events of the Conference;

2.1.3. Provide a full package of the Conference participants (Conference materials, handouts, 12-month subscription to the Journal of Urban Morphology, coffee breaks and lunches during the Conference);

2.1.4. Publish the papers in the proceedings of the Conference.

2.2. For the benefit of the Customers, the Contractor has the right to attract third parties to fulfil the obligations under the terms of this Contract.

2.3. The Customer undertakesto:

2.3.1. Submit the materials of their paper to the Contractor for publication in the Proceedings of the XXV International Conference ISUF 2018;

2.3.2. Pay for the services in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Contract;

  2. For the provision of services under this Contract, the Customer pays an organizational fee of € ______(including VAT) to the Contractor.
  3. The Customer pays for 100% of participation fee according to the invoice for the Conference by crediting the Contractor's account specified in this Contract. The due date is 1 May 2018.
  4. The moment of payment under this Contract shall be the date of receipt of the money to the Contractor's account.

4.1. At the end of the Conference, the Parties sign a Work Completion Statement.

4.2. Within 5 (five) days after the official closing of the Conference, the Customer signs Work Completion Statement from the Contractor or submit a reasoned refusal to sign such Statement. In the case the Statement has not been signed or there is not any reasoned refusal provided in time, the services shall be deemed as rendered in full and accepted by the Customer without any claims to the Contractor.


5.1. Any of the Parties to this Contract that have not fulfilled their obligations under this or have performed them improperly is liable for the aforesaid in the case of the Party's guilt (intent, negligence, imprudence).

5.2. The Party that has taken all reasonable measures of diligence, responsibility and discretion to protect the interests of the other Party, for proper execution of the obligations under this, which corresponding to the nature of the obligations and the terms of business practices shall be deemed innocent.

5.3. For failure to perform or improper performance of the obligations under this Contract, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The Parties are freed from any liability for partial fulfilling or failure to fulfill the obligations under this Contract if such failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after conclusion of this Contract as a result of emergency and unavoidable events that were unpreventable. Such extraordinary events are: flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, storm, soil subsidence, epidemic or other natural phenomena, as well as war or military actions and actions of competent state bodies resulting in limiting the ability of Parties to fulfill the obligations under this.

6.2. In case of any force majeure circumstances, the terms of fulfillment of the respective obligations shall be extended for the period of the said force-majeure circumstances.


7.1. This Contract comes into force from the date of its signing by the Parties and is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations.

7.3. This Agreement is made in two copies both equally valid and legally binding, one copy for each of the Parties.


8.1. Confidential information is any information, related to the present Agreement, which has active or potential value by virtue of non-public nature and not for wide distribution and/or general publication, including factual and analytical data about scientific, innovative, commercial and other type of activity, technical, financial and other capabilities and infrastructure of SibFU, data about technical characteristics, general and anti-terrorism security of the University facilities, access and security controls, about provision of engineering and physical safety, fire protection of the University facilities, information security activities, personal data, except for the information, legally available to the public.

8.2. Both Parties shall keep Confidential information and use all reasonable efforts to protect such information for a period of 10 years from the date of signing the Agreement, which includes the case of reorganization or closing down of the Parties. The Parties hereby agree not to disclose or make Confidential information available to third parties without other Party’s prior written consent, except for the cases of incidental and/or forced Confidential information disclosure due to acts of God or current statutory requirements of the Russian Federation, legally effective decisions of courts, having jurisdiction, or legal claims of state competent authorities, provided only the part of Confidential information will be disclosed due to current statutory requirements of the Russian Federation, legally effective decisions of courts, having jurisdiction, or legal claims of state competent authorities.

8.3. Both Parties shall be liable for any acts or failure to act on the part of their employees and other people, who got access to Confidential information.

8.4. Both Parties shall take proper measures to protect Confidential information as required by the current laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.

8.5. For the purposes of this Agreement “Confidential information disclosure” means unauthorized actions of one of the Parties resulting in getting access to Confidential information by the third parties. Confidential information disclosure also means failure to provide the proper level of information security by one of the Parties resulting in getting access to Confidential information by the third parties. The Party concerned is liable for losses, which other Party will bear due to Confidential information disclosure or unauthorized use of Confidential information as the result of the violation of terms of the present section, except for cases of Confidential information disclosure, provided by this section of the Agreement.


Customer: / Contractor:

Siberian Federal University

79 Svobodny pr., 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

TIN 2463011853RRC 246301001

PSRN 1022402137460

All-Russian Classifier of Business Organizations 02067876

Beneficiary’s Bank:




Beneficiary: Siberian Federal University

Account number: 40503978200341000002

Address: 79 Svobodny pr., 660041 Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Correspondent bank of beneficiary’s bank:

Bank GPB International S.A.,



Account number: LU643790111780352004

______/ ______/
Date:______2018 / SibFU Acting Rector
______Vladimir Kolmakov

Statement of the Services Delivered to

AgreementNo.2018/____ asof ______2018


Hereby Siberian Federal University (hereinafter “the Contractor”), represented by its acting rector Vladimir Kolmakov, acting pursuant to Ordinance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 12-07-03/151 of 25.10.2017 and the University Charter, on the one hand, and ______, (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”), passport______on the other hand, hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties”, have drawn up this about the following.

The Contractor provided services for the XXV International Conference ISUF 2018 in accordance with the terms of the Contract No. 2018 / ______dated ______2018.

The Customer has no claims to the Contractor.

This Statement certifies that the Parties rendered the services under a fee-paid service

Contract No. 2018 / ______as of ______2018 in full and in the order and on the terms of the agreement reached by them, and in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The cost of the services rendered is ______Russian roublesincludingVAT.

On behalf of the Customer
______/ ______/
Date: ______2018. / On behalf of the Contractor
Acting rector of Siberian Federal University
______/Vladimir Kolmakov
Date: ______2018 г.