400 Central Avenue New Jersey 07050

Tel: (973) 677-4135 Fax: (973) 677-2439

Ronald C. Lee, Superintendent of Schools Aretha D. Malloy Noel Cruz

Mrs. Aretha D. Malloy Mr. Noel Cruz

Mr. Dana Gaines Mrs. Samantha Sica-Fossella

Co-Principals Vice-Principals


Meeting Minutes

August 12, 2013

Call to order

S. Tanner called to order the regular meeting of the School Management Team at 9am – 1pm on August 12, 2015 at OPA Library.

Roll call

K. Green conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: D. Armstrong, G. Gamble, S. Sica-Fossella, T. Phipps, C. Halstead (8/12/15), A. Malloy, N. Cruz, T. Wise, F. Camarena (8/13/15), J.Desanges, E. Lee, D. Smith (8/13/15), D. Gaines (8/13/15)

I.  New business

A)  Reviewed issues that evolved from student surveys

·  Safety (in school environment)

·  Lack of peer respect

·  Begin social skill in September as part of Advisory lessons

·  Implement a peer leadership program/training

·  Add student representative to SMT Committee

B) OPA has become part of the campus model 8-12 grades

·  New Co-Principal

·  Developmental stages of creating a Community School

·  Establish school wide non-negotiable

·  Increase parent involvement in PSTO

C)  SMT training from Dr. Russo

Meeting Adjourned

SMT RETREAT Day Two 8/13/15

II.  Open issues

D)  Revamping School Committees

·  Reviewed SMT Committee Members

·  Added Ms. Astore-ELA

·  In need of two community members

·  Reorganize sub-committees

E)  Introduction to Community Schools Coordinator and liaison

·  J. Desanges as Coordinator of OPA (purpose for, objective of community school)

·  E. Lee as Community Engagement Officer (purpose for, objective of community school officer)

F)  8th and 9th Orientation

·  Schedule, Tour, Lunch Applications Etc. 8th and 9th graders will attend one of the 2 sessions. 8th graders will remain at Orange Prep and Mrs. Malloy and Mrs. Fossella will remain. Freshman will go with Mr. Gaines and Mr. Cruz to tour the high school.

G)  Create Unified School Calendar

·  The calender includes academic and social events/programs for students and parents. The goal is to have quarterly opportunities. Open House will be Wednesday, August 26, 2015

H)  Review Smart Goals ( discuss at next meeting)

Meeting Adjourned