Directorate B - Protecting the Natural Environment
ENV.B.2- Nature and Biodiversity
Co-ordination Group
for Biodiversity and Nature
3rd meeting - 21/10/08

Agenda item 3.A

Designation of offshore marine sites in the Natura 2000 network


State of Play

A meeting of the marine N2000 expert group at the end of September 2008 reviewed the progress in designations, the evaluation process and management issues, in particular fisheries management.

Further nominations of offshore sites have been transmitted to the Commission over the last 2 months and several proposals are at a final stage at national level (completion of surveys, consultations). Furthermore, most countries are carrying on research programmes expected to bring about results in the next 2-3 years.

The ETC has elaborated examples for evaluating the sufficiency of national lists of marine sites at regional sea level, on the basis of methods and criteria used to date; these methods and criteria will be refined in advance of the seminars so that they can be properly applied.

As regards fisheries measures for marine N2000 sites, DG ENV and DG MARE have prepared a document aiming at clarifying the tasks of the Member State authorities and stakeholders when preparing and requesting fisheries management measures under the Common Fisheries Policy. This document (available at http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/natura2000/marine/index_en.htm) is not legally binding and will be updated on the basis of suggestions and experience.

The Commission maintains the time-frame agreed with the Member States involving substantial designations in 2008 and continuation of research work beyond that. It aims at getting started with the evaluation process at regional sea level in early 2009 while promoting a coherent approach for designations across the countries, esp. as regards shared underwater features, and further exploring the management issues.


Offshore marine Natura 2000 designations – September 2008[1]

Site Code / Type / Site Name / Area (ha)
DE1003301 / B / Doggerbank / 169,895.34
DE1011401 / A / Östliche Deutsche Bucht / 313,512.75
DE1209301 / B / Sylter Außenriff / 531,428.38
DE1249301 / B / Westliche Rönnebank / 8,601.02
DE1251301 / B / Adlergrund / 23,399.30
DE1332301 / B / Fehmarnbelt / 27,991.88
DE1339301 / B / Kadetrinne / 10,007.19
DE1552401 / A / Pommersche Bucht / 200,938.00
DE1652301 / B / Pommersche Bucht mit Oderbank / 110,114.63
DE2104301 / B / Borkum-Riffgrund / 62,548.16
DK00VA247 / B / Kims Ryg / 2,383.00
DK00VA250 / B / Store Middelgrund / 1,594.00
DK00VA251 / B / Briseis Flak / 748.00
DK00VA252 / B / Schultz Grund / 2,369.00
DK00VA303 / B / Hastens Grund / 3,038.00
DK00VA347 / A / Sydlige Nordsø / 246,296.00
IE0002327 / B / Belgica Mound Province / 41,100.00
IE0002328 / B / Hovland Mound Province / 108,600.00
IE0002329 / B / South West Porcupine Bank / 32,900.00
IE0002330 / B / North West Porcupine Bank / 71,600.00
PLB990003 / A / Zatoka Pomorska / 309,154.90
PLC990001 / C / Ławica Słupska / 80,050.25
PLH990002 / B / Ostoja na Zatoce Pomorskiej / 242,553.20
PTMIG0021 / B / Banco D. João de Castro (Canal Terceira - S. Miguel) / 1,643.00
PTSMA0023 / B / Ilhéu das Formigas e Recife Dollabarat (Canal S. Miguel - Sta. Maria) / 3,542.00
SE0510126 / C / Lilla Middelgrund / 17,863.70
SE0510127 / B / Fladen / 10,394.50
SE0340144 / C / Hoburgs bank / 122,672.70
SE0330273 / C / Norra Midsjöbanken / 98,403.40
SE0510186 / B / Stora Middelgrund och Röde bank / 11,424.90
SE0630260 / B / Finngrundet-Östra banken / 23,161.80
UK0030317 / B / Darwin Mounds / 137,726
UK0030353 / B / Haig Fras / 48,103
UK0030354 / B / Scannner Pockmark / 335
UK0030357 / B / Braemar Pockmarks / 518
UK0030359 / B / Stanton Banks / 81,727


[1] Table compiled on the basis of data available in DG ENV. Some sites are partly offshore.