The Crescent Playgroup
St Luke’s Church Hall
The Crescent
Bricket Wood
St Albans
AL2 3NF / Registered Charity No: 1039644
Ofsted No: 123582
Tel: 07516 886674

Opening Times

Tuesday / 9:15 – 12:15
Wednesday / 9:15 – 12:15
Wednesday Lunch Club / 12:15 – 13:00
Thursday / 9:15 – 12:15
Friday / 9:15 – 14:30

We have a group of talented staff who are trained in offering specialised care for these early formative years.

Manager: Jo Port / CYPW Level 3, SENCo, Child Protection & Safeguarding Level 1, Paediatric First Aid,
Deputy Manager: Cheryl Rowe / CLD Level 3, STEPS. Child Protection & Safeguarding Level 1, Paediatric First Aid
Danielle Andrews / Child Protection & Safeguarding Level 1, First Aid. Training for Level 3 Childcare. STEPS
Zsuzsanna Turmely / Child Protection & Safeguarding Level 1, First Aid. Qualified Music Teacher. STEPS
Sue Yule / Child Protection & Safeguarding Level 1, First Aid
Sheena Briddon / Child Protection & Safeguarding Level 1, First Aid. Training for Level 3 Childcare. STEPS

Treasurer: PetraMcMillan

Trustees: Tricia Yates, Amanda Williams, Lisa Buss, Zoe Chaney


The Crescent Playgroup is a Registered Charity playgroup housed within a church hall. The hall is light and airy with extensive facilities and is available for use by people with disabilities. It has a large, well equipped kitchen and access to a secure outdoor play area when the weather permits.

At the end of each day we clear everything away in the event that the hall is hired out for other purposes. We have been registered with Ofstedsince November 1993 number 123582 and you can view our latest Ofsted report from February2018 here:

The aim of the Playgroup is to provide a friendly atmosphere in which your child will be happy and to encourage them to mix with others, become independent, be creative, to learn, and to prepare for Nursery/school.

We accept children from age 2 years through to Reception age both Government funded and paying.

Through our planned activities and themes we cover the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) seven areas of learning:

Communication and Language / Expressive Art and Design
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / Literacy
Physical Development / Mathematics
Understanding the World

A Key Person is allocated to each child who will develop a close relationship with the child and parent/carer and monitor progress and development.

Children cannot play or learn successfully if they are anxious and unhappy. Our settling in procedures aim to help parents/carers and children to feel comfortable and to ensure that children can benefit from what the group has to offer and to feel confident that their parents/carers will return at the end of the session. However, we would like you to stay as long as you feel necessary for the initial sessions until you feel your child is settled and able to cope. We encourage parents/carers, where appropriate, to separate from their children, for brief periods at first, gradually building up to longer absences.


Our sessions are a ‘flexible routine’. The sessions are planned in advance but dependent upon the children and how things are proceeding that day, it is subject to alteration. Our day covers all aspects of the EYFS seven areas of learning.

Visits to the toilet are available and encouraged any time throughout the day. We also have hand washing facilities in the room.

Parents/Carers can help the children to put their coats and bags on the named pegs whilst we finish our last-minute preparations for the day.

09:15 Welcome and registration

At 9.15am, when the doors are opened, staff greet the children and encourage them to collect their name cards from the registration table and peg it on to the washing line. The sticker on their name card is the same as on their peg outside the door to encourage them to learn their names. During this time parents and carers can pass on information to the staff or discuss any queries/concerns they may have.

Free play

Children can choose what activity they take part in. The activities will be a selection of: Home corner, Art: painting/drawing, construction, dressing-up, playdough, imaginative play, reading/quiet corner, music, craft or many other activities. Tables are set up to allow the children to carry out activities which can be related to the theme of the week.

10:00 – 11:00 Rolling Snack

Many children may have had breakfast as early as 6:30am compared to some that may have eaten just before they turn up to playgroup. Rolling snack allows children to eat if they are hungry or continue playing until they are ready. Sitting down in a small group allows the children to have relaxed social time without the formality of being in a large group on the carpet. They are encouraged to wash and dry their hands then find their name from a washing line before sitting down.

