/ Devon Hockey Umpires’ Association

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 13 May 2016


Jamie Oxley / Peter Hammond / Peter Sim / Graham Woolcock / Keith Dingle / Matt Reynolds
Richard Hill / Martyn Harvey / Andy Rowe / Mike Dutton / Karen Dutton / Mike Daniel
Rob Logan / Roger Triscott / Peter Hodge / Bob Whitell / Jo Rendle / Phil Wright
Peter Filewod / Michelle Judge / Neil Foster / Denise Aplin / Jackie Brooks / Neil Jacques
Martin Stoneman / Richard Jones


John Drew / Tom Spencer / Bruce Danbury / Dave Evenett / John Brett
Jane Cornelius / Jo Spooner / Charlotte Spooner / Gary Nash / David Yelland
Elaine Clements / Ben Blethyn / Anne Baker / Simon West / Alan Coulter
Julia Gunn / Doug Thom / Sue Stone / Paul Rose / Rob Cann
Ann Reed / Mike Harvey / Graham Smith / Heather Smith / Chris McInroy
Katie Parr / Debbie Hill / Sue Ansley / Phil Honey / Darren Hales
Mark Gott / Dave Chard / Roger Reffell / Paddy Porter / Andy Rowe
Liam Sutton / Simon Bourne / Chris Luxton
2. / The President, Keith Dingle, welcomed everyone to the 2016 AGM. / Proposer/Seconder
3. / President’s Report to DHUA AGM
Keith Dinglepresented his last report as President of DHUA. Thefull report is attached to the minutes.
5. / Minutesof last meeting re:2014/2015 Season
Read and approved. No matters arising / M Harvey/
M Daniel
6.4 / ReportfromTreasurer – Jackie Brooks
See separate document attached to minutes.
Peter Hodge backed the size of reserve as sensible for the association.
Thanks to Jackie.
Reportfrom Membership Secretary – Denise Aplin
See separate document for full information.
Jamie Oxley raised the issue of the proposed 21 day window to record games umpired. He felt that this is not helpful and his thoughts were backed up by Martyn Harvey who suggested that three months would be more acceptable to all and allow club UDOs to chase up any club umpires who had not responded.
Matt Reynolds suggested a deadline for end of first half of the season and at the end of the second half be adopted. It was agreed that Keith Dingle in his role of webmaster would contact Tex (Website Designer) to get the dates changed to 30 Dec and 30 April.
Thanks to Denise
Reportfrom Appointments Secretary – Graham Woolcock
See document attached to the minutes.
Thanks to Graham.
ReportfromSelection and Coaching Committee – Pete Hammond (Chief Coach)
See document attached to the minutes.
Jamie Oxley asked if there was to be a change to the current situation where an unassessed umpire can only be assessed away from the ‘home club’.
PH replied that this will be discussed by the SCC.
Martyn Harvey also mentioned that assessments can now be conducted at Tier 5 games.
Thanks to Peter.
Honorariums for Treasurer and Appointments Secretary – Agreed
Honorarium for Peter Hodge - Agreed / R Logan/
N Foster
M Reynolds/ Bob Whitell
J Oxley/ M Stoneman
7. /

Proposal for Subscriptions and Appointment Fees to stay the same

Subs: no change
Appointment Fees: A £8 B £15 C £25 D £40
Mileage and Expenses: 30p Joint 35p
Tournaments: as and when
Administration: 32p
Unanimously agreed / J Brooks/
R Logan
8. /


