May 5th 2016
Minutes of the 2137 Calgary Highlanders Cadet Corp Parent Advisory Committee
Call to Order:A general meeting of the 2137 Calgary Highlanders Cadet Corp Parent Association was held in Mewata Armories on May 5, 2016. The meeting convened at 6:40 President Adam Van Gastel presiding. Lonneke Mensen-Ward took minutes.
Members in Attendance:Lonneke Mensen-Ward, Kathy Bush, Peggy McAllister, Marie Small, Greg Pada, Ubaldo Vela, Margaret Monsacchi, Greg Jancik, Dani Pavez, Merry, Bartlett, Adam Van Gastel, Sabrina Van Gastel, Mary Culshaw, Elizabeth MAryancik, Indianna Barbarossa, Darrell Erickson, Kelly Brooke, Monika Zarzycki, Leslie McRae, Matt Broughton, Asab Ali Rinky, Bekki Rechel and Gaston,
Approval of minutes;
Motion to accept the agenda with additions made by Elizabeth Maryancik, seconded By Greg Jancik. All were in favor.
Approval of minutes;
Motion to accept minutes from last PAC meeting was madeby, Kathy Bush with the correction that she was at the last PAC meeting Second, Elizabeth Maryancikall were in favor.
1. Presidents report:
-Fundraising needs to be planned ahead of time a one year calander would be ideal.
-Mixing spoon $1862.00 in sales only 13 Cadets Participated. Corps will receive 40% of this amount.
-ACR will be June 12. Cadets to be dropped off on June 11th will have a dance in the evening. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
2. Vice Presidents report:
-Inventory count did not happen due to electrical issues. Maragaret suggested we will do it on a couple of Monday nights she will let volunteers know when.
-Battlefeild tour applications due at the end of the month.
-Apologized for the error on the email that was sent out as cc not Bcc.
-We still need info from several Cadet Families current have contact info for about 56 adults. We have 65 Cadets regularly on Parade so this number should be much larger.
-She will put together a letter for Cadet Families to introduce PAC and to get more contact info for our Cadets.
-Going forward we will be adding a page to Intake documents for Cadets so that this info is gathered as soon as they sign up.
-Marie Small Moved to accept the financial report seconded by Greg Jancik, all were in favor.
-Leslie McRae moved that the Pac purchase a new laptop for book keeping for the treasurer to use. Seconded by Greg Jancik, all were in favor.
-Margaret Monsachi moved to lock $18,000 into a 1 year closed GIC at 1.3% and the balance approximately $73,000 into a cashable GIC at 0.5%. Seconded by Lonneke Mensen-Ward, all were in favor.
5.Co’s Report:
-We currently have 85 Cadets on the books and 65 parading regularly.
-Expedition for Red, Green and select Silver stars this past weekend for 40 Cadets was a success.
-Silver Start expedition is on May 13,14 and 15
-Wrap up orienteering exercise the weekend on June 17 followed by a family wrap up Bar-B-Q
-No exercise on May long weekend.
-Stampede week they are looking for SR Cadets that work the booth for recruiting into the Cadet program. If your cadet would like to participate the info is on the Web site.
-Date for Awards dinner one or two Thursdays before ACR.
-Drill competition in Edmonton this weekend.
6. 264 Legion Report,
-Looking for names to be put forth for the medal of honour award.
7 League Report.
-There was a very disappointing turn out for the Southern Zone Sock Hop fundraiser with only 38 people in attendance. More supportis needed from the Corp Parents.
-Southern Zone League meeting on May 14 at 10:00 am at the Military museum. Everyone is welcome.
8. Old Business.
-50/50 tickets, Elizabeth has been researching this. As long as the total sales do not exceed $10,000 we do not need a special license.
-Lonneke Mensen-Ward put forward a motion that we print 500 tickets for $20.00 each and that we package them in books of 5 tickets for a total of 100 books. Also that the draw date be the date of the Tri Service Christmas Ball. Seconded by Mary Culshaw, All were in favor.
-Lonneke offered to write some basic letters to request corporatefunds, bottles collection and for other general items that are needed.
-Bottle drive on May 28th. Adam is finishing the boards. Area around North Hill Mall was decided on. Finalization of this on May 26th. Margaret offered to do up maps. Adam will call to see if we can use the mall parking lot as a staging are and what bottle depot we cab use.
9. New Business:
-Dani, did some research and suggested we do some change jars to help with fundraising this was table for exploration at the battlefield meeting. She will find out about getting some free press on local radio and tv stations, to promote battlefield and fundraising. She also suggested that we create a 1 page form that outlines our fundraisers.
-Margaret will be requesting that the Kit shop is open 1 Thursday a month so parents and Cadets can shop.The second Thursday of the month was suggested.
-What % of our fundraising activities will go directly to battlefield. There was some good discussion and it was decided to table this until the battle field meeting on May 26th.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm
Next general PAC meeting will be June 2nd at 6:30.
Next Battlefeild meeting will be May 26th at 6:30 to discuss battlefield and fundraising