We offer many different snacks over the term and take into account any allergies or intolerances. We always offer fruit and a drink of milk or water. In addition, we provide savoury snacks. The children are encouraged to spread butter etc. themselves onto our selection for that day. An idea of what we have available is as follows:

Bread/Toast / Butter / Apples
Waffles / Jam/Marmalade / Bananas
Crumpets / Marmite / Grapes
Brioche / Cream Cheese / Oranges/Satsumas etc
Croissants / Honey / Raisins/Sultanas
Malt Loaf / Cheese / Melon
Crackers/Ryvita / Hummus & other dips / Mango
Pitta Bread / Cottage Cheese / Strawberries
Cheerios / Carrots / Cucumber

Our snacks sometimes tie in with our themes and provide an educational talking point as well as a filling snack. It encourages group discussion, sharing, taking turns, health and hygiene, cleanliness and table manners.

Not all children eat everything every day but, all children have the opportunity to do so and we have little left over after Health & Safety Hygiene rules are adhered to.

11:00-11:30 Tidy-Up Time

This time can be flexible depending upon the children. We play music to enable cooperation with tidying up.

11:15/11:45 – 12:00 Physical Activity

Weather permitting, we will use the garden for outdoor activities. This allows opportunities to catch, balance, play team games, run, jump, climb and learn about changes in the garden, what is happening around them and climate changes. Alternative indoor play could be: Music, PE, large sit and rides, skipping, parachute, ring games and a choice of table top activities – to extend their learning skills and to learn to take turns.

12:00 – 12:15 Circle Time and Goodbye

Songs, discussion and showing time. Stories, songs sack, some favourites and new experiences from around the world plus cultural events and of course Happy Birthdays!

12:15 Carpet Time

Children wave off those going home and wait on the carpet with a staff member until their name is called.

12:30 – 13:00 Lunch(Wednesdays and Fridays only)

This provides an excellent opportunity for language development and developing social skills. When finished, they pack up their own lunch, take it to the hometime table and can then play with the range of activities available.

13:00 Free Play

Sometimes, older children will have joined us from the local nursery and activities for their age range are adapted/provided.


We take photographs of activities and children throughout the day. We ask that you have completed and signed thephotograph consent in your registration pack. Some photographs are in the children’s personal folders and once printed, are deleted from our camera. We ensure the highest standards of safeguarding are always adhered to.

Each child has their own personal Learning Journal completed mainly by their Key Person. In this book, we have evidence of their drawings or paintings, experiences, observations and development. These books can be viewed upon request and are given to the Parents when the child leaves us.


Fees should be paid in advance. Please ask us for a price list.Shortly on or after registration you will be provided with an invoice which you can pay by cash, direct bank transfer, cheque, Childcare Vouchers or Government Tax-Free payment.

We prefer Bank Transfer or vouchers. Childcare Vouchers are a good way to save money as you don’t pay tax on that amount before paying us. You can ask your Employer to find out if they provide this facility.

We accept Government funding for 2 years and over (where eligible) and 3 years from the term following their third birthday (for everyone). Please speak to us to find out if/when you would be eligible. Funding for ages 3 and over are paid for all children (up to 15 hours per week) from the termaftertheir third birthday. The cut off dates are 31st December, 31st March and 31st August. When you register, we ask that you provide proof of their date of birth (birth certificate or passport) and NHS number.

We ask that you notify us as soon as possible (no less than a month in advance) if you are considering leaving as we need to provide adequate cover for the children for the following term. This notice should be received by us in writing.

We expect you to pick your child up at 12:15 and at 14:30 promptly. Otherwise a fee of £10 per 15 minutes will be charged to cover staff salaries and additional premises rental.

Payment in advance like this allows us to know exactly how many children will be attending the playgroup so that arrangements can be made for the correct number of staff to be available on each day that playgroup runs.

Fees are still payable if children are absent due to holiday, illness or other unforeseen circumstancesand refunds cannot be made. For your child to keep her/his place at the setting, you must pay the fees.Please also advise us when your child is leaving us (to start school, move house, etc.)


Please see our notice boards for information about us.

You can help your child by supporting them during their settling process, and by sharing any concerns you may have with your Key Worker. Our staff can give you ways to manage the separation issues children often have for example, talking to your child about staying at Playgroup, allowing them to bring a favourite toy/dummy/blanket or even just leaving them with a ‘kiss’ that they keep in their pocket until you return. We are happy for you to stay as long as you wish for the initial sessions until you feel your child is settled and able to cope although we may encourage you to leave if we feel the child will settle quickly once the carer has left. We encourage parents/carers, where appropriate, to separate from their children, for brief periods at first, gradually building up to longer absences.

