Course Equivalency

Tusculum College Walters State

General Education

CISC 100 Computer as a Tool CPSC 1100 Using Information Technology or

Competency Exam

ENGL 110 Composition and Rhetoric ENGL 1010 Composition I

ENGL 111 Composition, Research, and Rhetoric ENGL 1020 Composition II

HIST 101 or 102 The West and the World I or II HIST 1110 or 1120 Survey of World Civilization I or II

HIST 201 or 202 U. S. History I or II HIST 2010 or 2020 American History I or Ii

MATH 102 College Algebra MATH 1630 Finite Math

PSYC 101 Essentials of Psychology PSYC 1310 Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 200 Developmental Psychology PSYC 2420 Developmental Psychology

PSYC 305 Educational Psychology EDUC 2010 Psychology of Human Development for Teachers

SOCI 101 Principles and Social Institutions SOCI 1020 General Sociology, Institutions and Society

One course in Arts (MUSC101, THEA 104, VISA 110) HUMA 2010 or 2110 Humanities: The Human Adventure I

or II


BIOL 100 Introductory Biology BIOL 1100 or 1101 General Biology I or Ii

ENGL 335 Children’s Literature ENGL 2230 Literature for Children

GEOG 200 Introduction to Geography GEOG 1013 or 1014 World Geography

PHED 360 Curriculum Design Methods in Elem. Ed. PHED 2810 Skills & Teaching of Elementary Activities &

Movement Education

PHED 115 Safety and First Aid HLTH 2310 Safety and First Aid


SPED 101 Survey of the Regular & Special Populations SPEC 2010 Introduction to Special Education

Within the School Environment

EDUC 200 History and Philosophy of Education EDUC 2300 Foundations of Education and

EDUC 2910 Field Study in Education



Course Equivalency

Tusculum College Walters State

General Education

CISC 100 Computer as a Tool CPSC 1100 Using Information Technology or

Competency Exam

ENGL 110 Composition and Rhetoric ENGL 1010 Composition I

ENGL 111 Composition, Research, and Rhetoric ENGL 1020 Composition II

HIST 101 or 102 The West and the World I or II HIST 1110 or 1120 Survey of World Civilization I or II

HIST 201 or 202 U. S. History I or II HIST 2010 or 2020 American History I or Ii

MATH 102 College Algebra MATH 1630 Finite Math

PSYC 101 Essentials of Psychology PSYC 1310 Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 200 Developmental Psychology PSYC 2420 Developmental Psychology

PSYC 305 Educational Psychology EDUC 2010 Psychology of Human Development for Teachers

SOCI 101 Principles and Social Institutions SOCI 1020 General Sociology, Institutions and Society

One course in Arts (MUSC101, THEA 104, VISA 110) HUMA 2010 or 2110 Humanities: The Human Adventure I

or II


BIOL 100 Introductory Biology BIOL 1100 or 1101 General Biology I or Ii

EDUC 307 Language Development/Emergent Literacy ECED 2080 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood

ENGL 335 Children’s Literature ENGL 2230 Literature for Children

GEOG 200 Introduction to Geography GEOG 1013 or 1014 World Geography

HGLN 340 Learning Environments EC/PreK-4 ECED 2010 Safe, Healthy Learning Environment

PHED 360 Curriculum Design Methods in Elem. Ed. PHED 2810 Skills & Teaching of Elementary Activities &

Movement Education

PHED 115 Safety and First Aid HLTH 2310 Safety and First Aid

SPED 354 Strategies for the Early Childhood Special ECED 2060 Development of Exceptional Children

Needs Students


SPED 101 Survey of the Regular & Special Populations SPEC 2010 Introduction to Special Education

Within the School Environment

EDUC 200 History and Philosophy of Education EDUC 2300 Foundations of Education and

EDUC 2910 Field Study in Education