District 5810 Roundtable Minutes

October 13, 2012

Host: Rotary Club of Lake Texoma

Call to Order - David Vilbig – Governor’s Aide

  • Prayer – Fred Bemenderfer
  • Pledge of Allegiance – Mary Hale
  • Four Way Test – John Moser

Lake Texoma – See Press Release – attachment 1, David V. acknowledged RC of Lake Texoma club pres. Elise Cole and her fellow club members in attendance, thanked them for hosting, provided a few moments to share about their efforts to send 6 high school students on the Rtary Nicaragua - Heart of Service Program.

Welcome – District Governor Sandy Forster

Thanked everyone for attending. Lots going on in the area today. Texas vs. Oklahoma game for one! DG Sandy and DGE Ean began enjoying a little Texas v. OU loyalty barb exchange which all attendees enjoyed throughout roundtable. 

Due to Tax deadlines – 2012-2013 District Treasurer Rob Banes not attending.

Grand Prairie Metro – Pumpkin Run was underway.

Greenville – Haunted House preparations were underway also.

Richard Biggers reminded all of - Octoberfest – Hosted my Plano Sunrise, Monday, eve., October 15th at the Bavarian Grill. $40 – all you can eat German fest, 3 1/3 L's of Beer or Wine, Accordian Player, Live/Silent Auctions – tickets available online Octoberfestplano.com

-Auction is online – register online, bid now via smartphone app., etc.

Secretary’s Report - Andrea Stroh Thompson (Not in Attendance)

KK Hartmans sub'd for Andrea- All roundtable minutes will be available on the District website, and published in the 5810 Monthly Newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report– Rob Banes (Not in Attendance)

DG Sandy for Rob: Quarterly financial committee meeting October 24th at, at Rob Banes office.

Annual Dues Invoices have been sent out just a few club remaining outstanding.

All monthly financials will be issued at each Roundtable and will be in the District Newsletter and on the District Website each month.


DG Sandy – still waiting on final/updated IRS report post audit.

The Richardson RC – George Bienfang. Reports, August 6th, during DG Sandy's visit to the club's regular meeting, also had a Bd. Mtg. Explored with DG Sandy to get a grant app. re-opened, and it was done.

$21,000 promised by the Richardson Club – to be raised in 120 days. Achieved getting the $21K in 63 days.

Used the idea of “visualize” the sliding of a chair under someone as motivation/incentive to participate. Common denominator $37.50 to get matched by the club. Challenged members to use the flyer (Attachment A) face to face with 5 people.

DG Sandy - “Incredible example of club team work – 80 +/- members all pitched in and made it happen, by breaking into bite sized pieces.” Sharing with Roundtable b/c it's a great example of how to get things done. 280+ wheelchairs (3 shipping containers) will be taken to Nicauraugua.

DGN Bill Dendy – invited to speak early in the agenda/to discuss events and details about Nicauragua trip – b/c Courtney Tanner asked about costs, numbers of adulst etc. Bill mentioned they’ve got the reserved air fare program filled, but does not want to discourage others from continuing to commit to going. Air fare available still, just not the reserverd/charter variety. Keep promoting the trip.

IPDG Bud McBrayer (Not in Attendance) - DG Sandy – PDG Bud McBrayer admitted to the hospital this AM. No additional details avail. We will share appropriate info. with everyone.

DGE Ean Sullivan - Discussion about which game is “the game” today – UT or OU.

DGE Ean wants as many PE's as possible registered for Success Workshop 2, which follows the Foundation Seminar on Saturday, 10-27.

DGE Ean remarked that significant activity needed to build the leadership team for 2013-2014. He had a “revelation” - lots of Rotarians do tons individually with their specific set of skills – these people are complimented and then they are asked to repeat what they've been doing, thus resulting in burn out. DGE Ean would like to expand the leadership team to help avoid burn-out, and individual's managing so much alone or on their own, to broaden the base, cross train people in different areas to help support the avoidance of burn-out, utilize technology so time isn't wasted so much driving around from meeting to meeting - “on-line” meetings more. Respectful of people's time.

DGN Nominee – Bill Dendy – commented about the nice place of donuts for DG Sandy.

Leadership Development – PDG LB Showalter (Not in Attendance)

DG Sandy for LB – LB away, Mrs. LB had a half-knee replacements.

  • RILI – PDG Tom Ryan (Not in Attedance) - Mary Ellis for RILI 23 – full class, wonderful weekend. Mary Hale survived. Jan. 26 & 27 will be class 24. Mary Hale – commented, “It was a superb weekend. We in Dennison club will encourage 2 to go every time RILI is offered, now going into our club budget.”

