Update on CEPNs for GPs
- What are CEPNs?
Community Education Provider Networks (CEPNs) are networked arrangements of education and service providers in a defined geography that work together to develop the workforce around the health needs of the population.
The membership of CEPNs can include, although is not limited to GP surgeries, community pharmacies, community dentists, community optometry, community service providers, acute providers and HEIs.
Providers may include groups of GPs working as federations or working in partnership with others such as: CCGs, Public Health. Local Authorities and other community care organisations; Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs), Foundation Trustsand Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) (in South London this is the Health Innovation Network); other Acute Providers, and community care providers (such as opticians, dentists and pharmacists), and the third sector (such as charities).
CEPNs are an exciting development in education for primary and community care as they are developed for and by local stakeholders with the potential to increase opportunities for education and training locally for the whole primary care workforce.
CEPNs are designed to improve the quality and localisation of education for health professionals. They aim to empower community organisations to work with higher education institutions to assess workforce training needs, expand capacity for community based training, innovate in the field of training and deliver multi-professional training.
CEPNs aim to deliver education and training which is driven by local needs and determined by primary care with funds following the needs of the people responsible for delivering increased care in the community
- What is the role of Health Education South London(HESL)
Health Education South London (HESL) led the way in developing and funding the CEPN model in South London.
They propose CEPNs as a key delivery arm for supporting the development of the established and future workforce. Their vision is: to design, develop and deliver a workforce that will lead to sustainable improvements in the health and well-being of the population of South London. The CEPN model is driven by the idea of population based healthcare, with workforce values aligned to population values and it aims to deliver this vision through planned recruitment and retention, lifelong learning and placing the workforce at the forefront of change. This is being championed by HESL and now also considered by Health Education England (HEE) as a way to best deliver their goals.
HESL is now in the second year of a three-year CEPN development program. They are currently being developed in Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Greenwich, Lambeth, Richmond and Wandsworth with the aim to eventually have a CEPN in each of the 12 South London boroughs.
- CEPN example – The Wandsworth model
Wandsworth Federation CIC (Community Interest Company) has developed the CEPN for Wandsworth and is the provider organisation delivering the Community Dermatology and MICAS services locally. All practices in Balham,Tooting, Furzedown, Battersea and Central Wandsworth are shareholders and stakeholders of this organisation.
3.1Achievements to date
Over the last year Wandsworth CEPN used its pilot funding from HESL to complete a workforce data and training needs analysis of the practices. This identified a significant shortage of practice nurses that is expected to get worse over the next 10 years. It also provided supervision skills training for primary healthcare team members to increase future capacity for community based training posts locally.
It has been working closely with the CCG on projects to help practices deliver PACT through education and training of staff using the care coordinator role and developing a Locum education support network.
3.2Future plans
Over the coming year Wandsworth CEPN plans to:
- Further developrelationships and increase engagement with stakeholders delivering care and education locally
-Develop and deliver training for nurses and HCAs
-Help increase the number of practice nurses locally through supported training
-Improve multi-professional care in conditions such as mental health, musculoskeletal conditions and arthritis through education programmes.
- Other CEPNs progress
Other CEPNs locally have been working on pilots to develop nursing skills and increase capacity in the community workforce and develop skills in chronic conditions through team based education opportunities.
- Further information
Further information is available at
July 2014