For Heaven’s Sake Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation

Volunteer Application & Opportunities

For Heaven’s Sake Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation is a nonprofit wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organization providing refuge, aid and care for wildlife. Volunteers must be 18 years or older (or pre-approved by the Director and accompanied by an adult). (please print)

Today’s Date: ______

*Name (first, middle initial & last name(s):______*Birth date: ______/______/______

*Mailing Address: ______

*City: ______*State: ______*Zip: ______

*Phone: Home: ______Cell phone: ______Alternate phone: ______

*E-mail: ______

*Emergency Contact:______*Phone:______

Best way to reach you? Phone (best time to reach you?): ______E-mail ______

Current employer & occupation? ______

Special skills or hobbies: ______

Have you had any previous experience caring for wild animals or working with a wildlife rehabilitator? If yes, please explain: ______

Why are you interested in volunteering for FHSARR?______


Please provide the names and phone numbers of two personal references:

Name: ______Phone: ______

Name: ______Phone: ______

Any comments you’d like to share with us? ______


Times & shifts approximates & may vary. Please check the days/times you are available.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


MORNING shift (9 AM – 1 PM) AFTERNOON SHIFT (1 PM – 5:00 PM) EVENING shift (5:30 – 7 PM)


On-site, hands on care, including but not limited to:

·  Cleaning cages and food preparation

·  Stocking inventory (must be able to lift 25-50#)

·  Transport animals to veterinarian

·  Transport animals to FHSARR

Off-site support, please check all you are interested in:

Public Relations, Community Education and Outreach


Grant Writing


“Owning” a fundraiser (taking an existing project or suggesting a new one) set up and recruits volunteers

Assisting in a fundraiser

other, specify: ______

We truly appreciate your generosity in offering your time and talent as a volunteer. In order to more effectively help wildlife/wild animals as an organization we must sometimes put our personal preferences aside to work together as a group and with the community. As volunteers for FHSARR we are agreeing to cooperate to achieve our common goals.

We have found that it’s helpful to provide guidelines and general information on how the organization functions to avoid confusion and misunderstandings for volunteers and others who act as representatives of FHSARR.

Personal Opinions and Organizational Policy

When you are representing FHSARR in public, people will have a tendency to perceive everything you say as the official policy of the organization, even though this may not be your intention. Please take care not to represent your personal opinions in such a way that people might interpret them to be the policy of FHSARR.

FHSARR Materials

Do not customize or otherwise alter FHSARR flyers, documents, posters, presentations, or other materials.

Ø  If you would like to create materials for the organization, please seek approval before you begin work on the project. This will help to avoid duplication of effort or time spent on something that cannot be used at this time.

Public Comments

If you would like to write a letter to the editor or article on behalf of FHSARR, contact the Director.

Ø  Do not make public statements that are critical of other organizations.

Ø  Statements about other organizations need to be approved by the Director.


Unless you have been authorized to make a specific decision, do not make commitments for FHSARR, including offers of assistance.

Fundraising. We always welcome assistance from volunteers with spreading the word about FHSARR and our programs. One easy way to do this is to distribute literature about the organization to friends, acquaintances, and family. If you would like to help fundraise in other ways, please confer with the Director. It’s important to get approval before soliciting donations, as we need to:

Ø  Avoid duplicating requests.

Ø  Ensure that requests are appropriate (some funding sources may be controversial).

Ø  Obtain any required permits.

Ø  Appropriately acknowledge all donations.

In-kind Donations

It is important all donations be used in the manner in which they are intended and we are legally responsible for documenting this, even if the donation is modest in size. We also want to appropriately acknowledge all donors and to keep in touch with them through our records department.

All donations must be to us in writing, including the name of the donor and a listing of items, their estimated value, and their disposition. Example: “July 1, 2008: 2 bags of rodent food donated by Sally Smith, 6515 Sexton Drive NW, Olympia, WA 98502; est. value $10.” We will document the donation in our records and send an official acknowledgment to the donor.

Intake Protocol

FHSARR accepts injured and orphaned/wildlife as approved by the Department of Wildlife. Exceptions are based on:

Ø  Shelter availability.

Ø  Available resources.


As a volunteer it is important you understand the organization, FHSARR, will not compensate you for your time or work.

I understand working with wildlife may be dangerous and there are serious health and injury risks involved when caring for or handling and/or caring for injured/orphaned wildlife. I have read and signed the waiver regarding a current Tetanus vaccination and holding For Heaven’s Sake Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation, other volunteers, Board of Directors harmless in the event of any illness or injury.

I understand I may be subject to a background check before I can begin volunteering with the organization FHSARR.

Signature: ______

Signature of parent/guardian if applicable: ______

*information mandatory
