Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2008 at 7.45 p.m. in the Methodist Church, London Road, Ashington
Present: Councillors K. Hayler (Chairman), B. Norton (Vice Chairman), K. Wood, J. Stillwell, R. Brennan, T. Kearney, L. Horton, N. Clark, D. Harbour
Parish Clerk Karen Dare
District Councillor Roger Arthur
Neighbourhood Warden Paul Conroy
Street Scene Warden Viv Lee
Candidate for Council Vacancy Doreen Harbour (Item 174)
Four members of the public
Apologies received from Cllrs M. Woolley (business) & N. Carver (personal), County Councillor F. Wilkinson (holiday)
Cllr Harbour declared a personal, prejudicial interest in Item 156 as she lives in Turnpike Way.
The Minutes of the meeting held on the 7th August 2008 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Councillor Norton and seconded by Councillor Horton, and agreed.
The Clerk wrote to Sussex Police regarding their level of support to our Wardens as highlighted at the last meeting. Chief Inspector Stephen Black has asked local officers to ‘deal with any blockages in effective communication’. In addition they are in the process of recruiting more officers to the Neighbourhood Specialist Teams (see Correspondence Information no. 2)
Street Scene Warden:
The Warden described a little about the Street Scene Team and its role in the District. Their work is prioritised on a ‘hot-spot’ basis with hot-spots being identified by the Police in response to information/complaints received. The Wardens are part-funded by Saxon Weald Housing Association and part of their work involves housing issues. The Street Scene Wardens work alongside Neighbourhood Wardens and will visit Ashington if problems are reported. During quieter times they try to visit each Parish on a regular basis to maintain a visual presence. The Wardens have the same powers as our own and can issue FPN’s for dog fouling, graffiti, fly posting, fly tipping and littering. FPNs can be issued to anyone over the age of 16 years, below 16 years then a yellow card system operates and parents are notified of offences.
Wardens report:
Reported Crime as indicated in the signal incidents report from Horsham Police for the month of August was as follows:
a. broken glass panel in front door of Church Lane
b. several arrests were made on Festival day, one youth threw a water bomb at the Carnival procession – the parents had been visited and an apology was issued
c. two females assaulted another
d. several reports of nuisance vehicles at the northern end of the village
e. car windscreen smashed in Hillcrest Drive
f. nuisance motorbikes in London Road
g. disturbance by youths – Police sent them home
h. youths drinking in Rectory Lane & causing a disturbance
Anti – Social Behaviour
Following the Wardens report to the Parish Council for August contact has been made with senior officials within West Sussex Police in order to improve the lines of communications between Ashington Wardens and local Police. I would like to stress that although there are frustrations as regards resolving anti-social behaviour and sporadic drug taking by a certain group of young adults within the village that they have been largely due to what is permissible within the Law and not to consistent poor response times from the Police. The key to resolving this issue is the accurate recording and compilation of evidence against this group to which the effective maintenance and operation of the C.C.T.V. system at the Community Centre is key. In the past this has proved difficult because of breakdown and ineffective recording of data. Recent problems with the system and the damage and theft of the camera fixed to the Church has left this area vulnerable. It cannot be stressed too strongly how important this system is in deterring and controlling such behaviour. The system is now up and running fully.
The Junior Wardens will be undertaking the following activities – cleaning the outside of the Youth Club, litter picking, delivery of fire precaution leaflets to the elderly & vulnerabl, helping with the Youth Club half term trip, planting project at the top roundabout (in conjunction with Ashington Autos). Some of the projects would be undertaken with the Steyning & Bramber Junior Wardens.
The Wardens were also trying to organise modern dance taster sessions, particularly aimed at the girls in the village.
The Chairman thanked both Wardens for their attendance at the meeting and both Wardens left the meeting.
County Councillor Wilkinson would be at the next Residents Association meeting if anyone has any questions for him.
District Councillor Roger Arthur reported that:
a. The review of s106 procedures had resulted in the purchase of new software to handle all data within one system and to produce reports. This should be in place by the end of 2008. Some other non-IT issued were being pursued including amending the penalties for failing to complete the agreements as at present only interest could be added, no other penalties were possible.
b. A review of the non-parished area of Horsham was being undertaken as currently the residents only pay a Special Charge which is equal to about half of the average parish precept. The Special Charge has not been reviewed in 3 years.
c. Scrutiny of the NHS – eg Ambulance response times for rural areas should be improved and currently options of locating ambulances around towns & villages was being examined. Also training for paramedics.
The Chairman asked Roger Arthur if he was aware that village First Responder groups played a vital role in helping the Ambulance Service but receive no funding from the NHS – all funds have to be raised locally through donations. District Councillor Arthur confirmed he was aware of this and would be discussing this with the NHS.
D = Minuted but deleted from next agenda.
C/F = Minuted and carried forward to ‘Actions Outstanding’ on the next agenda.
To list = moved to the list at the end of the minutes until some progress is made
Item 32 Handover of Persimmon Homes land - balancing pond area, part of western tree boundary and various pieces of verge in Covert Mead.
Item 33 Persimmons Homes re: land west of Footpath 2606.
