Program Dates: June 21 – August 14, 2015
Application Deadline: February 15th, 2015
The Integrative Muscle Physiology laboratory at UC Irvine in collaboration with the UCI graduate division is offering two summer undergraduate research fellowships. This NSF funded program offers upper division undergraduate, and continuing master’s students with outstanding academic potential the opportunity to conduct research in Dr. Manny Azizi’s lab ( Participants will be part of a larger fellowship program that is aimed at students who plan to pursue a PhD especially at UC Irvine.
Major components of the program are the supplemental activities designed to enhance the research experience and graduate preparation of the participants. Students are required to attend GRE test preparation courses as well as take the GRE exam in August. SRP features workshops and seminars on strategies to improve the likelihood of success in applying to graduate school.
- U.S. citizens or permanent residents
- Sophomores, juniors, seniors or master’s students interested in pursuing a Ph.D.
- Students who will be enrolled full-time at a college or university during the Spring and Fall 2015 terms
- Students with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average or better (on a 4 point scale)
- Students interested in attending UCIrvine for graduate studies
- Students from educationally disadvantaged or underserved backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply
- SURF is open to students in virtually all academic fields (e.g., arts, humanities, social sciences, social ecology, biological sciences, engineering, education, computer sciences and physical sciences)
- $3000 summer stipend
- Free on-campus housing (All program participants will be required to reside in assigned on-campus University housing)
- GRE preparation course and the GRE exam
- Participants are required to complete the entire eight-week program
- The research objectives of the program are substantial and require full-time student commitment (five days a week/35-40 hours per week)
- Participants are required to submit a research paper at the end of session (minimum 12 pages)
- Students are required to submit an abstract (2 pages) describing his/her research
- Students will present their research at the research symposium during the final week of the program.
- Each participant must attend all required workshops, presentations, and meetings
- Students are required to take the GRE course as well as the actual GRE exam and submit scores, during the time of the program
- Students evaluate the program and their research experience at the close of the program
Applications must be submitted by email as follows:
A completed typed application form
A two (2) page personal statement
An unofficial transcript of all college coursework
The name and contact information of a reference familiar with the applicant’s academic abilities
- Application Word document must be saved as “Last Name-First Name”
- Example: “Smith-John.doc”
Applications must be emailed to
Completed application forms must be received by emailby February 15th, 2015. No applications will be accepted by FAX. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Admission to the summer program will be announced in late-March. Students will be notified by email.
STUDENT INFORMATIONStudent Name: / (Last) (First) (Middle)
Local Address: / Cell Phone: ()-
City, State and ZIP:
Student e-mail address:
Permanent Address: / Permanent Phone: ()-
City, State and Zip:
Major 1: / Major 2 or Minor:
Undergraduate Institution:
Year: Sophomore Junior Senior Master’s (yr 1) Master’s (yr 2)
GPA in Major: / Overall GPA: / Expected Term of Graduation:
Gender: Female Male / Ethnicity*:
Birthdate: / Birthplace:
Citizenship: U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident: A#
What is your first language (language spoken at home)?
What is the highest level of education attained by your parents or guardian?
Mother: Did not graduate high school High school graduate Some college, but no bachelor’s degree 4 year
college graduate
Master’s degree Professional degree Doctoral degree Unknown
Father: Did not graduate high school High school graduate Some college, but no bachelor’s degree 4 year
college graduate
Master’s degree Professional degree Doctoral degree Unknown
Guardian: Did not graduate high school High school graduate Some college, but no bachelor’s degree 4 year
college graduate
Master’s degree Professional degree Doctoral degree Unknown
* This information is collected for statistical purposes.
1. / Have you participated in any of the following pre-collegiate and collegiate programs:
MBRS McNair Scholar CAMP/LSAMP NIMH COR MARC Howard Hughes Upward Bound EOP/EAP MESA/MAP Amgen Other:
2. / Do you plan to apply to a doctoral program? Yes No
If yes, what quarter/year?
3. / Which graduate degree are you considering? Master’s Ph.D.
4. / What field/subject are you considering pursuing a doctoral degree in?
5. / What are your top three choices for universities for graduate school?
6. / State your educational and career goals.
7. / Describe one extracurricular or community activity you participated in during the past year. Indicate your role and describe how the group benefited from your participation and how you benefitted.
8. / Indicate the course work you have taken that would qualify you to conduct research in the field of physiology, muscle biology, functional anatomy, or biomechanics
Course Work / Term
9. / Briefly indicate your specific experience with the following, if any:
Laboratory skills:
Computer languages or software:
Other foreign languages you can speak/read other than English:
10. / Have you ever conducted research before? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Student participants:
1) Must have the potential to enter UC graduate schools (minimum GPA of 3.0)
2) May not be supported by more than one (1) stipend for the same summer research project
Each student is required to participate in the following activities:
1) An 8-week summer research experience at UCI
2) All workshops and presentations
3) GRE preparation courses, completion of the GRE exam and submit scores to UCI SURF staff
4) Research skills training
5) Faculty monitoring meetings
6) Summer research symposium
7) Write an original research abstract
8) Write an original 12-page research paper
9) Program Evaluation
10) Scheduled meetings with your program staff
IMPORTANT: Your signature is required below. Without your signature, your application is incomplete and cannot be processed.
I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that all information submitted on this application is complete and correct. I also certify that I have read the program information regarding this summer research program and agree to abide by it if selected. I understand that failure to disclose accurate information is grounds for immediate dismissal from this program. I also understand the failure to complete any of the required actions may jeopardize my summer stipend.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Type Name (Last, First, Middle):
Personal Statement
Please type out essay below and do not exceedthe space provided (2 pages). Use double spaced, 12-pt font.
Please state your reason for applying to the UCIrvine Summer Research Program; include relevant research experience (if applicable), educational goals, and future professional and personal objectives. Indicate if you have particular experiences that qualify you to undertake such research and any additional information that may aid the selection committee in evaluating your preparation, potential, and aptitude for graduate study. If you have encountered special personal situations in high school or college that impeded your studies (e.g., first generation to attend college, working long hours while attending school, or other financial hardship) please discuss the ways in which these experiences have affected your academic opportunities. Explain why UCI is a good match for your summer goals. Also, please discuss how yourprior life experiences (academic, professional, volunteer, etc.) demonstrate commitment to graduate education, especially at UCIrvine
UCI Graduate DivisionTo Be Completed by the ApplicantRevision date: 12/2014
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UCI Graduate DivisionRevision date: 10/2013
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