March 10, 2015
- Call to Order: The Membership Meeting of the Youngsville Chamber of Commerce was held at First Assembly of God Church, Youngsville on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. The President Jeremy Hidalgo called meeting to order at 12:20 pm.
- Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jeremy Hidalgo
- Prayer was offered by Pastor Tommy Faulk
- Minutes from last General Membership Meeting:Simone Champagne made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 10, 2015 General Membership Meeting and the motion was seconded by Gertrude Boudreaux. Motion carries
- Introduction of Members Present
- Guest Speaker Mayor Ken Ritter
When the Master Plan funds previously allocated were removed from the budget late last year Mayor Ritter reached out to ULL – BI Moody School of Business for help to make recommendations for future planning. Mayor Ritter highlighted the plan that included a short video. For more information about the Growth Guidance Plan visit
Mayor Ritter also summed up his first 68 days in office.
- Doubled the Police force with the help of new Police Chief
- Sports complex – Installation of turf for last four softball fields
- Drainage study underway
- Reconstruction of Chemin Metairie Phase I
- Roundabout at Fortune/Hwy 89 (DOTD Project)
- Several resurfacing projects
- Request to City Parish to resurface Savoy Road to LA 339
- Stripping for bike lane Chemin Metairie (after reconstruction)
- Officers’ and Committee Reports
- President - Jeremy Hidalgo
1. April Membership Meeting cancelled due to the Banquet being Tuesday, April 14
b. Membership Chair -Mandi Pooler
1. 77 Renewals and15 new members
2. Reminded members submit Membership Forms with dues before March 31, 2015
7. Old Business:
a. Annual Banquet – Jonathan Pearce (absent) Jeremy reported
- Annual Banquet is Tuesday, April 14, Ascension Episcopal School Gym, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Tickets are available on line or by contacting any board member.
- Sponsorship Opportunities are available by contacting a board member or member of the Banquet Committee
- Scholarship Applications – Jeremy Hidalgo
- Scholarship applications are available online at beginning February 11, 2015; applicants include any current chamber member, child of chamber member and spouse of chamber member. Scholarship 1,000 with max of 2,000 chamber discretion on final amount. Deadline is March 20
8. New Business:
- Presentation by Jeremy Hidalgo introducing Email Advertisement opportunities for members. The cost is $100 per month with a minimum of two emails sent out to 237 recipients monthly. For more information contact Jeremy Hidalgo, Tara Boudreaux or Penny Frederick. A drawing was held for a free month of advertising to kick off the program – Granger Eye Studio was the recipient
- Jeremy Hidalgo thanked members for bringing copy paper to support our local public schools. We will continue to ask that you provide items to support our local public schools in the future. Shannon Guillory BAC Committee has been very involved with the local public schools.
9. Announcements:
a.Councilwoman Lauren Michel reported upon suggestions made at the February meeting she contactedformer CouncilmanA.J. Bernard, to further acquire research and information he put together for the monuments/signage at Youngsville City limits.
Jeremy Hidalgo adjourned the meeting.
Penny Frederick, Administrative Consultant
Approved and accepted by:
Jeremy Hidalgo, President Date