Week Ten

Monday, October 12
Today we discussed all 15 words from Vocabulary Lesson Eight. We read chapter 9 in The Giver together and wrote a journal entry for chapter 9. Homework for tonight: read chapter 10, be ready for a reading quiz over chapters 1-10 tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 13
We started today with about ten minutes of work time on vocabulary Lesson Eight. After vocabulary, we took a reading quiz over the first 10 chapters in The Giver. For the rest of class, we organized English folders for student-led conferences. Homework: read chapter 11.
Wednesday, October 14
We started class with another ten minutes of work time for the vocabulary workbook. We discussed chapter 11 in The Giver and read chapter 12 together. Afterward, we worked on student-led conference folders again; students filled out strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Homework: finish vocabulary workbook for Lesson Eight (all sections).
Thursday, October 15
All vocabulary sections for Lesson Eight were due at the beginning of class. I checked them for completion and we went over the answers as a group. After vocabulary, we read chapters 13 and 14 in The Giver together and completed a language worksheet. Homework for tonight: study for the vocab quiz.
Friday, October 16
We took the Lesson Eight vocabulary quiz and graded it in class. I collected Bellwork. We are still preparing for student-led conferences, so today students practiced conferencing with a classmate. Finally, we had silent reading time until the end of class. No homework for the weekend.

Week Nine

Monday, October 5
Based on information presented at the reading conference I attended last week, I am changing our vocabulary schedule. Full vocabulary lessons will be due every Thursday. Quizzes will still be on Fridays. Students will be bringing their books home to study and work on, but I will provide work time in class so I can help students. Any vocabulary sections students do not complete during class work time will be homework on Wednesday nights. My goal is to improve quiz scores and long-term retention of words.
So, today we started by discussing all 15 vocabulary words from Lesson Seven. After vocabulary, we discussed conflicts and utopias. Homework for tonight: complete the Your Perfect Place worksheet.
Tuesday, October 6
We started today with about ten minutes of work time on vocabulary Lesson Seven. We discussed the "Perfect Place" worksheet and how it connects to The Giver. We read chapter 1 in The Giver together and started making a list of how Jonas' society is different from ours. Homework for tonight: read chapter 2, keep adding to your list.
Wednesday, October 7
We started class with another ten minutes of work time for the vocabulary workbook. We read chapters 3 and 4 together in The Giver and discussed major events. Homework: read chapter 5, finish vocabulary workbook for Lesson Seven (all sections).
Thursday, October 8
All vocabulary sections for Lesson Seven were due at the beginning of class. I checked them for completion and we went over the answers as a group. After vocabulary, we discussed chapter 5 in The Giver and then read chapter 6 together. We made a list of what happens at each Year ceremony in the book. Homework for tonight: read chapter 7, study for the vocab quiz.
Friday, October 9
We took the Lesson Seven vocabulary quiz and graded it in class. I collected Bellwork. We discussed chapter 7 in The Giver and then read chapter 8 together. Finally, we had silent reading time until the end of class. No homework for the weekend.

Week Eight

Monday, September 28
We defined all 15 vocabulary words from Lesson Six. After vocabulary, we discussed idioms and completed an idioms worksheet. Finally, we looked at a sample Acuity test to get ready for testing tomorrow. No homework, but students need to remember to bring a book or magazine to read after Acuity testing tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 29
Today we met in the computer lab for Acuity testing all period. No homework.
Wednesday, September 30
We completed Exercise F in the vocabulary workbook. After vocabulary, we discussed metaphors and similes and completed a worksheet about both. Homework for tonight: family poem assignment.
Thursday, October 1
I was out today for a reading conference in Indianapolis. With their guest teacher, students completed a review packet about metaphors, similes, and idioms. Homework for tonight: study vocab.
Friday, October 2
We took the Lesson Six vocabulary quiz and graded it in class. I collected Bellwork. We reviewed figurative language (metaphors, similes, and idioms) and then read silently for the rest of the period.

Week Seven

Monday, September 21
We defined all 15 vocabulary words from Lesson Five. After vocabulary, we presented our Witch character collages from last week. Our final activity was a journal reflection about The Witch of Blackbird Pond, which is homework for tonight if you did not finish it in class.
Tuesday, September 22
Today we started our mini-unit on loanwords in English with a list of Native American loanwords. We wrote a conversation between a Puritan and a Native American using as many loanwords as possible. No homework.
Wednesday, September 23
We completed Exercise F in the vocabulary workbook. After vocabulary, we went over a list of Spanish loanwords and drew a picture containing all of them. Homework: complete your drawing (if you didn't finish it in class).
Thursday, September 24
Today we learned a list of Dutch and French loanwords. We made a foldable with the words on one side and the countries on the other. Homework for tonight: study for the vocab quiz. Permission slips and $10 are due tomorrow.
Friday, September 25
Permission slips and money were due today.We took the Lesson Five vocabulary quiz and graded it in class. I collected Bellwork. We reviewed loanwords with a quick matching game and then read silently for the rest of the period.