President (Selection):Bob Whitell – no other nominations received. All in favour.
Secretary:3 nominations were received:
Jon Drew – nominated by G Woolcock, seconded by K Dingle
Richard Hill – nominated by S Dinnie, seconded by S Tailford
Matt Reynolds – nominated by P Hammond, seconded by N Foster
A vote took place with Jon Drew winning the vote and was therefore elected to the role of secretary.
Treasurer:Jackie Brooks – no other nominations received all in favour
The following committee members were elected ‘en masse’:
Appointments Secretary (Selection):Graham Woolcock
Membership Secretary:Denise Aplin
Chief Coach (Selection):Pete Hammond
Umpire Course Coordinator:tbc
DHA Representative:Keith Dingle
Chair of Selectors (Selection):tbc
Members Representative:Roger Triscott
Tom Spencer
Paul Earnshaw
Bob Whitell asked if the two members who were put up for secretary would like to be involved in the committee. Both members agreed they would like to become members of the committee.
Richard Hill nominated by M Harvey and seconded by P Sim
Matt Reynolds nominated by R Logan and seconded by D Aplin
All in favour – none against –Richard and Matt were welcomed on to the committee.
Thanks were extended to Andy Rowe for his contributionover the years within the committee and as a member of DHUA. / A Porter/ P Hammond
M Stoneman / R Triscott
9. /
Peter Filewod – proposed by Martyn Harvey seconded by Denise Aplin – all in favour
Andy Rowe – proposed by Rob Logan seconded by Peter Filewod – all in favour
10. /
The following awards for the 2015/16 season were presented:
Neutral Pool Umpire of the Year: Bob Whitell
New Neutral Pool Umpire of the Year: Neil ‘Foz’ Foster
Team Hospitality: North Devon HC
Team Discipline: Sidmouth and Ottery B
Club UDO of the Year: Mark Gott of Tavistock HC
Julia Gill Young Umpire of the Year: Jo Spooner


