/ Managing the Knowledge Manager (Checklist)

Table of Contents

Managing Knowledge Manager for Administrators......




Checklist Menu......

Creating a Checklist (Parts 1-3)......

Part 1: General Information......

Steps to Create a the General Information......

Part 2: Entering Numbered Items to the Checklist......

Steps to Add Items to the Checklist......

Part 3: Creating/Managing a Checklist’s Keywords......

Steps to Add One or More Keywords to a Checklist......

Steps to Delete One or More Keywords from a Checklist......

Editing a Checklist......

Reviewing Version History Details for a Checklist......

Selecting and Adding Checklists to a Module......

Steps to Add Checklists to a Module......

Assigning Learners ‘Preceptor’ Privileges to Grade Checklists......

Steps to Assign a Learner Preceptor Privileges to Grade Checklists......

Assigning Preceptors to a Module Containing Checklists......

Steps to Assign One or More Preceptors to a Module......

Grading Checklists - Entering Grades......

Steps to Grade a Checklist for One Learner at-a-time......

Partial Grading of a Checklist......

Steps to Grade a Checklist by Module......

Managing Knowledge Manager for Administrators


You can create and edit a checklist as well as grade a checklistusing Knowledge Manager if you have the appropriate permissions. You may also create and assign “Learners” as Preceptors to grade the checklists. Preceptors are assigned to a checklist at the module level. Learners that are assigned the Preceptor privilege do not have Administrative privileges unless they are added separately.

When you grant Learners Preceptor privileges, they receive the ‘Knowledge Manager’ menu and the ‘Grade Checklist’ View button on their Personal page, as shown below. The Learners can only grade the checklists that are assignedto them by module.

Note: Checklists can be included in a modulewith or without other
E-learning lessons. Once a checklist is included in a module, you can add one or more preceptors to grade the checklist when you edit the module.

Tip: Checklists assigned to Learners can be viewed and/or printed so each Learner can see what he/she will be graded on as well as the status of each item if the grading is In-progress. Assigned checklists appear in each Learner’s lesson plan



You can navigate the Checklist with ‘breadcrumbs’. Breadcrumbs display at the top of the checklist page and outline your position within the checklists. They show you your path to how you got to where you are now; compared to where you came from without leaving the current window.

Example of Breadcrumbs: You can click on any link to move backwards from your current position inside the checklists window.

Checklist Menu

If you are an Administrator with add/create checklist privileges, you have four options in the Checklist Menu – the ‘Create New Checklist’, ‘Version History’, ‘Edit Checklist’, and ‘Grade Checklist’.

Creating a Checklist (Parts 1-3)

Creating a checklist consists of General information about the checklist, adding items to the checklist and adding keywords as needed.

Tip: To save time creating a checklist, if you have a similar
checklist, you may want to select Copy to the right of the similar
existing checklist then rename and edit the copy.

Part 1: General Information

General information includes the title of the checklist, active - viewable by Learners, assignable - available to assign to a module, add notes and version history information.

Steps to Create a the General Information
  1. From the Menu Bar, click Knowledge Manager — Create/EditChecklist.
    The ‘Checklist Menu’ displays on the left, and any existing checklists display on the right.
  1. From the ‘Checklist Menu’ on the left, click Create New Checklist.
    The page refreshes and the ‘Create New – Checklist’ page opens on the right.

  1. Title. Enter theTitle for the checklist.
  2. Active. Defaults to Yes. Makes this title viewable. If you do not want the title to be viewed yet, select No.
  3. Assignable: Defaults to No. When the checklist is complete and you want it available to assign to a module, click Yes.

Tip: Leave this as No until the checklist has been completely setup and you are ready for it to be assigned to Learners in a module.

  1. (Optional). Add notes describing the checklist in the ‘Summary’ text box.
  2. (Optional). Add Version History Comments. These comments display in ‘Version History’ to help identify the changes you made to this content at a later date as needed.
  3. Click the Create button.

Note: Once you create the checklist, you can then add content and keywords using the tabs across the top of the page.

Part 2: EnteringNumbered Items to the Checklist

You can add numbered items to the checklist.

Steps to Add Items to the Checklist
  1. Click the Checklist Content tab.

  1. Type the number ‘1’ for the Item’s order on the checklist. This is the 1st item in the new checklist. Each time you add a new item;enter the number of the item you want added to the checklist.
  1. From ‘Checklist Item’, enter the text to be observed by the preceptor (grader).
  1. Click the Add button.
    The page refreshes. And your first item displays across the bottom.

  1. Continue to add more checklist items to be observed by the preceptor until you have added all of the items to be evaluated. (Enter the Item Order and checklist Item, and then click the Add button.)