We encourage the children to become independent. Please send them in sensible shoes and easily manageable clothes -and not too specialbecause children need to feel free to get dirty if they want to! Please do not send your child with any valuable items as we will not be held liable for any loss or damage to items. We offer a non-compulsory uniform if you wish to purchase one. Please ask for an order form. Please provide hats in summer and warm coats in winter as we like to offer as many opportunities for going outside as possible. Please also bring wellington boots for outside play as it can get very muddy. You can either leave them at Playgroup or bring them daily.

Please label hats, coats, shoes, wellington boots etc.

Please discuss with your Key Person when you are potty training. If your child is in nappies, please supply nappies, wipes, nappy sacks and cream (if necessary). We keep a record of nappy changes that you will need to sign upon pick-up.We will notify you if nappies are running low. If your child is in nappies, please could you ensure that they arrive clean and dry. As each session is only 3 hours long, nappy change should only be necessary if they are soiled. We have a Nappy Changing Policy and if you would like to see it, please do speak to a member of staff. If your child stays for the lunch/afternoon session we will, of course, change them. We are happy to work with you in potty training your child. Please ensure there are plenty of spare clothes in case of accidents.

We try to go out to the garden as often as possible and when it is warmer weather please ensure your child has a hat, suitable attire and has had sunscreen applied before attending playgroup.

Please feel free to bring in items of interest to your child to share with others. We are very happy to support activities that you are doing at home or events that have happened or coming up.

We welcome parent involvement. Please do speak to a member of staff if you would like to help out.

If you choose for your child to stay past 12:15 on a Wednesday or Friday, please provide a healthy packed lunch. If you supply grapes, please ensure they are cut up and not left whole.


As part of the setting's policy to make sure that its provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. The setting works to the requirements of the 1993 Education Act and The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2015).

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is: Jo Port

If it is felt that the child’s needs cannot be met without the support of a one to one worker, funding will be sought after to employ one. We work in liaison with staff outside the group, for example, Inclusion Officer, Early Years Advisor/Consultant, Speech therapists, alternative therapists, social workers, paediatricians, to meet the child’s specific needs.

Safeguarding Children

Staff have attended Level 1 safeguarding children training and the designated persons responsible have attended an advanced course in safeguarding children.

If the playgroup staff suspect that a child is being harmed in any way we are legally obliged to report this to the relevant authorities.

Our designated Safeguarding Staff is: Cheryl Rowe


Infectious diseases are often a cause of concern when looking after children and where possible we would wish to contain and reduce the impact of any such infections at Playgroup. We hope the following information is useful to you.

Unwell children, i.e. those with a temperature and/or other specific signs and symptoms, should not attend Playgroup until a diagnosis is made and they are clear of any infection. With episodes of diarrhoea and/or vomiting, the child must be excluded until they have been symptom free for twenty-four hours. Other illnesses require longer periods of exclusion (e.g. measles is for five days from onset of rash).

We have a duty of care to protect the children and staff. Therefore, we would appreciate you informing of us when your child is ill to prevent the potential/actual spread of disease. There are serious conditions, which we are legally bound to report to the appropriate authorities. (A list of these can be obtained at Playgroup.) Otherwise, any information you give us is in the strictest confidence.

The following list is of those conditions of which we would wish to be informed.


Chickenpox and shingles / Conjunctivitis
Slapped Cheek Syndrome (Parvovirus/Fifth Disease) / Diarrhoea and/or vomiting
German Measles (Rubella) / Measles
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) / Mumps
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. (This is not the same as foot-and-mouth disease from which cattle suffer.) / Meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia


Ringworm / Impetigo
Head Lice / Scabies
Worms (threadworms, pinworms etc)

About Our Staff

All staff are DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) checked and hold an enhanced disclosure. Our Trustees and volunteers are also DBS checked.

All staff are encouraged to attend further training on a regular basis.

We have close links to the local JMI&N school and the Sure Start Children’s Centre. Curriculum information is shared between us.

We encourage Work Experience placements from local schools and work with safeguarding all aspects around this.

Equal Opportunities

We believe in equal opportunities for all. No matter what ethnic origin, disability, gender, age or sexual orientation all children and families will be able to join our group activities. We also ensure that equal opportunities are open to those who wish to work or volunteer to help with our Playgroup.
