Earobics K-3 software

Full Users Guide Link:

Click Download

Steps to get started:

  • Click on the icon on your desktop for Earobics (same icon for teachers and students)
  • Teacher Username: Novell Login
  • Teacher Password: earobics
  • Main Menu

  • Verify that students are in your class
  • Click on the student tab and verify all students assigned to you are in your class using the Filter by Educator drop menu
  • Add any students that are missing using the Create button
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Username - student number
  • School: XXX (school initials)
  • Educator – choose your name
  • Grade Level
  • SAVE
  • Click on pencil next to student name
  • Click Set Password
  • Click Text>key in student number in text password boxSAVE

SAVE(if you receive a message – username already in use – please see your reading coach – this is a student already in the district that will need to be moved into your class by the coach)

  • Set student preferences(default preferences already set – use if you added new student or to change defaults)

(Note : if you are going to set preferences for the entire class or a group of students, move to the Work with Groups section below and set preferences there)

  • Click Student Tab
  • ChooseFoundations (Old Step 1 – grades K/1) or Connections (Old Step 2 grades 2/3 or both for students who will move between both)
  • Click the pencil next to the first student name
  • Set Password – login and password should both be set as student number
  • Upload picture – optional
  • Set student Activity Preference – The default is set for all titles to be available for each student. You may change the order in which the activities are presented as well as the level at which they begin. It is STRONGLY recommended that the ENABLE LOOPING box be checked. This means that the software will automatically move the students from activity to activity without allowing them to skip a title they may not want to do!
  • Be sure to SAVE if you make any changes
  • Work with groups – groups can be created so the teacher can set preferences for the group or track progress.
  • Click on the Groups Tab
  • Click Create to add a new group.
  • Name the group and add a descriptor (optional) – Click SAVE
  • Click Assign Students
  • Use the Filter by educator menu to access your own class
  • Highlight students you want to add to the group and click ADD. Click SAVE
  • Click Set Activity Preferences to set preference for the group(note: you can set directions language for the group here as well)
  • Access Reports
  • Click on Reports Tab. Choose the report that you need.
  • Refer to the website document for a detailed explanation of the different reports:
  • Choose download
  • Navigate to page 72
  • To Save the report click X to save as an Excel doc and W to save as a word Doc.
  • Preview Earobics Activities – to preview any student activity in Earobics click on Home tab and click Play Activities as an Educator
  • Use the assessment roadmap – in the near future we will have the ability to upload the results of FAIR and use that data to set activities and levels according to the assessment scores. More information will be forthcoming.

NOTE: when a student moves, please send an email to your reading coach to ask that the student be moved out of your class and into the INACTIVE school with the INACTIVE teacher.