Tip: You can insert a row by repeating the item order number where you want to place it. For example, you have already entered five items and you want to insert item six but you want to display it second, then key the number two (2) in the ‘Item Order’ field and proceed with entering the text and pressing Add. The new item will now be the second in the list and all subsequent items will be renumbered as three through six.

Part 3: Creating/Managinga Checklist’s Keywords

You can add or remove keywords for a checklist as needed.

Keywords are a word or phrase defined by your administrator to help Learners find a specific course or checklist. Keywords are associated with courses and checklists. When a Learnerenters a keyword into the search box, the associated checklists display(e.g., Radiation Dose).

Tip: There is no ‘Edit’ function. So if you want to edit, remove the word, you can then re-enter the word you want.

Steps to Add One or More Keywords to a Checklist
  1. From an open checklist, click the Keywords tab.

  1. From ‘New Search Keyword’, enter a keyword in the text box.
  1. Click the Add button.
    The keyword adds to the ‘Search Keywords’ box below.
  1. Continue to add keywords as needed.
Steps to Delete One or More Keywords from a Checklist
  1. Click the Keywords tab.
  2. From ‘Search Keywords’, click a keyword that you want to remove (if you want to remove more than one keyword, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and select other keywords you want to remove, then release the CTRL key).
  1. Click the Remove button.
  2. Continue to add/delete keywords as needed.

Editing a Checklist

  1. From the Menu Bar, click Knowledge Manager — Create/Edit Checklist.
    The ‘Checklist Menu’ displays on the left and any available checklists display on the right.

Note: If you have the checklist open, click Edit Checklist from the left pane.

  1. Click the Title’s link on the rightto open the checklist.

The selected checklist opens at the ‘Checklist Content’ tab.

  1. To edit any item on the checklist, click the Edit button to the right of the item you want to change. The page refreshes and the selected item opens to edit.
  1. Edit the Item’s description as needed. You can also change the Item’s order if needed.
  2. If you edited either the Item’s order or description or both, click the Update button to the right of the Item.

Note: if you want to edit a checklist’s Title, Active, Assignable, Summary and/or Version History Comment selections, click the ‘General’ tab, and make the changes.

Reviewing Version History Details for a Checklist

As an Administrator you can view the version history comments that have been entered when you create/edit a checklist.

  1. From the Menu Bar, click Knowledge Manager — GradeChecklist.
  2. From the left, ‘Checklist Menu’, click Version History.
  3. From the list of checklists on the right, click the Version number link to the right of the title of the checklist that you want to view its version history.
    The ‘Version History Detail’ page opens. If there is a version # of ‘1.00.00,’ there is no version history to review.
  1. Click the Version number’s link.

Selecting and Adding Checklists to a Module

Checklistsare added to a module like all content. You can select lessons from courses your organization has licensed or from ones your organization has created as well as checklists. Once you add a checklist to a module, you will need to add one or more preceptors to the module to grade the checklist(s) when you “Edit” the module.

Steps to Add Checklists to aModule

You can add checklists to a new module or an existing module. Checklists are added from the ‘Organization-created Checklists’.

  1. From the menu bar, select E-learning — Create an Assignable Module.
  2. Click the Manage Queue tab.
  3. Click theAdd Lessons button.
  4. From the ‘Courses’ drop-down, click “Organization-created Checklists” as shown below.
  1. ClickSelect Course.
  2. Click the checkboxes to the left of the specific checklist names (lesson names) you want to add to the module.

Tip: If you want to select all the checklists, click the checkbox at the top “Add all of the lessons below.”

  1. Click the Add Selected Lessons button located at the bottom of the screen.
    A message displays how many lessons were added.
  2. When you have finished selecting your checklists, click the Return to Lesson Queue button.
  3. Create the Create Module tab.
  4. Enter your name for the Module.
  5. Optional. Click Make it Global if you want other administrators to have access to the module.
  6. Click the appropriate checkboxes to the left of the lesson names (checklists) you want to add to the module.

Tip: If you want to select all the checklists, click the checkbox at the top “Add all of the lessons below.”

  1. Click the Create the Module button located at the bottom of the screen.

Assigning Learners ‘Preceptor’ Privileges to Grade Checklists

You can make a Learner a Preceptor without making the Learner an Administrator. Once a Learner is granted Preceptor privileges, you can assign the Preceptor to any modules that contain checklists using the ‘Edit’ Module functionality.

Steps to Assign a Learner Preceptor Privileges to Grade Checklists
  1. From the menu bar, selectLearners - Lookup Learners.
  2. Enter all or part of the Learner’s last name. (Or you can search by ‘Learner ID’ or ‘Verification Code’.)

