Environmental Evaluation Worksheet
PennsylvaniaSubstitute for NRCS-CPA-52 .
March 2005 .
(maintain in case file) .
A. Client: / E. Client’s Objective: / F. Purpose and need for action:
B. ID Number:
C. County
D. CMU/ Fields:
G. Resource Considerations / H. Effects
SOIL / Benchmark
(Existing Condition) / Alternative Action
(if requested by client) / Planned Action
(effects must be documented)
‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met / ‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met / ‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met
Soil Erosion Sheet and Rill /
Soil Erosion Other /
Soil erosion– otherresource concerns that need to be addressed (if applicable) include ephemeral gully erosion, classic gully erosion, streambank erosion, irrigation induced erosion, mass movement erosion and road and construction erosion.
Soil Condition Organic Matter Depletion /
Soil Condition Compaction /
Soil Condition Other /
Soil condition-other resource concerns that need to be addressed (if applicable) include salt and other chemical contaminants, animal waste and other organic contaminants, commercial chemical contaminants, residual pesticide contaminants and damage from soil deposition.
WATER Quantity
Quantity Excessive Subsurface / Seepage Water /
Quantity Excessive Runoff/Flooding /
G. Resource Considerations / H. Effects (continued)
WATER Quality / Benchmark
(Existing Condition) / Alternative Action
(if requested by client) / Planned Action
(effects must be documented)
‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met / ‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met / ‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met
Quality Pesticides Surface and Ground Water /
Quality Nutrient/Organics Surface and Ground Water /
Quality Turbidity Surface Water /
Quality Temperature Surface Water /
Quality Pathogens Surface and Ground Water /
Quality Other Surface and Ground Water /
Water Quality – otherresource concerns that need to be addressed (if applicable) include harmful levels of petroleum in surface/ground water.
Air Quality Chemical Drift /
Air Quality Objectionable Odors /
Air Quality Other /
Air Quality- other resource concerns that need to be addressed (if applicable) include excessive methane, excessive ammonia, undesirable air movement and adverse air temperature.
Plant Condition Noxious/Invasive /
Plant Condition Other /
Plant Condition – otherresource concerns that need to be addressed (if applicable) include plants not adapted to site, plant productivity, health and vigor, and forage quality and palatability.
G. Resource Considerations / H. Effects (continued)
PLANTS and ANIMALS / Benchmark
(Existing Condition) / Alternative Action
(if requested by client) / Planned Action
(effects must be documented)
‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met / ‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met / ‘X’ Box if Quality Criteria Met
Threatened/ Endangered Species /
Fish and Wildlife- Inadequate Cover /
Fish and Wildlife Other /
Fish and Wildlife –otherresource concerns that need to be addressed (if applicable) include inadequate food and water, community fragmentation, imbalance within or among populations.
Domestic Inadequate Shelter /
Domestic Other /
Domestic Animals - other resource concerns that need to be addressed (if applicable) include inadequate quantities and quality of feed and forage, inadequate water, stress and mortality.
I. Economic and Social Considerations / J. Effects
(Existing Condition) / Alternative Action
(if requested by client) / Planned Action
(effects must be documented)
Public Health and Safety / NA
Land use / NA
Labor / NA
Management level / NA
K. Special Environmental Concerns / L. Effects
(Existing Condition) / Alternative Action
(if requested by client) / Planned Action
(effects must be documented)
Clean Water Act
Waters of the U.S.
Special Aquatic Sites * / NA
Coastal Zone Management Areas
CZMA applies to parts of Erie, Bucks, DelawareandPhiladelphiaCounties only.
Cultural Resources *
(may require separate worksheet)
Environmental Justice / NA
Essential Fish Habitat* / None designated in Pennsylvania at this time
Fish and Wildlife Coordination * / NA
Floodplain Management
Invasive Species
Migratory Birds / A
Natural Areas
Prime and Unique Farmlands
Riparian Areas
Scenic Beauty
Sole Source Aquifer (SSA) * / NA
SSA applies to designated areas in parts of Bucks, Delaware,Monroe,Northampton, Philadelphia, Pike, Wayneand YorkCounties only
Threatened and Endangered Species*
Wetlands *
Wild and Scenic Rivers / NA
* These items may require formal consultation between the lead agency and another governmental unit.
