December 2006

Cubmaster Corner

One of my favorite Christmas Carols, says, “It’s the most Wonderful Time of the Year”. What do you think makes this the most Wonderful Time of the Year? If I asked each Cub Scout I think there would be some similar answers such as the Christmas decorations, the holiday cookies and candy, and how can we forget, the PRESENTS. Each of those things makes the Christmas and New Year holidays exciting and fun, but do they make it wonderful? What would you think your parents would say?

When I was 9 years old, my family moved from Mesa, Arizona to Ann Arbor, Michigan. The thing that excited me most about living in Michigan was the possibility of a White Christmas. Living in Arizona, there was snow up in the mountains, but that was over a 100 miles from our home. I am sure it would have been difficult for my parents to pack presents for 8 children in the car. Well, actually the presents would have had enough room in the car, but I think my parents would have needed to leave a few of my brothers behind.

As it turned out, I soon discovered how much I missed all of my family and friends back home after we had moved to Michigan. The snow was nice, but it did not replace my friends. When we lived in Arizona, my parents held a Christmas Eve party every year. Everyone who attended had to tell a Christmas Story or sing a Christmas Carol. As we finished the evening, my

Dad always read from the Bible. That year, my parents decided that we would invite over our new friends we had made since moving. As we spent the evening with our new friends it brought back a lot of fun things that reminded me of home. We all shared great family stories, Christmas Carols, and some Christmas tamales that my Dad introduced to our new friends.

As I see old friends though the years, they often reflect back to the memories of Christmas Eve in our home. My parents to this day still have that Christmas Eve party with all of their friends and extended family in Ohio.

So, is this the most Wonderful Time of the Year? For me, it definitely is. Yes, Presents make the holidays exciting, and we all have many religious and family traditions that make the Holidays special for all of us. There are numerous things that make the Holiday season great, but none of it can be Wonderful without each of you. I hope you have time this year to share some of your holiday traditions with new friends, and my wish this Holiday is for continued Happiness, Health, and Prosperity for each of you. God Bless and Happy New Year.

Yours in Scouting,

Jeff Lee

Den 8

Happy Holiday Greetings from Den 8!

Man, being a Webelo II is just the coolest thing! You’ve got one foot in Cub Scouts and one foot in Boy Scouts. If you truly enjoy Scouting, then this is the best of times.

The weekend of the last Pack 831 meeting, Nov 17-19, saw many Webelo II’s at the Caviler Shooting Range, camping with Troop 860. What a great weekend we had. Troop 860 is a fantastic Troop; the weather was perfect, and the setting beautiful. Also that weekend, Troop 806 invited Webelo II’s to Chippokes State Park (one of my favorite places) for a fun campout with them. So many great Scouting opportunities!

After that was, of course, Thanksgiving, where we gave thanks for our many blessings and ate until we were as stuffed as the bird. Den 8 followed up with our monthly Den meeting, Dec 3, where we concentrated our energies on cleaning up the “Secret Trail” in Woodlake. Justin, Jack, Grayson, and Trevor bagged up a bunch of trash greatly improving the area. Mr. Lee provided some of the best hot coco I’ve ever tasted! Traveling the “Secret Trail” was the first outing Mr. Lee, myself, and the boys did as a Den, oh so many years ago as Tigers, L…sniff…they’re not my little guys any longer.

Next up was…now brace yourselves…you’re not going to believe this…Troop 860 invited us on a chartered bus ride and personal up close VIP tour of HMX-1 on Nov 9! What? You don’t know what HMX-1 is??? That, my friends, is the Office of the President of the United States’ 100% dedicated, helicopter fleet, including Marine 1!!!! That’s right! We were whisked off to the Quantico United States Marine Corps Military Base where we carefully navigated security and entered the home of the Presidents’ helicopter fleet. The Colonel in charge spoke with us, answering all questions, and then we toured two of the HMX-1 heavy lift helicopters. Unfortunately, Marine 1 was on duty that day but don’t think that dampened our fun. Everyone had plenty of time to check out all the equipment. It is a massive effort to move our President about the country but these professional Marines make it look easy.

After that we made our way to the newly opened National United States Marine Corps Museum. We had a tasty lunch and proceeded to explore this fantastic facility. Duncan, Jeremy, Matt, Grayson, and Christen left no display unexplored as we answered the discovery questions provide by the museum. This is an awesome place; highly recommend you try to visit. Did I not tell you being a Web II is cool!!!

Next month is Pinewood Derby preparation. The super secret, level 10 security defended, Den 8 “DEN OF SPEED” workshop will crack open it’s heavily reinforced doors just enough for Den 8 boys to slip in and begin the time honored task of shaping, sanding, and perfecting a simple piece of wood into an object of beauty, power, and blinding speed. Be sure to be in a seated position, have medical precautions taken, and brace yourselves for shock and awe when you gaze upon the amazing wonders that are produced from this workshop!

See you on the trail.


Mark Wheeler

Den 2

Since our last pack meeting the Wolf den has been very busy working on our achievements. We had a visit from the City of Richmond and he talked with our den about recycling and the importance of keeping our earth clean. Our den learned why it is important to recycle and how it will help us in the future.

We also made ornaments for our nursing home visit to Lucy Corr where we sang Christmas carols. Our Wolf Den really enjoyed being able to bring Christmas cheer with songs and giving the residents a gift.

To celebrate Christmas with our den we had a Bowling Party. The boys had a great time and wow can they bowl. We also had a Christmas gift exchange to complete the Evening. At the end of the evening the boys were very Excited to find out that they earned their bowling slide While having a great time with their friends.

Our den would like to say Happy Eighth Birthday to Nicholas Kochanski who celebrated his birthday on December 10th.

I would like to wish Den 2 and the entire Pack 831 a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Tammy Sutherland

Den 2 Leader

Den 10

The den would like to congratulate our newest member, Conor McSweeny, for earning his Bobcat rank.

Conor has been working very hard since joining scouts in September. He has been camping, participated in scouting for food and has attended each den meeting we've held while working on the Bobcat rank at home.

It is a pleasure having Conor inthe den and he is well on his way to earning his Bear rank in the spring. Job well done.

Sharon Godon, Den Leader

Scouting for Food

Chesterfield -- For the second straight year, the Arrohattoc District (that’s us!) set a new district record for the amount of food collected for the Central Virginia Food Bank during its Scouting for Food campaign. With an estimated 1,600 Scouts, Scouters, and parents helping distributecollection bags, retrieve the bags, man drop sites, and load tractor trailers at each of the district's five drop sites, the district was able to collect an approximate 68,425 lbs. of food! As a whole, the Heart of Virginia Council collected an approximate 300,045 lbs.!

Scouting for Food is the national Good Turn for America event performed by the Boy Scouts of America, and the largest annual event in the Arrohattoc District. While Scouting usually benefits the community over the long-term, we are honoured every year to meet an immediate need facing the hungry and destitute in the greater Richmond area. Job well done, indeed!