Meeting: Patient Forum Group
PRACTICE: Willington Medical Group / Date:
13.3.2012 / Attendees:
Graham Sewell,
David Craggs
Ian hirst
Pat Greensmith,
Margaret Metcalfe
Melanie Robinson
Cherrie Hirst
Samantha Sheppard
Julie Gray
Brian Myers
Roger Ward
Susan Goodwin
Philippa Hammond
Francis Hall
Julia Steele (Maternity Leave)
Dr. Grant / Copies sent to:
Guests:Pat Brown and Terri Harding – Primary Research Network
Melissa Roach, Physical Development Office – Durham County Council
Location of Meeting: Willington Community Action Centre (formerly Resource Centre).
1 / Introductions / Graham Sewellchaired the Meeting
2. / Minutes of Meeting 10th January 2012 / The minutes of this meeting were agreed as a true record
3 / Matters Arising
Carers Health Checks / Figures of patients attending the carers health checks over the few years that these health checks have been running still need to be obtained. Cherrie will speak to Val Raine regarding this.
4. / Primary Care Research Network / Pat Brown delivered a presentation explaining the Primary Care Research Network.
The PCRN work with the National Institute of Health Research and are engaging with GPs to take part in research studies. (A hand out was circulated to the group)
Websites with information on regarding this are available.
All care pathways are ethically approved.
The research studies don’t concentrate on one particular disease or drug.
All studies have been safety tested and are strictly governed
The results of these research studies are analysed and published in certain journals.
Dr. Chadwick and Melanie Robinson (Nurse Practitioner) are working with the Primary Care Research Network and will liaise with them regarding expressing an interest in certain research studies.
There are posters displayed in the waiting area and leaflets available for patients to read.
Melanie Robinson explained to the group that if anyone had any questions, she would be happy to answer them.
The practice recently took part in the ISICA study. This study focused on ladies with diabetes. Diabetic Research have databases where people have expressed an interest in participating in research study.
5. / Melissa Roach – Physical Activity Development Officer for Durham County Council / Melissa explained to the group that there has been 20 referrals for exercise on prescription since May 2011. Referrals have significantly dropped since November 2011.
Melissa met with Ian Hirst from SLAM and it was decided that if referrals did not increase then it was not feasible to employ a gym instructor. This would limit activities that are provided by SLAM for patients who are referred for exercise on prescription.
Cherrie asked Melissa if it would be possible to get feedback on the patients who had been referred for exercise on prescription. This information did used to come into the practice on a regular basis showing activity and attendance rates but since the merge of the local councils this information has not been available to the GPs.
Melissa explained that this information is currently being collated into monthly reports and that if a GP wanted certain information regarding a certain patient then D.C.C. keep a database of all patients who have been referred for exercise on prescription and a log of attendances etc.
Melissa and Ian requested a meeting with the GPs to discuss the issues around exercise on prescription. Cherrie agreed to arrange this. Cherrie will also feedback the problems around referral rates to the GPs at the next practice meeting.
Cherrie asked Melissa if Health Trainers could refer into exercise on prescription. Melissa explained that they can but a clinician would need to sign the referral form.
Cherrie also asked Melissa to provide an article for the practice newsletter.
6. / Practice Update
DNA Policy
Health Trainer
Actions from Patient Survey Results
Anti-Coagulation Monitoring Service
Better Health at Work Silver Award
Text Messaging Service / Cherrie explained to the group that the DNA Policy is still work in progress. In the month of January 235 appointments were wasted due to patients failing to attend, which equates to 55 hours and 40 minutes of GPs time wasted. In February there were 262 appointments wasted.
Cherrie explained to the group that a monthly article is put into the newsletter, on the website, on the TV screen in the Community Action Centre and also displayed on the call sign in the waiting area publishing the amount of appointments that are wasted on a monthly basis. GPs are also given an individual monthly report stating which of their own patients have failed to attend for appointments.
On the current DNA letter that is sent to patients this also states the amount of DNA s we have experienced in the previous month. If a patient fails to attend for a second appointment then another letter will be sent to the patient stating that it has been noted that this is the second appointment they have failed to attend and they will lose the right to pre-book appointments if they fail to attend for a third appointment. If they fail to attend for a third appointment then a letter will be sent to the patient stating that they have lost the right to pre-book appointments and they will need to speak to the office or practice manager before they will be seen.
