Box and Whisker Plot Activity Name ______
Define the following vocabulary words in your own words.
1. Range______
2. Median ______
3. Outlier ______
4. Upper Quartile ______
5. Lower Quartile ______
With your partner, line up the pennies in order from least year to greatest year. Next, make a line or dot plot using the number line below.
Answer the following questions about your data (pennies). Then construct a box and whisker plot using the number line below.
Range ______Q1 ______Median ______Q3 ______IQR ______
What are the minimum ______and maximum values ______?
Do you think there are any outliers? ______Which data values? ______
Use the graphing calculator to enter your list of data (penny years) in L1. Be sure to press the stat key and then edit. Trade your calculator with a nearby group and enter their data in L2. Next, set an appropriate window for both sets of data. Last, enter your stat plot window and graph L1 and L2 using box and whisker plots.
1. What x min and x max values did you choose? ______
2. Does your calculator box plot look equivalent to the plot you drew by hand? ______
3. How many pennies fall between the first and third quartiles of the graph? ______
4. What fraction of the total number of pennies is this number? ______
5. How do the medians from each set of data compare? ______
6. Which set of data has the greatest interquartile range? ______
7. Determine whether the top half of the data or the bottom half of the data are more dispersed and explain how you know. ______
8. State at least one interval of years that contain half the data. ______
9. List any outliers. ______(select the box and whisker plot type 1)
10. Compare and contrast the box and whisker plots from today’s activity. ______
Part One Vocabulary +1 each definition. 5pts.
Part Two Line Plot+5 line plot correctly drawn, labeled andintervals chosen are appropriate. 5pts.
Part Three Box Plot+1 each measure of central tendency and box and whisker plot is drawn accurately and labeled. 10pts.
Part Four Analyze+1 each question answered correctly. 10pts.
Part Five Technology+5 appropriate use of calculators and materials
Part Six Collaboration+5 group work and collaboration
Total Points______
Please re-set the calculator by doing the following:
1. Turn off all stat plots. Press stat plot key, then plots off and enter.
2. Delete all lists. Press stat key, then edit, scroll to top of list and clear.
3. Re-set the window. Press zoom key and then 6.