Bob Whitell presented Keith Dingle with gift asa ‘thank you’in recognition of allhe has done in his role as President.
Some flowers were presented to Jane Dingle to thank her for her patience and support and for putting up with him!
Roger Triscott proposed that an honorarium be given to Denise Aplin for the role of membership secretary.
It was proposed that it should be at the same rate as the honorarium awarded to the roles of Treasurer and Appointments Secretary roles– all in favour.
The decision will need to be confirmed at a specially arranged EAGM.
Meeting closed 8.45pm / R Triscott/ R Logan
President’s Report to DHUA AGM – 13th May 2016
A year of some notable successes with two umpires Martyn Harvey and Pete Hammond obtaining their Level 3 award and being promoted to NPUA. Bob Whitell and Jo Spooner also achieved Level 2 and both are now umpiring regularly for the West. Jo has also made it on to the National Young Umpire Development Panel which is more often than not a stepping stone to NPUA. We wish them all continued success in their umpiring careers.
The hard core few continue to turn out where ever and when ever appointed in all weathers which assists the Association to fulfil its aims and objectives to a considerable degree. Several new umpires have joined the Neutral Pool and many others have put their toe in the water and taken the odd neutral appointment away from their club.
Many clubs have grasped the effect of lack of umpires in a positive manner and have made an effort to get more umpires qualified and active. Others have been slightly slower to catch on and will reap the reward in increased appointment fees next season as their club status slips down the table.
The umpire feedback system continues to be very successful and has again proved a very useful tool for the SCC in many ways.
The Pre-Season Tournament was again a success and will again take place over two days this year over the August Bank Holiday weekend. Many thanks to those who put a lot of effort into organisation of this event.
Also my thanks yet again to the Management and Selection and Coaching Committees, to which all members make a positive contribution to the smooth running and DHUA would not function and to those who turn out to umpire at all levels.
There will be a healthy turnover of individuals on the Management Committee this year who will bring different ideas to the table and it is a reflection of the strength of DHUA that there are volunteers willing to step up to these positions.
Details of our newly branded kit, first seen at the Devon Cup Finals day will be available in the very near future.
Our ethos of offering opportunity and support to any umpire at any level to have the opportunity to develop to the level to which they aspire is one of our core principles and strengths.
It has been my privilege to be the President of DHUA for the past three years and I wish my successor and you all every success for the future.
Keith Dingle
Treasurers Report for Season 2015/16
The accounts now presented to you have been prepared by myself and independently examined by Peter Hodge to verify their accuracy prior to this AGM.
The figures reported in front of you relate to the year ended 30 April 2016 and show that the Association realised a profit for the last financial year of £1,414.
The Association’s income from appointments fees fell by some £2,500 from the previous year to £16,800. The majority of Clubs were able to improve their graded status and therefore benefit from reduced appointment fees being charged by us for each appointment made.
Our membership income improved slightly to £3,750 the level achieved in 2014.
With regard to our expenses, the cost of making appointments, i.e. the mileage incurred rose by approximate £1,000 to just under £10,800.
We have invested further funds to develop umpiring within the county. We have purchased further headsets so that every member of the neutral pool should now be in possession of a headset; new branding and clothing was launched at the recent Devon finals day. We have also invested in a new laptop to aid in the coaching and delivery of umpiring courses and for general use within the association.
It is our intention to continue to invest in the development of umpiring in the county and our reserves available according to the Balance Sheet are a little over £31,000 and this will enable us to do this.
For this reason I am proposing that appointment fee rates charged to Clubs will remain at £8 for A Clubs, £15 for B Clubs, £25 for C Clubs and £40 for D Clubs. Mileage rates reimbursed to members will also remain unchanged at 32p per mile.
As Graham will, I’m sure, reiterate in his report, we are always looking to increase the number of umpires in the neutral pools.We have therefore decided that all neutral pool umpires will be provided with a newly branded orange shirt free of charge. These orange shirts will not be available to any other umpires, just those umpires in the neutral pool.
To therefore encourage more umpires into the neutral pools, any member of the association undertaking 3 neutral pool appointments during 2016/17 Season will be able to reclaim from the association their £15 subscription fee and upon completion of 6 neutral appointments to claim their orange shirt.
Members wishing to purchase the newly branded waterproof-jacketwill also be able to reclaim £25 from the association upon the production of a purchase invoice provided to me. I will add DHUA’s contribution to the umpire’s expenses account.
The Association would also like to subsidise members wishing to replace their existing pink or yellow shirts. A £10 refund will be made for the first pink or yellow shirt purchased with the new branding on it. Please note this is a one off £10 subsidy per member NOT per shirt!
All the new branded items are available for purchase direct from Silver FX. There will shortly be other items of clothing and equipment available and these items can be found within the Club section of their website where we will have our own shop.
So, as you can see, we really do hope these incentives and subsidies will prove attractive to all our existing members, encourage club umpires into the neutral pool and furtherpromote umpiring within the hockey family encouraging more people to take up the whistle, after all… HashtagNoUmpiresNoGame.
So I think that’s all from me for another year unless there are any questions from the floor?
Jackie Brookes
Membership Secretaries Report
Facts & Figures – as at 1st May 2016
2014/15 / 2015/16
Vice Presidents / 5 / 5
L1 Qualified inc Unassessed / 214 / 154
Neutral Pool DHUA
Neutral Pool – West/ Higher / 27
27 / 29
U21 inc unassessed / 40 / 45
U18 inc unassessed / 12 / 11
Total Qualified Level One and above umpires in Devon (inc U21 & U18) / 335 / 269
Level 1 Qualified (Visitor) / 10 / 10
Foundation Umpire
Adult / 19 / 22
U21 / 14 / 22
U18 / 13 / 3
Whole Membership – All categories / 436 / 326
L1 Candidates/Unassessed / Candidates / Unassessed
Adult / 21 / 56
U21 / 14 / 28
U18 / 3 / 3
Transferred / In -7; Out – 3
Overseas In – 4 / In – 11; Out 5
Moved Away from Devon i.e. lost touch / 9 / 16
Resigned/Retired/Deceased / 19 / 13
New Assessed Umpires = 7 Re-activation requests= 3
Unpaid Membership fees/Inactive Status:
All up to date. Worked with various umpires to get them active and chased unpaid fees. Several umpires agreed to lapse their membership until they could give more time to umpiring.
Termination due to Unpaid Subs and Inactivity:
3 reminder emails sent for unpaid fee automatically by the website during the season
L1 inc Unassessed Senior = 18 U21 = 3
Activity Sweep:
Will be contacting and moving all umpires not recording adequate matches to the inactive panel at end of June and they will not be included in the umpire numbers for Club status. Umpires only have to add 3 matches per season regardless of whether a player/coach.
Adding Matches/Activity Status:
It has been reviewed by committee that starting next season requests for matches past the 21 day cut off period will reviewed by committee before adding to the website rather than automatically being added. This new condition will be sent by email to all Club UDOs and umpires soon.
Mitigating Circumstances:
It has been reviewed by committee that an umpire will be given amnesty for one season only for reasons like injury, operations, pregnancy, working away, etc.
Level One Candidates:
All have now been removed where possible.
Website & Personal History pruning: When on an umpires page I am pruning their history details – anything more than 3 years old other than connected to their qualification is being reviewed/removed.
Denise Aplin