GATE-Way - George Rutcheske (Not in Attendance) DGE Ean – for George R. – status update. 4 clubs have completed the GATEway process. Preston Center, Coppell, Park Cities, &Forney.

George needs a vol. to facilitate the intake process – schedule, coordinate, get info., etc.

DGE Ean also for George R. re. Membership Development: Feedback from the Aug. membership meeting. “Having the membership mtg. Just once a year is really limited.“

2nd event planned for Sat., February 2nd - “Membership Showcase” - being developed jointly by George R. & Howard Templin (Dallas RC) – this will be clubs presenting their best practices about how they're doing a successful job of growing.

DG Ean – re. D5810 Website has transitioned – big thanks to Don Carter, “yeoman's job of transferring.

Assistant Governor’s Report - DGN Bill Dendy – AG's – lunch and face to face quarterly meeting following Roundtable.

Foundation Committee – DRFC Larry Webb (Not in Attendance)

  • Grants & Foundation Seminar – 10-27, DGSC John Moserfor Larry R.

48 people signed up for Foundation Seminar on 10-27. Every club needs to be in attendance. Would like to have more people get registered.

  • Peace Symposium - Courtenay Tanner, Chair – (Attachment B) Lake Texoma club, signed up as first sponsor. Keynote speaker – Major General James Williams. DG Sandy and Courtney will be meeting with Maj. Gen. Soon. Ambassadors and Rotaract members getting involved to impact the Peace Symposium as well.

Met last Wed night. Flyers designed by Candace. Facebook (SMU Rotary District 5810 Peace Symposium), registration, application form will be sent to every club president next week.

Needs volunteers, need registration coordinators, a big list of volunteers will be forthcoming. Especially providing directions w/i the facility.



Event Details: SMU Legacy and our District are having a peace symposium Jan. 26th to have 300 attendees targeting younger participants age 15-25 to examine literacy, culture, water, communication skills and economic environment of different cultures and how those issues challenge peace. Attendees will be selected from Rotaract clubs and Interact clubs. This counts towards the Presidential Citation requirement to host, participate or take part in a peace symposium in your community—you can’t get a Presidential Citation without a peace symposium. Clubs can have representation or sponsorship at this seminar on Jan. 26th to count towards this Citation requirement and the District is requesting sponsorships.

  • The Humanity in Motion Foundation Gala - Melissa Jordan – Next meeting 2nd Thursday of November, 11-08 at the home of John and Trudy Moser, 15821 Atkins Lane, Frisco.

Needs every club to send 1 person to volunteer for the committee

(Attachment C1 – How you can help the Gala…)

First auction contribution from Tina Stroh (Attachment C2 – Auction Donor Contract)

First program sponsor Happy Franklin

DGE Ean – change the perception of the event. An all club event, not simply an all district event. Not something additional to support D. This is District to support the Clubs.

AG Happy Franklin – AG Challenge 4 AG's work with 17 clubs – ask at sponsors, club members to be inolved.

Contact Melissa to sign up to help at

New Generations -Jim Duffy

  • Interact – John Curtis/Beth Anderson (Not in Attendance)Jim Duffy for John/Beth - Conference Sept. 27th – great turn out. Interact students will be participating in the Red Bag event 10-27.

Some clubs with “Chartering” questions. Less than 12.

Lisa Leach – Pres. Plano West. One of their RYLArians came back and wanted to start an Interact in Plano West Senior High School. Approached Lisa, took initiative and got it going and their first meeting is Wed., 10-17

  • Rotoract – Daniel Long (Not in Attendance/At Rotary Univ.) Jim Duffy for Daniel - working to establich more Rotoract in Collin County, Mickinner, Frisco campuses.
  • RYLA – Dana Mackison (Not in Attendace) Jim Duffy for Dana - started the student advisory committee – students who will go back as assistant counselors. Sept. 30, they met.
  • RYE – Sam Zarro (Not in Attendance) – no report
  • Guests of New Generations: Tracy Gomes, RC Park Cities – remarked about the Interact Program at Hillcrest High school’s – Mentor program; bringing values of Rotarians with high school level ‘at risk’ youth. Encouraging them to become Rotarians after college.

Partnering with Big Bros/Big Sis organizations – helped to provide an intake mechanism. They have programs to merge with Rotarian's interact programs – full menu of skills, relationship building programs. (Attachments D1 and D2).

Tracy’s Guest – Michael O'Teter (area Big Bros/Big Sis) discussed the success of the program – volunteers going to the school and interacting with them at the school. New initiative - Mentor 2.0. Solves two problems 1. too many kids needing mentor vs. adult mentors willing and available, 2. High school kids not interested in spending time with adults.

