This form must be duly completed by the submitting author and must be uploaded during online submission of the manuscript. Pages 2 & 3 must be completed in all respects. Complete either Part A or B under section “Part II: Author Confirmation” on page 6.
FIRST STEP: Fill-in Pages 2, 3 & 6using MS Word on your PC.
SECOND STEP:Print the completed form (Pages 1 through to 6), and
Page 6 of this form must bear the original pen-to-paper signature of the author(s).
FINAL STEP: Scan the signed form (all pages into ONE file) in PDF format and upload during the submission process.
Manuscripts will not be considered for publication until the completed form has been received.

COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT |Ver. 3 (Jun 2014) |Updated17/07/2013 12:21:00

PART I: Publishing Agreement— (to be completed by the Main or Corresponding Author)
AGREEMENT DATE: / (in dd/mm/yyyy format or as per your PC’s settings)
AUTHOR(S) PARTICULARS: Name(s) & contact details [address, telephone number, email address] of all Author(s):
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EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -
AUTHOR 2:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -
AUTHOR 3:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -
AUTHOR 4:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -

NOTE: Use next pageif more than four.

AUTHOR 5:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -
AUTHOR 6:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -
AUTHOR 7:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -
AUTHOR 8:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -
AUTHOR 9:(Name in full as in IC/Passport) / I/C / PASSPORT NO.
EMAIL(S): / TEL: (with country/area IDD codes)
Primary: / Office Tel: / () -
Alternate: / Mobile: / () -

THIS PUBLISHING AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Universiti Putra Malaysia (“UPM Press”) and the Author(s) specified above (“Author(s)”) as of the Contract Date specified above.

WHEREAS, UPM Press is in the business of publishing journals and wishes to procure a licence to publish the Author’s Manuscript,

WHEREAS, the Author(s) wish(es) to publish the Author(s) original work (“Manuscript”) in the Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science (JTAS),

NOW, THEREFORE, in light of the premises and the mutual promises contained herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

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2.3.Notwithstanding the copyright ownership set out in this clause, the Parties agree that third parties shall attribute the Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science when reproducing or otherwise using the Manuscript.

Section3: Representations and Warranties
  2. The Author(s) represent(s) and warrant(s) that:
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  4. The tables, figures and images have not been previously published or adapted from previous publication without written permission from the original source unless a written permission has been obtained and is submitted to Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science;
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PART II: Author Confirmation

(a) ALL AUTHORS: [Part (a) should either be signed by all authors, OR Part (b) below must be signed by the MAIN author].

Author 1:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 2:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 3:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 4:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 5:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 6:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 7:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 8:
Signed at on this day of 20 .
Author 9:
Signed at on this day of 20 .


*(By signing below, I take responsibility that all authors listed in this article have approved the paper for release and are aware of it being
submitted to Pertanika).

Signature of Main Authorand on behalf of other Author(s):
Signed aton this day of20 .