Buckinghamshire Local Pharmaceutical Committee

Members Meeting

2.00pm 15 January 2014


The Holiday Inn, M40 Junction 4, Handy Cross,
High Wycombe, HP11 1TL

Present: Pankaj Shah, Chair (PS) Gary Elton, Treasurer (GE) Julie Horslen (JH)

Hemali Jagjivan (HJ) Kalpesh Patel (KP) Rak Patel (RP) Shabbir Jogiat (SJ)

In Attendance: Wendy Illsley, Chief Officer (WI) , Marian Basra, Primary Care Contracting Manager, TVAT, Graham Jones, TV LPN Chair

1 / Apologies for absence: Has Modi (HM); Iona Mulleady (IM);Gary Warner, PSNC Regional Representative; Ron Newall, Healthwatch
2 / Welcome and Introductions
3 / Call to Action for Pharmacy – Marian Basra and Graham Jones
Marian and Graham gave a presentation outlining the background and purpose of the Call to Action. It forms part of four campaigns, one for each primary care profession. NHS England are consulting a wide range of people, Area teams are taking the lead. Responses should be given by way of an online survey, by 18th March.
There will be a “Tweetchat” from 10.30-12.30 on 28th January #infoforhealth @nhsenglandsouth
There is also a plan to survey all pharmacies using Survey Monkey.
The outcomes of the CtoA will be used to develop NHS strategy and inform the contracting process.
GJ said he would be working to promote Call to Action, but the launch, just before Christmas coincided with setting up the LPN. There is a national LPN Forum and he hopes to co-ordinate a survey of the public via pharmacies. The exact questions are yet to be decided.
A stakeholder event has been considered but Thames Valley is a very large patch.
Other Area Team matters:
CPAF – there has been a delay in visits to pharmacies due to limited pharmacy adviser resource. The AT are trying to get extra resource in February, currently they have only one day per week. 8 pharmacies will be visited in Bucks -mainly new contracts.
TVPCA – the reorganisation is still in consultation. WI asked about pharmacy applications – these will be considered as part of the consultation. Keeping a site at Reading is one of the preferred options.
4 / PSNC Update
None available.
5 / Update on Thames Valley Education and Funding project
A Project Co-ordinator has been appointed and will start mid March. The Project Board has been agreed to be the three Chief Officers and the Project Coordinator, COs will report back to their LPCs. Monthly reports will go to TVHE and can be shared.
Financial controls have been put in place. Monies will be held in a separate account with cost centres for expenditure. The Co-ordinator will have an itemised list of areas for expenditure and a budget limit. Larger amounts will go via the Project Board.
In the time before the Project Co-ordinator starts the COs will hold a meeting for Regional Managers to get buy in and will plan the first launch events.
6 / Any Other Business
Sexual Health Services – GE and JH attended a meeting with BCC public health on EHC services. Jenny Kent asked for LPC views on engaging more with pharmacy. 19 people were trained last year but only 4 are delivering a service. There is currently no service in Chesham.
GE and JH had explained the barriers felt by pharmacy – the younger age range concerns some pharmacists, DSB checks are difficult to obtain, involving travelling long distances.
A new draft service specification has been put forward for discussion. Members are asked to give comments to JH. EHC and chlamydia training will be given together, training will be online and the pharmacist can begin to deliver as soon as paperwork is completed, but must commit to attend face to face training within one year. This will be put on twice a year. A standard SOP will be developed for pharmacy use, if required.
JK to explore why condom wallets are not easy to obtain.
DSB checks will be made available locally if possible.
The LPC supported these suggestions.
LPC strategy – The 100 day plan will be updated and brought to the next meeting.
Call to Action
It was agreed to promote as widely as possible, and to submit an LPC response. / All
7 / Date of Next Meeting
9.30 12th March Holiday Inn High Wycombe