Private and Confidential VAM Payroll


University of Warwick – Prevention of Illegal working (from 29 February 2008) Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006.

This form must be completed for ALL offers of work.

Candidate Name

Surname (as official documents)

Forename (s) (as official documents)

Please indicate on the attached pages exactly which original documents have been presented.

Details of identification checker

Name Position

Dept. Tel No

Signature Date

The evidence of right to work renewal must be signed and copies of right to work documents must be signed, dated and marked as original seen. I confirm I have seen the original renewal documents indicated and that to the best of my knowledge:

·  they relate to the candidate named above

·  any photo ID seems to match the physical identity of the candidate named above

·  names and dates of birth are consistent across documents

·  the original documents show no obvious signs of tampering or forgery

·  the relevant visa has been checked and copies attached

·  I have read the immigration information on the HR website re student tier 4 working hours (http://go/hr/newpolicies/student_workers)

Does this individual have a Tier 4 student Visa? Please tick the appropriate box: - Yes No

If yes please complete the following:

Undergraduate / Restricted to 20 hours work per week in term time, no restrictions on working hours in vacation. Undergraduate students must provide evidence of the dates of the academic terms for the duration of their studies for the period they intend to work
Masters / Restricted to 20 hours work per week
PhD / Restricted to 20 hours work per week
Completed Studies / Official confirmation of degree pass required – no restriction on working hours
The student must present either the original degree certificate or an official letter from the Graduate School which contains the wording 'officially conferred by Senate'

Tier 4 students must complete a student declaration form (refer to the last page of this form) confirming that they are employed under Tier 4 regulations, otherwise paperwork will be returned to the department.

If you have any queries on this documentation please contact either your link HR Administrators or Julia Foulks, HR Officer – Immigration on ext. 73161 or e-mail

Please indicate in one box from List A or List B to confirm which original document or combination of documents have been presented.

If any work is undertaken by a migrant worker under Tier 2 supplementary employment, please refer to the Tier 2 supplementary form on the payroll web pages and attach the form and a copy of the Tier 2 visa to the Evidence of right to work form which can be located at:

Please note that you need to check the validity of the document and satisfy yourself that the prospective or existing worker is the person named in the documents they present.

List A
1. A passport showing the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and Colonies having the right of abode in the UK.
2. A passport or national identity card showing the holder, or a person named in the passport as the child of the holder, is a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.
3. A Registration Certificate or Document Certifying Permanent Residence issued by the Home Office to a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.
4. A Permanent Residence Card issued by the Home Office, to the family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland.
5. A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office to the holder indicating that the person named is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.
6. A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.
7. A current Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the named person is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
8. A full birth or adoption certificate issued in the UK which includes the name(s) of at least one of the holder’s parents or adoptive parents, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
9. A birth or adoption certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
10. A certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
List B Group 1
1. A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in the UK and is currently allowed to do the type of work in question.
2. A current Biometric Immigration Document (Biometric Residence Permit) issued by the Home Office
3. A current Residence Card (including an Accession Residence Card or a Derivative Residence Card) issued by the Home Office to the holder which indicates that the named person can currently stay in the UK and is allowed to do the work in question.
4. A current Immigration Status Document containing a photograph issued by the Home Office to the holder with a valid endorsement indicating that the named person may stay in the UK, and is allowed to do the type of work in question, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a Government agency or a previous employer.
List B Group 2
1. A Certificate of Application issued by the Home Office under regulation 17(3) or 18A (2) of the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006, to a family member of a national of a European Economic Area country or Switzerland stating that the holder is permitted to undertake work which is less than 6 months old together with a Positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking Service.
2. An Application Registration Card issued by the Home Office stating that the holder is permitted to take the work in question, together with a Positive Verification Notice from the Home Office Employer Checking Service.
3. A Positive Verification Notice issued by the Home Office Employer Checking Service to the University, which indicates that the named person may stay in the UK and is permitted to do the work in question.
1. List A You have a continuous statutory excuse for the full duration of the person’s work with you. You are not required to carry out any repeat right to work checks on this person.
2. List B: Group 1 You have a time-limited statutory excuse which expires when the person’s permission to be in the UK and undertake the work in question expires. You should carry out a follow-up check when the document evidencing their permission to work expires.
3. List B: Group 2 You have a time-limited statutory excuse which expires 6 months from the date specified in your Positive Verification Notice. This means that you should carry out a follow-up check when this notice expires.