Cherrie will update the group on completion of the DNA policy.
Cherrie explained to the group that the draft service specification for a Health Trainer attached to the practice has come through. A Health Trainer will hopefully be attached to the practice from 1st April 2012. This service will be for 1 year and up to 100 patients will be seen by the health trainer either in one to one or group sessions. Cherrie explained that quite a few patients had accessed the current health trainer service and have found it very useful. Ian Hirst explained that he had accessed this service and it was excellent. This is a sign posting service to help people change their lifestyles.
Margaret also explained that the Health Trainers use the Community Action Centre to see people in the community and this works really well also. Cherrie will keep the group updated regarding this service.
Cherrie explained to the group that issues discussed at the previous patient forum meeting regarding the results of the patient survey have been looked at in further detail with the whole practice team and the following changes and adaptations have been made from either suggestions from the practice staff and also the patient forum group members:
  • Slides are now displayed on the TV in the Community Action Centre stating opening hours, contact details, information on EMIS Access, information on prescriptions, patient forum information, DNA rates and also information on the practice website and newsletter. Cherrie is also looking into getting this information displayed On the Life Channel.
  • Information is now displayed on the prescription box regarding ordering prescriptions through EMIS Access.
  • A short survey was carried out asking patients when the best times would be for them to contact the prescription line. Due to the results of this survey the prescription line is now open from 10.30-12noon, 1pm-2pm and 5pm – 6pm.
  • Patients can now hand repeat prescription requests between 12noon – 1pm.
  • The waiting area has been re-designed to improve privacy and confidentiality. We are also going to widen the reception desk and also place a screen up to improve this further.
  • Posters are now displayed explaining why reception staff need to ask for a brief description of the patient’s symptoms.
We are also looking at attaching information slips to prescriptions regarding EMIS Access and other services that we provide
The actions we have taken from the results of the patient survey will be displayed on the website before the 31st March 2012.
Cherrie explained that the practice have not opted to provide this service. The practice needs to write to all patients who are on warfarin before the end of April stating that we will no longer be providing this service and refer them to another provider. Cherrie showed the group a copy of the leaflet that patients will be getting with the providers contact details on. The hospitals will continue to provide this service. The closest provider to Willington will be Clemitsons Pharmacy at Crook. The willing providers will also offer home visits to patients who are housebound.
Cherrie explained to the group that staff at Willington Medical Group successfully completed the Better Health at Work Bronze award and are now working towards the Silver Award. A large part of the criteria for the silver award is based on physical activity. Due to this the health advocates decided that it would be great for the whole practice team to be involved in covering 2012km by the end of July using various methods of exercise e.g. running, walking, rowing. The team started this on 1st March and have already covered 347.5km in the first week.
Mini MOTs will be arranged for staff and other topics that are going to be covered are healthy eating, stress, back pain and work life balance.
An update on the team’s progress will be displayed on our website and also in the practice newsletter.
Cherrie explained to the group that due to the amount of DNAs an appointment reminder text messaging service would be piloted for 3 months. This will be advertised on the website and also in the newsletter. Appointment reminders will originally be sent to patients who have an appointment of 20 minutes or longer and it will be policy that when these appointments are booked that an up to date mobile number is taken. If this pilot works then text messages reminders will be used for most appointments and also health campaigns.
7 / Britton and Robson Update / No further updates from previous meeting.
8 / SLAM Update – Ian Hirst / Ian explained to the group that the Boot Camp was extremely popular.
The BMX track attracts people from the ages of 7 up to 57, 2 of which are national champions.
The PALS group is well attended and it would be great if this could be offered on the exercise on prescription scheme.
SLAM are currently working with the sporting club from DurhamUniversity looking at delivering sports across Co. Durham.
9 / A.O.B.
Update from Pat Greensmith
Future Dates of PFG Meetings / Pat let the group know that they are offering spray tans every Wednesday from the centre and she has also secured £1000 for free massage and reflexology for people who are suffering from cancer.
12th June 2012, 1pm
11th September 2012, 1pm
11th December 2012, 1pm
10 / Date of next Meeting / 12th June 2012, 1pm, Willington Community Action Centre

Signature of Chair…………………………………………………….

Signature of Deputy Chair…………………………………………..