Management HandbookForm Instructions
For HUD Section 8 Assisted Residents/Applicants and
USDA-RD Rental Assisted Residents/Applicants ONLY
This form must be attached to the Rental Application when applicants apply for housing; during the initial pre-screening Interview in case there has been a change in the household; and, at Annual recertification for all adult household members whether or not there is a part-time or full-time student member.
If any type of certification or Unit Transfer certification is needed because the household is “adding” an adult student member, this form must also be used. Household eligibility for Section 8 Rental Assistance or USDA-RD Rental Assistance must be determined before move-in and for future recertifications as listed above.
One “unqualified” student household member will make the entire household “ineligible” for rental assistance!
Any income from grants, scholarships, assistanceships, Workstudy, Veteran’s GI Bill, etc. in excess of tuition must be counted towards the household’s income unless the following conditions apply. Do “not” count the person’s student income if the student is:
Over age 23 or older with a dependent child; or,
Living with his/her parents who are receiving rental assistance.
Example: If a student is 24 years of age or older, and does not meet the criteria listed above, the student income “will” be counted less tuition.
Management must verify the information given on the form to determine whether or not the entire household will be eligible for housing and/or rental assistance. The HUD/USDAD-RD guidelines are very specific. (The form references/lists the required criteria.)
Be sure to carefully document the information in the file. Use a TC-13 “Student Status” form to verify the part-time or full-time status and any income of all individual students. This applies even if the student is over age 23 and the income listed is determined to be exempt. The student may also supply enrollment forms, receipts for tuition expenses, etc.
If a member of the household is determined to be an ineligible student during the screening process the household will not be eligible for rental assistance. Therefore, unless you have another housing program such as HUD 236, BMIR, USDA-RD Basic or Note/Market rate units (which are exempt from the rule) at your property, move in cannot take place for this household.
If at any time after move-in the household is determined to have an ineligible student, rental assistance must be terminated for the entire household. You must provide the household with a 30-day written notice to terminate assistance. The household will be required to pay the full market rate rent for the unit unless you have another housing program, as stated above, that can be assigned to the household. This change will require a new Certification to change the household to the “new” unit type.
Please complete the form as follows:
- Fill in the apartment community name;applicants and/or student’s name, address, telephone number and date the form will be completed.
- Ensure that the question regarding whether or not the adult is a student is answered. Be sure to direct the adult to the HUD/USDA-RD Definition of “**Student”, first. For a student, continue through the form completing all sections. If the adult is “not” a student, skip through the form and ensure that the adult signs at the bottom of page 3. (See # 4 below).
- Completely review the “Definitions” and “Eligibility” criteria with the student.
- Instruct the applicant/student to answer the “Questionnaire” section on pages 2 (two) and 3 (three) of the form. Be sure he/she reads the last two paragraphs carefully, then signs and dates the form. The Owner/Owner’s Agent should also sign the form.
- Management must then review the form for completeness (all questions answered) and gather the relevant documentation to prove eligibility: proof of age, prior address establishing residency duration, student dependant status (if any), proof of support or non-support from an outside source not living in the household, etc.
- The original copy of the form and all documentation must be kept in the resident file with the Rental Application at move in. The form will be kept with the 50059 certification paperwork for Annuals, Interims, etc. as appropriate to the household. A photocopy of the form should be given to the applicant/student for his/her reference.
- For waiting applicants, this form must be kept with the applicant’s file. An applicant can be rejected based on their student status. Be sure to use form RS-30 “Notice of Status of Application” to notify the applicant. Use the “Other” line on page 2 of the form to make the circumstances known. Include this RS-24hr form with the rejection notice.
If you have any questions regarding the completion of the form or regarding the required documentation sources, please contact your Occupancy Supervisor in the Occupancy Department for assistance.
Student Certification (12/09)Page 1 of 2RS-24hr