M.Does the planned action comply with all applicable state and local rules and regulations (Yes/No):
N. Easements, permissions, or permits:
O.Mitigation (explain):
P. The information recorded above is based on the best available information:
Signature (agency representative, TSP, others)TitleDate
Q. Agencies, persons, references consulted:R. Findings:
Agency: / Programs:I have considered the effects of this action and the alternatives on the Resource, Economic and Social Considerations; the
Special Environmental Concerns; and the extraordinary circumstances criteria in the instructions for the Environmental
Evaluation Worksheet. I find, for the reasons stated below, that the Planned Action:
Is not a federal action (applies only to NRCS technical assistance). No additional analysis is required.Is categorically excluded from further environmental analysis and there are no extraordinary circumstances.
No additional analysis is required.
Has been sufficiently analyzed in an existing environmental document. No additional analysis is required.
May require preparation of an EA or EIS. The action will be referred to the State Office.
Signature (designated agency representative)TitleDate
R. Findings:
Agency: / Programs:I have considered the effects of this action and the alternatives on the Resource, Economic and Social Considerations; the
Special Environmental Concerns; and the extraordinary circumstances criteria in the instructions for the Environmental
Evaluation Worksheet. I find, for the reasons stated below, that the Planned Action:
Is not a federal action (applies only to NRCS technical assistance). No additional analysis is required.Is categorically excluded from further environmental analysis and there are no extraordinary circumstances.
No additional analysis is required.
Has been sufficiently analyzed in an existing environmental document. No additional analysis is required.
May require preparation of an EA or EIS. The action will be referred to the State Office.
Signature (designated agency representative)TitleDate
Revised 3/9/2005 - 1 -
Instructions for Environmental Evaluation Worksheet
-Worksheet is required for all NRCS assisted conservation planning and implementation.
-Complete a worksheet for each farm, field, land use or conservation management unit.
-Forms may be hand written. If completed as an MS Word file, boxes expand to fit the text.
-All information in the worksheet, including "not applicable", must be supported; document in the worksheet itself or elsewhere in the client case file.
-Maintain a copy in the client case file.
- Complete identifying information (Items A – F) –required
- Document the Benchmark condition – recommended (sensitive information may be omitted)
- Document the effects of Alternative Actions –optional or upon request of the client
- Document the effects of the Planned Action for each applicable resource consideration (G,H), economicand social consideration (I,J), and special environmental concern (K,L) and, if applicable,whether or not the action is in compliance with the special concern - required
- ‘x’ the box if the Benchmark, Alternative and/or Planned Action meet the quality criteria for a Resource Management System (RMS) – required
- If the quality criteria is met, a narrative is only required if more information is needed to adequately describe and document effects.
- Items M through S–required
- Item P is signed by person responsible for completing the form.
- Item R (two boxes, if needed):
-Not a federal action - applies if only technical assistance is provided and the agency does not control how the technical plans, designs, etc will be used.
-Categorical Exclusion- none apply at this time (currently applies to soil survey, snow survey, plant materials, inventory & monitoring, PL 83-566 river basin studies, policydevelopment, administrative functions, education/information, advisory services, etc).
-Analyzed in an existing environmental document - Most NRCS and FSA programs have programmatic environmental documents (EQIP, CSP, AMA, GRP, FRPP, etc). LocalPL 83-566
plans may also cover the Planned Action.
-May require an EA or EIS - contact the State Office for advice before checking this finding
- The Finding is signed by the agency representative for the agency that administers theprogram as follows
(for NRCS it is the District Conservationist or their designee):
NRCS technical assistance – NRCS
- To report an RMS, the Quality Criteria must be met for all resource concerns for the Conservation Management Unit (CMU).
- If a resource, economicsocial consideration or special environmental concerndoes not apply, use NA.
- If the Alternative or Planned Action is not a change from the Benchmark, state No Change.
- If the Alternative or Planned Action results in no effect, state No Effect.
- If the Alternative or Planned Action is in compliance, state In Compliance.
- Other key phrases to use include, enhanced, reduced, improved, none in planning area,impacts mitigated in consultation with …, compatible with management plan, no disproportionate effects.
Clean Water Act - Waters of the U.S.