Week Six

Monday, September 14
We defined all 15 vocabulary words from Lesson Four. The word list is here. Afterward, we read chapter 18 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond in class together. I also sent home permission slips for the field trip. They are due by Friday, September 25. Homework: read chapter 19.
Tuesday, September 15
We finished the book together in class today (chapters 20 and 21), and discussed the ending. Tomorrow we will have our final reading quiz over chapters 13-21, so homework for tonight is to study those chapters.
Wednesday, September 16
We completed Exercise F in the vocabulary workbook, then took the reading quiz over chapters 13-21. No homework for tonight.
Thursday, September 17
I decided to change plans for the rest of the week due to yesterday's convocation running long and my absence today for Acuity training. With their guest teacher, students completed Witch character collages. Homework for tonight: study for the vocab quiz.
Friday, September 18
We took the Lesson Four vocabulary quiz and graded it in class. I collected Bellwork. We put the finishing touches on our collages and then read silently for the rest of the period.

Week Five

Monday, September 7
Labor Day, no school. I hope you enjoyed the long weekend!
Tuesday, September 8
Today we discussed chapter 10 and the Puritan/Quaker conflict in The Witch of Blackbird Pond. We read chapters 11 and 12 together. No vocabulary this week. Homework for tonight: study for the quiz.
Wednesday, September 9
We took a reading quiz over chapters 7-12 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond at the beginning of class, and then discussed the answers. We read chapter 13 together. Homework for tonight: read chapter 14 and complete a journal entry.
Thursday, September 10
Today we completed a body biography for Nat. Afterward, we read chapter 15 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond and discussed the Connecticut Charter. Homework for tonight: read chapter 16.
Friday, September 11
I collected Bellwork today. We read chapter 17 together in class, then read library books for the rest of the period. No homework for the weekend.

Week Four

Monday, August 31
We defined all 15 vocabulary words from Lesson Three. The words are listed here. We read chapter 4 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond and watched videos on how to make soap, card wool, and perform other colonial tasks.
Tuesday, September 1
Today we read chapter 5 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond together and discussed The Meeting as a class. Homework for tonight: read chapter 6.
Wednesday, September 2
We completed Exercise F in the vocabulary book at the beginning of class. After vocab, we took a reading quiz over chapters 1-6 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond and discussed the answers. Homework for tonight: read chapter 7.
Thursday, September 3
Today we read chapters 8 and 9 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond together. Homework for tonight: summarize chapter 9.
Friday, September 4
I collected Bellwork today. We took Vocabulary Quiz Three, discussed chapter 9, and then read silently for the rest of the period. Homework for the weekend (if you chose not to do it in class): read chapter 10.

Week Three

Monday, August 24
Memoirs were due today. We defined all 15 vocabulary words from Lesson Two. The words are listed here. We took a quiz called "How Puritan Are You?" and started discussing Puritans and colonial life.
Tuesday, August 25
Today we went to the computer lab to research Puritans and colonial life. The research questions are here if you were absent.
Wednesday, August 26
I was gone today for Acuity training in Lebanon. With our guest teacher, students completed Exercise F on page 25 in their vocabulary book. Afterward, they read Chapter 1 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond. Homework for tonight: complete the Kit worksheet.
Thursday, August 27
Today we read Chapter 2 in The Witch of Blackbird Pond. We started making a chart of differences between Barbados and Connecticut. Homework for tonight: Read Chapter 3.
Friday, August 28
Today we took a vocabulary quiz over Lesson Two and briefly discussed Chapter 3. I administered the MAZE test (school-wide), and we read silently for the rest of the period.

Week Two

Monday, August 17
On Mondays, we always define vocabulary words, and today we defined all 15 words from Lesson One in Words to Go (these books stay in the classroom). After vocab, we brainstormed ideas for memoirs. Homework for tonight is to complete either Memoir Story Map 1 OR Memoir Story Map 2.
Tuesday, August 18
Using the story map you completed for homework and the Step-by-Step Memoir Guide, we wrote your rough drafts in class together, one paragraph at a time. Homework for tonight is to finish your rough draft (if it is not already completed). The rubric for the memoir assignment is here. We will be in the lab tomorrow. If you would like to work on typing your rough draft at home, please bring a jump drive or rewritable CD tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 19
On Wednesdays we will always do exercises in the Words to Go book to begin class. Today we completed Exercise F on page 21 and graded it in-class. After vocab, we went to the computer lab to type your rough drafts.
Thursday, August 20
Today we went back to the computer lab so you could revise and edit your rough drafts. I asked you to peer review at least one person's paper. Final drafts are due on Monday (there will be no more computer lab time in my class, however). Homework: study for the vocab quiz!
Friday, August 21Every Friday we take a vocab quiz over the week's fifteen words. This week's quiz was over Lesson One. We graded the vocab quiz in class. After that, we had silent reading time. The only homework for the weekend is to finish revising your final draft, if it is not already completed.

Week One

Wednesday, August 12
We discussed expectations for the course, took a survey, and learned names. Click here for the expectations PowerPoint.
Thursday, August 13
We went to the library to get reading books. Students, please bring these with you every day. We also reviewed the parts of speech on page 25 in your student handbook. Finally, we took a learning styles inventory to determine how you learn best.
Friday, August 14
Today we read "Dreams From my Father" on page 832 in your textbook and completed the Reading Check worksheet. I have not assigned textbooks yet (I'm keeping them in the room for now), but if you need to borrow one to make up this assignment, please see me.