Appointment Secretary’s Report
Our numbers continue to dwindle and it is only a few clubs who have started to work with us to build up their own neutral umpires who we hope will become Neutral Pool umpires in the very near future. As for those clubs who have ignored our messages over the last few years they will now be paying up to £40 per umpire per game – which is something that no one wants!
There has been a reduction in the number of yellow cards shown this year 351 down from last year’s 588 and 4 red/MMOs shown against the 8given last season. It has shown that the introduction of the green card has helped with the discipline all round. However, at the end of the season and moving into the Summer Leagues there has been a noticeable lack of courtesy being shown to umpires and more swearing than is ever necessary on a hockey field! I am aware that the Chief Coach will be doing a short presentation later so I don’t want to steal his thunder anymore.
It has been a disappointing season with regards to fulfilling all appointments in the top leagues with a dramatic reduction in the number of appointments we have made this season. In total we made 1265 appointments against 1351 last season. We will be looking at the two Universities who we help out greatly to actually start and get some of their members qualified and active in the new season which would ensure us getting umpires to all of their games.
I would personally like to say thank you to those umpires who regularly double up and without them we would not achieve half of the things we are able to do. So a slap on the back to Mike Daniel, Pete Sim, Graham Smith, Rob Logan, Dave Yelland, Martin Stoneman, Pete Hammond, Tom Whitworth, Tom Spencer, Martyn Harvey, Paddy Porter, Bob Whitell, Matt Reynolds, Alan Coulter, Jon Drew and Charlie Pritchard.
I hope clubs realise the potential problems that the shortage of umpires can have on their club and address the situation as soon as possible.
Graham Woolcock

SCC report for DHUA AGM 13th May 2016:
The Neutral Panels were amended for the 2015/16 season to give greater opportunity and better lines of communication to the SCC. The SCC has met on six occasions during the 2015/16 season. On each occasion it has reviewed the progression of umpires and the opportunities for development activities. During the season, Graham Smith was promoted to the A* Panel, Jo Spooner was promoted to the West and Martyn Harvey and Peter Hammond were promoted to the NPUA. Congratulations to all the Devon members who progressed their umpiring careers this season.
There have been 3 key development activities this season:
1. Sunday 29th November, I organised a development day based around the ISCA v Indian Gymkhana National League Conference West game. This included a chance to meet with and talk to the 2 umpires before and after the game facilitated by myself – about 15 umpires attended at some point. This was followed by a social meeting with a video led learning discussion at the Jubilee club in Pinhoe – 12 members attended.
I was a little disappointed by the turn out from the membership in light of the time, effort and resources put into this event.
2. The 2nd event was an evening at Tavistock HC based around a training match where 2 umpires were able to give the players insights into the umpiring process with q&a at each quarter of the match led by myself – my thanks to Simon Bourne and Jon Drew for umpiring and discussing in an open and honest manner and to GJW for his support on the night.
This event was a huge success and much appreciated by everyone at THC.
3. The 3rd event was on Weds 24th and Thurs 25th February, I tutored the first “Club Umpire Developer” course that we have run in Devon. This course was free of charge to the participants being “funded” by DHUA [although there was no cost to DHUA as this was run alongside the Level 1 umpire course on the same dates in Tavistock].
I ended up with 10 people on the course which was ideal for the format using the 2nd night for them to give feedback to the new umpires during their small sided game play. Feedback from the participants was positive for this format and I will try to do this type of course again in the future.
I plan to do this again alongside a L1 course to be held at Plymouth,University of St Mark and St John, in July.
It is also my intention to run a stand-alone Club Umpire Developer course in Exeter at some point – planning is in my head at the moment!
The 2015/16 season has been another where due to umpiring shortages, we also found ourselves frustratingly short of resources to implement coaching as would like to be achieved in Devon, however, thank you to those who have made themselves available to coach as well as fulfilling fixture appointments.
We were only able to complete 66 ‘coachings’ and 16 assessments – even less than last season and not seeing all Neutral Panel umpires. 10 L1 unassessed umpires were passed to their full L1 award.
The development panel has worked well for those who have taken advantage of it – with 4 members of that panel being appointed to a hugely successful Devon finals day.
This season also saw the continuation of feedback on umpires by the clubs. Clearly, some feedback was better than others – however, on the whole it was positive and constructive. Where issues were identified, we were able to include this in our discussions and act on it as appropriate – we have moved on to make the summary information available to umpires on a half seasonal basis next season.
I have planned to use the summer leagues to help umpire development and emailed all coaches and mentors who responded positively to the idea. I have emailed all L1 unassessed umpires and club umpires asking them to enter availability – to date the response has been disappointing with most matches being umpired by the usual suspects.
Peter Hammond: Chief Coach