Special Aquatic Sites / Should advise landusers that dredge and fill activities in waters of the United States, including wetland,
require a general permit or 404 permit. May provide consultation with PA DEP and U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers on behalf of the landuser. Must try to avoid dredge and fill activities in fish and wildlife
sanctuaries, wetland, mud flats, vegetated shallows, and riffle-pool complexes. If special aquatic site
cannot be avoided, impacts should be minimized and if necessary mitigated. Consult with PA DEP and
U.S Army Corps of Engineers if necessary. (40 CFR Part 230, Disposal Sites for Dredge and Fill).
Coastal Zone Management
Area / Federally assisted actions must be consistent with Pennsylvania Coastal Management Plan. Compliance with NRCS policies, planning procedures and technical standards will generally be consistent with the coastal plan. Applies to parts of the following counties: Erie, Bucks, Delaware and Philadelphia.
Cultural Resources / Avoid adverse impacts to archaeological and historical resources unless no practicable alternative exists. Consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer required for any planned conservation practice that is "...classified as an undertaking with the potential to affect". (420-GM, 401)
Environmental Justice / Must identify and address disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of federally assisted activities on minority or low-income populations. (220-GM, 402)
Essential Fish Habitat / Protects habitats essential to marine fishes for spawning, breeding, feeding or growth. Must consult with National Marine Fisheries Service if adverse impacts. Applies to Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay basins. None designated in Pennsylvania at this time.
Fish and Wildlife Coordination / Should not modify stream channel by riprapping, clearing and snagging, widening, deepening, realignment or lining if a practicable alternative exists. Consult with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service if necessary. (190-GM, 410.27)
Flood Plain Management / Actions should be encouraged to restore or preserve natural floodplain function and reduce the risk of flood loss. Should avoid adverse impacts. If impacts cannot be avoided they should be minimized, providing opportunities for public review of plans. (190-GM, 410.25)
Invasive Species / Should not generally authorize, fund or carry out actions likely to result in the introduction or spread of invasive species. (EO 13112)
Migratory Birds / Should avoid adverse impacts to migratory birds. Avoid actionsthat result in any migratory bird or theirparts (including eggs, nests, feathers) being pursued, hunted, taken, captured, possessed, traded, or killed. (EO 13186; 50 CFR 10.13).
Natural Areas / Should avoid adverse impacts to formally or informally designated natural areas, including Wilderness Areas and Natural Landmarks. Consult with concerned parties/agencies if necessary. (190-GM, 410.23)
Prime and Unique Farmland / Should determine how actions affect important (prime, unique, statewide & locally important) farmland. Adverse impacts should be avoided or minimized. (310-GM, 403)
Riparian Area / Plans involving riparian area management must maintain or improve water quality and quantity benefits. (190-GM, 411)
Scenic Beauty / Should maintain or improve visual characteristics by considering visual elements of landform, vegetation, structures and water during planning stage. (190-GM, 410.24)
Sole Source Aquifers / Federal financially-assisted projects which have the potential to contaminate the designated sole source aquifer are subject to US EPA review. Examples of federally funded projects which have been reviewed by EPA under the SSA protection program includeconstruction projects that involve disposal of storm water and agricultural projects that involve management of animal waste. Only applies to the Seven Valleys Aquifer in York County(50 FR 9126)and the New Jersey Coastal Plain Aquifer which includes the streamflow source zone within two miles of the Delaware River in Delaware, Philadelphia, Bucks, Monroe, Northampton, Pike and Wayne Counties(53 FR 23791).
Threatened and Endangered Species / Assistance will be consistent with the conservation of all federal and state listed endangered fish, wildlife, plants and other protected species, their designated critical habitat. "Listing" includes federally proposed and candidate species and state species of concern. Avoid or minimize adverse impacts. Must consult PA Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) to determine presence. If planned action may have a direct or indirect effect (adverse, beneficial or insignificant), must consult with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, PA Fish and Boat Commission, PA Game Commission or PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources as appropriate. (190-GM, 410.22)
Wetland / Avoid undertakings in wetland. If wetland cannot be avoided, impacts should be minimized and if necessary mitigated. Consult with PA DEP and U.S Army Corps of Engineers if necessary. (190-GM, 410.26)
Wild and Scenic Rivers / Federally assisted actions should be compatible with management plan in designated waters, unless no practicable alternative exists. See DCNR website
Revised 3/9/05