Note: Instead of entering all or part of a learner’s last name you can enter a percent sign (%) as a wild card. This finds a list of all the Learners in your system. Keep in mind that if you have a larger number of learners, this search could take some time.

  1. Click the Search button (or press the Enter key).
    A list of one or more Learners displays.
  2. From the Lastname and First Name, find the specific Learner from the list and click the Edit button to the right of the Learner’s name .
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to ‘Preceptor – May Grade checklists’ and select the checkbox.
  1. Click theSave Changes button.

Assigning Preceptors to a Module Containing Checklists

Preceptors are added to a module when you edit the module. The checklists in the module can be graded by one or more Preceptors.

When you add a checklist to the module, the system recognizes it as a checklist and adds the ‘Preceptor Tab’ to the Edit Module options. You need to add at least one preceptor to the module if you are including checklists.

Note: Once you assign a Preceptor to a module and a checklist has been graded, you cannot remove the assigned Preceptors from that module.

Steps to Assign One or More Preceptors to a Module
  1. Click E-Learning menu- Edit Existing Modules.
  2. From the ‘Current Modules’ drop-down, select the module that you want to assign one or more Preceptors to.
  3. Click the Select Module button.
  4. Click the Knowledge Manager Preceptors tab.
  5. From the ‘Available Preceptors pane on the left, click one or more Preceptors to manage the module. To select more than one Preceptor at-a-time, hold down your CTRL key on your keyboard, then release the CTRL key when you have finished selecting the Preceptors for the module.
  6. Click the right arrow in the middle of ‘Available Preceptors’ and ‘Preceptors Assigned to this Module’.

The example below shows that one Preceptor was added to the selected module.

Grading Checklists - Entering Grades

You can add grades and comments for one Learner at-a-time or all Learners assigned to a module at one time.

Steps to Grade a Checklist for One Learner at-a-time
  1. From the Menu Bar, click Knowledge Manager — GradeChecklist.
  • You open from the default tab ‘Grade By User.’
  1. By default all of the Learners with checklists ‘Not Graded’ are displayed.

Note: From across the top of the page, if you want to display learners with graded checklists, select ‘Graded’. Or you can select to display both learners that have been graded or not graded checklists at the same time, select ‘All’.

  1. Click the learner’s name from the list that you want to grade.
    The page opens with the ‘Not Graded’ checklists listed alphabetically beneath the ‘Checklist Objective’ column name for the list.

Note: You can click the ‘Checklist Objective’ to sort in reverse alphabetical order.

  1. Click the Checklist Title you want to open for that Learner.
  1. There are several ways to approach grading:
  2. Partially Grade – by grading a few items at one time and grading additional items at a later date.
  3. Grade/Comment ‘each Item’ one-by-one at the same time
  4. ‘Global’ grading (Pass or Fail all Items at once).

Grade/Comment means you grade each Item individually (You would want to do this because some grading results and/or Comments are different than other grades and comments). Or you can grade globally if all grading results and comments are the same for each Item.

Partial Grading of a Checklist

You may add a comment to one or more items and Save the checklist without choosing Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) or Not Performed (NP) radio button for the commented item. When you save the checklist the date and name of the Preceptor will appear next to each commented item.

You may Grade one or more Items by clicking Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) or Not Performed (NP) radio button and choosing Save.

  • Multiple Comments: Comments may be added by 1 or more Preceptors on the same or different dates and each comment will be saved with the date and name of the preceptor. The comments may be reviewed by using the (+) plus sign to the left of the Item. Previous comments can be read but not changed.
  • Saving Partially Graded Checklists: When you have commented or graded 1 or more items you will need to Save the Checklist. You have 2 options available, Save or Save In-progress.
  • Save: If you Choose save your comments and or Item level grades will be saved as written and your name and the date will be noted but the learner will not see them when they click on the Checklist Title in their Learner lesson plan.
  • Save In-progress. If you choose the In-progress radio button and then Save the Learner, you will be able to see the partially graded checklist when they click the title in their Learners lesson plan.

View of partially graded Checklist saved as In-progress from learner lesson plan.

Grading each Itemseparately: From each ‘Item’ listed on the checklist, click either the Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U) or Not Performed (NP) radio button can be selected. Also ‘Comments’ can vary. Choose Pass or Fail at the bottom of the checklist and choose Save. Individual Item grades and comments are maintained.

Grading Globally ‘All’ Items at once: From the lower part of the page, ‘Record Evaluation and Results’, click either the radio button for Pass or Fail. You may add Comments that incorporate all the Itemsin the checklist and click Save.

Note: The checklist changes to read-only once the user passes. The name of the preceptor is recorded along with the date that this was evaluated. This checklist is recorded in the transcript. If not passed, the checklist remains editable.