Using tech (email) to help build the relationship – plus work with 9th graders – “topic of the week” curriculum to get ready for graduation and to go onto college or post high school training. Emailing over a the entire school year period – then meeting 1:1 from time to time – quarterly. Adopt a group of kids for 4 years. Starting in 7 high schools in the area as a pilot program. 300 volunteers are needed.

Tracy – what about bringing a new generation of Rotarian's in?

DG Sandy – “Let's embrace this program. Go back to your clubs and inquire about who might be interested? This will impact future generations of Rotarians.

EliseCole – Pres. RC Lake Texoma – invited by DG Sandy to comment: “We started an Interact club at the middle school SNS (Sadler South), 20+ kids first time, 26 kids second time – Pennies for Polio and Jump Rope for Heart are their two programs. It’s working!”

District Events – Beverly Grogan (Not in Attendance, Grand Prairie Metro Pumpkin Run Day)

  • End Polio Now – PDG Richard Gilman, D5810 End Polio Now Chair (Not in Attendance)
  • Angel Tree – Candace Bucchan - Attachment E –
  • Blood Drives – Daniel Long (Not in Attendance)

Target/Lowe's McKinney – RC of McKinney 10/20

Royse City Highschool 11/02 from 8 – 2

  • O.V.S. - Barry Jordan - Veteran's Day, 11-11, as a club, what are you doing? Stop, acknowledge, appreciate – do a little more for them. Respect and honor our Veterans. Citizenship is noticeably lacking – efforts. Military is attempting to influence – ROTC, etc.

Today is the Navy's 237th birthday. It's possible for each and every club to do something for Veteran's. Appreciation luncheons – honor veteran's from WWII to current. Barry is encouraging “collaboration” b/w clubs and military organizations – get Veteran's support they need. 11-12 Parade downtown.

David V. – Rotary Club of Dallas added their club’s Veteran's Appreciation, Wed. Nov. 7th – Salute to American Veteran’s – Frontiers of Flight Museum – Tommy Franks – speaker.

  • RI Convention – Karl Clauss – Lisbon, Portugal June 23-26th, 2013 34K communities worldwide will be represented.

34,000 members were in Bangkhok – programs were exciting, world record 21,172 peope wore rain coats in blue and yellow, Houston District sponsored Cowboy dinner crusie, host club in Bangkok hosted a beautiful banquet.

There will be a Cowboy Dinner on the Sunday night of the convention and it will be a dinner cruise. Seats will be going quickly so sign up quickly so you don’t miss it.

Watch for Tours with Gate One Travel – everything included to get us going.

D5810 Community Awareness & PR – Jeff Crilley, Chair (Not in Attendance)

DG Ean– His class of TX Goveror's working on a joint project, Social Media campaign statewide. Meeting Monday, 10-15 with Splash Media (Duncan Gilman). Right now in the planning stages – for Community Awareness.

D5810 – Manual of Procedure – John Johnstone (Not in Attendance)

PDG ZeeZee Kamruddin for John - Asked who among those in attendance had read the MOP? Very few people have reviewed the District's MOP – requests that people read it, look over it and post recommendations via the blog. Asking everyone to participate. Wants the ideas from everyone – to be incorporated by online discussion, not just simply a committee meeting and making changes. Wants as many ideas and suggestions as possible.

is the email address for clubs to send recommended changes to the MOP. The manual is available online at

New Business from the floor:

  • DG Sandy’s spouse, Bud Carmichael joined us with a birthday cake for DG Sandy!
  • RC of Lake Texoma: raffle tickets on sale
  • RC Plano West: 10-30, Halloween Party, Costume Party, at Greek's Isles - $25 buffet, raffle portion and games proceeds goes to Rotary foundation.
  • RC Frisco: 10-30, Halloween Party, Bonnie Ruth's, $15 ($5 to Fd., $10 food) Costume's Optional.
  • N. Texas Pioneers, Pres. Dustin Kolb: shared on Sept. 29th their club’s MetroQuest event raised over $5k for Child Abuse Prevention and $1k TRF.
  • Melissa reports an additional Gala auction item from DGE Ean – Holiday light installations.
  • Courtenay Tanner reports $1000 sponsor for Peace Symposium from DG Sandy.

The next District Roundtable will be held on November 10, 2012. Plano Chamber of Commerce, 9:30 AM.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:45.

Respectfully submitted,

For Andrea Stroh Thompson

District Secretary

(By Krista Hartman)