Jacob Wainwright

Spring 2015

Exercise Physiology

Dr. Biren

Medical and Health History

  1. Age: 21
  2. Weight: 135
  3. Height: 5’ 10”
  4. Do you have any heart condition?
  5. I do not have any heart conditions.
  6. Is there a history of any heart conditions in your family?
  7. My Grandfather on my mother’s side died of a heart attack at 76.
  8. Have you had any significant injures with long term lasting effects on your physical abilities?
  9. I have broken both of my wrists but do not suffer any pain from physical strain.
  10. Do you ever become dizzy during physical activity?
  11. No
  12. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?
  13. No

Works Cited

Par-Q, British Columbia Ministry of Health and the Multidisciplinary Board on Exercise, 2011

Lifestyle and Physical Activity Habits

  1. How many times per week are you physically active for at least 30 minutes?
  2. 4-5
  3. What areas of fitness do you focus on the most?
  4. Cardiovascular
  5. What area would you like to see yourself more focused on?
  6. I would like to work on my core and upper body strength
  7. Why would you like to focus in this area?
  8. I would like to gain more power in my golf game and much of the power comes from core strength.
  9. What Barriers stand in your way of achieving these new goals?
  10. I am a full time student and also work part time while at school.

Initial Fitness Assessments

Component / Test / Norm / My Results / Secondary Results
Cardiovascular Endurance / 12 min. run / 45.98 / 52/ 1.6 Miles
46.26 VO2 Max / 89/ 1.8 Miles
53.46 VO2 Max
Muscular Strength / Bench Press / 155lbs / 125lbs / 125lbs
Muscular Endurance / Push Up / 37 / 23 / 25
Flexibility / Sit and Reach / 15.85 Inches / 17 Inches / 17 Inches
Body Composition / BMI / 25.9 BMI / 20 BMI / 20.3 BMI
Power / Vertical Jump / 19.5 / 13 / 13
Speed / 50 yd sprint / 6.61 sec / 7.25 sec / 7.1 sec
Balance / Stork balance / Good 40-50sec / 45.9 sec / 64.4 sec
Agility / T-test / Good 10.5-11.5 sec / 12 sec / 12 sec


Considering I want to gain more power in my golf game, I will need to focus on my muscular strength in the core and lower body. This is because the torque created in the lower body and core are the main sources of power in golf. I would also like to gain muscular strength in my upper body as well and increase my cardiovascular endurance. I do not have any injuries or other factors that will keep me from accomplishing my goals.


  • Body compositions is normal
  • Balance
  • Flexibility


  • Muscular strength
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Power

Goal Setting

Short term

  • Gain five pounds of muscle
  • Increase 12 min. run to 1.9 miles
  • Increase Push-up reps by ten

Long term

  • Continue work out plan
  • Hit 150lbs
  • Continue to increase muscular strength and endurance
  • Continue to increase cardiovascular endurance

The Plan

My plan will focus on mostly body weight exercises. Core exercises will be essential for my goals related to gaining power in my golf swing. I will also work with machines more often than free weights. I have always worked better with these. I will run on a daily basis as well to work on my cardiovascular endurance.

Final Analysis of Program

Overall I was unable to reach even my semester long goals. I found that with working a part time job and being a full time student it was hard to find the time or motivation to keep working towards my goals. Although I did not achieve my goals I did make progress, especially with my cardiovascular endurance. Running was something I never found much joy in but I was able to find a little more time to devote to this and found myself really enjoying it.

I believe that if I would have kept to my weekly goals for workouts I could have made more progress and possibly met my goals for the semester. For the future I will try to plan out a day by day schedule of what workouts I will do. I think this will really help me stick to my goals.