Cllr Norton was finally able to confirm that Persimmons had completed the land transfer and had paid @£28k into the Council’s bank account that day, solicitors costs would be taken from this lump sum. Wimpey were yet to complete their part of the agreement although figures had been agreed, transfers signed and the delay was simply waiting for their different departments to authorise the transfer of funds. This matter should finally be completed by next month after 10 years of pursuing. BN C/F
The Sands/Viney Close – Persimmons solicitors have once again chased their client for agreement. C/F
District Councillor Roger Arthur proposes tooppose any involvement by Persimmons, in any project in HDC, until they have discharged their S106 commitments.
Item 141 Play Area Grant
ACCT management committee have proposed a rent of £12 per annum on the understanding that:
· the Parish Council will maintain the grass and hedge of the play area (ACCT will maintain the rest of the site).
· The Parish Council install a cctv camera to monitor the area (either using its own funds or using a grant) in the near future (not required to be completed before the play area is installed)
· The Parish Council will pay the appropriate proportion of the annual cctv service/maintenance contract based on the fact that the Parish Council will have 2 cameras linked to the system. At present no service/maintenance agreement is in place and ACCT are currently negotiating an agreement.
It was agreed that the Council adhere to the conditions above.
A quote for £1971 + VAT has been received for a pan & tilt cctv camera (same as the church and multi-sports court cameras)to be fitted outside the Wardens office and linked to the existing system. It is proposed that the Parish Council pay this cost out of its own funds (underspend in Wardens budget from last year) rather than apply for grants for the funds as these could take some months to put together.
It was agreed that the Council purchase a cctv camera from its own funds and arrange for it to be installed at the same time as the new play area.
The Clerk has provided ACCT with other information that they requested (full specification of the equipment, location of site etc) and achieved Trustees approval at an ACCT meeting on 5th September.
ACCT has quoted approximately £500 for the preparation of a lease on the One Acre site. The Clerk will summarise the financial cost to the Parish Council for providing the new play area at the next meeting. KD C/F
The Clerk has received revised quotes for the play equipment that the youngsters favoured. The cost is way over budget ant it is likely that one or two pieces (from a shortlist of six) will have to be excluded from the project (but could be purchased at a later date). A project meeting is scheduled for 18th September when the equipment and design will be finalised.
The Parish Council will be asked for final approval of the project at the 9th October meeting and ACCT will be asked for their final approval at their management meeting on 1st October. The Parish Council still need to sign the project contract with HDC but this is dependent on getting the final written confirmations from ACCT. KD C/F
Item 150 Private School, Billingshurst Road
The matter will be discussed at the 16th September HDC Development Control Committee meeting (2pm in Horsham). Cllr Stillwell and Cllr Wood are available to attend on behalf of the Council and the Clerk will contact HDC to arrange that they both be listed as speakers at the meeting. KD C/F
A meeting had been held between the Parish Council and HDC Planning Officer when Cllr Norton had explained why Cllrs felt that the Parish Office was not sufficient community benefit to the village for a development of this size. He had stressed that the Parish Council were not changing their minds on this issue and had stressed from the outset that a Parish Office was not appropriate but it had been the only option from the list provided by the Parish Council that seemed possible bearing in mind the school’s separatist beliefs. Only very recently had the School produced more reasonable plans for the proposed office and the School had taken a great deal of time before it produced a more acceptable design. HDC’s Planning fficer was still recommending the application for refusal as it does not comply with HDC policies and the School have been unable to provide a significant benefit to the community. District Councillor Arthur supports refusal as it is important that HDC sticks to its own policies.
At the Development Control meeting on 16th September the District Council could reject the application but the School could then re-apply at any time or it could allow the application subject to certain conditions. The Parish Council did note that the School did not yet own the proposed site as that had not reached agreement with the landowners. A draft agreement to provide the required visibility splay had been produced but this had yet to be signed. The Parish Council is aware that landowners to the north may be keen to put new houses on their land if the School is granted planning permission as HDC’s own planning policies will have been broken in granting permission to the School.
Item 170 Street Scene Wardens
Mike Rumble has written to the Clerk explaining how the Street Scene Wardens are deployed on a priority basis following information received from Police & Parish Councils. Therefore they are likely to be deployed in areas experiencing high levels of problems. When they are not tackling these problems they have a District Patrol pattern and try to visit every Parish once per month. Their workload has increased considerably recently and HDC would prefer if Parish identify particular problems within their areas and work with the Street Scene Team to resolve the problem. In Ashington they work closely with our Wardens and can cover in case of Neighbourhood Wardens absence. They had supported Ashington Festival day very well. Residents would be encouraged to report any particular problems to the Wardens and HDC. KD D
Item 156 Co-op deliveries
The shopping centre management company are investigating signs to stop long term parking in the car park & will arrange for white lines to be re-painted (& disabled bay to be re-painted). To list
Royal Mail have yet to respond about moving the post box to London Road (when the new layby is built) To list
Waiting restrictions for the small layby opposite the car park entrance will be included with those of the new London Road layby and both can be funded from s106 transport funds. Local residents had been consulted and there were no objections. To list