Documents that do not provide proof of permission to work in the UK

·  a Home Office Standard Acknowledgement Letter or Immigration Service Letter (IS96W) which states that an asylum seeker can work in the UK. If you are presented with these documents then you should advise the applicant to call the Border and Immigration Agency on 0151 237 6375 for information about how they can apply for an Application Registration Card;

·  a temporary National Insurance Number beginning with TN, or any number which ends with the letters from E to Z inclusive;

·  a permanent National Insurance number when presented in isolation;

·  a driving licence issued by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency;

·  a bill issued by a financial institution or a utility company;

·  a passport describing the holder as a British Dependent Territories Citizen which states that the holder has a connection with Gibraltar;

·  a short (abbreviated) birth certificate issued in the UK which does not have details of at least one of the holder’s parents;

·  a licence provided by the Security Industry Authority;

·  a document check by the Criminal Records Bureau;

·  a card or certificate issued by the Inland Revenue under the Construction Industry Scheme.

Payroll use only

UK work evidence received List A / B For B enter expiry date of Visa ______PSE updated by ______Checked by ______

Our refTier4Visa/Croatia

Dear Student

If you are an international student studying in the UK and hold a Tier 4 student visa or are a Croatian national in receipt of a Yellow Registration Certificate and you intend to undertake any paid work you must adhere to the Immigration rules relating to student working. You cannot be self-employed, provide services as a professional sportsperson or entertainer or fill a full time permanent vacancy in the UK. If you are a national of Croatia you can live and study in the UK without restriction, but must obtain an EU Yellow Registration Certificate before taking up any work. The maximum number of hours you can work each week depends on the type of course upon which you are registered.

Undergraduate course

You can work for a maximum of 20 hours per week during term time with no restriction on hours during the University vacations. The 20 working hours per week applies to all work (with any organisation) you are paid for. During vacation you have no restriction on the hours worked but should you work more than 20 hours per week during term time you will only be paid for a maximum of 20 hours.

Postgraduate course - Master’s

You can only work for a maximum of 20 hours per week for the duration of your course.

Postgraduate course - PhD

You can work for a maximum of 20 hours per week for the duration of your course.

Completion of Studies (Undergraduate and Postgraduate)

If you have confirmation you have passed your degree (either by presenting the degree certificate or official confirmation from the University) you can work full time for the remaining period of time left on your visa providing this period is 6 months or less. Croatian students – You will not have an end date on your Yellow Registration Certificate, but you must inform HR when you have completed your studies because you will no longer be eligible to work under student rules when you are no longer registered as a student at a UK HEI.

Before undertaking any work submit this form together with a copy of your student visa/yellow registration certificate to the Departmental Administrator/Secretary of the department who wish to employ you. If you have completed your studies and wish to work full time refer to the paragraph above. After the work has been completed, the department for whom you worked will request Payroll to pay you.

By signing the attached declaration you are agreeing to comply with these rules at all times. You must advise Human Resources of any change in circumstances in your work or student status. The University is legally obligated to comply with the Immigration rules and action will be taken against any student found to be in breach of the rules.

Yours sincerely

HR Manager

HR Services Manager
The University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 8UW United Kingdom
Tel: 024 7652 22720
Fax: 024 7652 4583



For Tier 4 visa holders and Croatian students with a Yellow Registration Certificate

Surname (as official documents)

Forename (s) (as official documents)

Student Number: (Mandatory for University of Warwick Students)

Full name of institution of study (Mandatory): ______

Level of Course: (tick one box below):

Undergraduate Masters PhD

Expected date of completion of studies:


Proof of the term dates of the University at which you are enrolled as a student must be provided, this can be a print out from the University’s website. This is required for undergraduate students wishing to undertake paid work. NB: postgraduate students are not allowed to work for more than 20 hours per week for the duration of their studies.

NB: By signing the statement below you are confirming your compliance with UKVI Regulations; if you do not sign and return this form to Human Resources you will not be paid for any work undertaken.


Student Declaration

I agree to undertake any paid work in accordance with the UKVI regulations which apply to working under the restrictions of my Tier 4 student visa. Details of the working restrictions relating to student visas can be found on the Human Resources website:

Signed………………………………………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………….....

(Please note a typed signature is not valid)

Print name………………………………………………………………….

Department (at University of Warwick) requesting work assignment: _______

Name of department contact: ______

Work to be undertaken: ______

Number of hours worked per week: ______

Dates of work from: ______to ______

Proof of the university term dates as relating to your course must be attached.

Please return to the Departmental Administrator/Secretary of your employing department to return to Human Resources before you commence work with a copy of relevant documentation.