Lord of the Flies Background Research Topics

William Golding's Lord of the Flies explores the struggle between good and evil and was born out of the author's own life experiences. Golding fought in World War II and was part of a generation that witnessed some of man's cruelest acts. To many it seemed that what we gained in technological progress, we lost in moral vision. This assignment explores some of the world events that made a strong impression on Golding's generation.

Directions: List at least five facts for each topic. Be sure to include the website from which you found the research. You may only use Wikipedia once.

1.  The following two famous leaders during WWII: Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt

2.  Bombing of Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) and Invasion of Normandy (D-Day, June 6, 1944)

3.  Treatment of the Jews before/during WWII

4.  Hitler as a leader (1933-1945)

5.  Hiroshima and Albert Einstein’s reaction to WWII

6.  British Evacuation Programs

7.  Meaning behind the names of Ralph (NOT the verb meaning ‘to vomit’), Simon, Jack, and Roger and a summary of Coral Island by R. M. Ballantyne

8.  The story of the Garden of Eden

9.  Story of Jesus and the devil tempting him in the wilderness.

Lord of the Flies Background Research Topics

William Golding's Lord of the Flies explores the struggle between good and evil and was born out of the author's own life experiences. Golding fought in World War II and was part of a generation that witnessed some of man's cruelest acts. To many it seemed that what we gained in technological progress, we lost in moral vision. This assignment explores some of the world events that made a strong impression on Golding's generation.

Directions: List at least five facts for each topic. Be sure to include the website from which you found the research. You may only use Wikipedia once.

1.  The following two famous leaders during WWII: Sir Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt

2.  Bombing of Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) and Invasion of Normandy (D-Day, June 6, 1944)

3.  Treatment of the Jews before/during WWII

4.  Hitler as a leader (1933-1945)

5.  Hiroshima and Albert Einstein’s reaction to WWII

6.  British Evacuation Programs

7.  Meaning behind the names of Ralph (NOT the verb meaning ‘to vomit’), Simon, Jack, and Roger and a summary of Coral Island by R. M. Ballantyne

8.  The story of the Garden of Eden

9.  Story of Jesus and the devil tempting him in the wilderness.