Central Coast Baseball Team Managers Meeting, Saturday, June 10, 2017 at Holiday Inn Express in SLO, 6:00 p.m.

Team managers present: Josh Hunt (Outlaws), Boz Barron (Mgr.) & Mike Massicote (Asst. Mgr.) from Angels, Marc Smith (Djaxx), Tony Camacho (Blacksox), Taylor Leiby, & Steve Daugherty (secretaryColt .45’s Mgr.).

Absent: James Hixon (Hogs, & league pres.), Manny Barrera (Legends), & Rob Shipman (Nuts).


I.18+ Summer League Issues:

A.5 teams: Djaxx, Blacksox, Royals (new team; Charley Lilly, Mgr.), Angels, & Outlaws.

B.Number of players on each team’s roster turned in at this meeting along with check payments for players that have paid all their league fees:

Note: minimum of 14 players required on roster of each team.

1.Blacksox:16 pd. Players.

2.Djaxx:18 pd. Players (1 additional player may be added at later date).

3.Outlaws:11 pd. Players (4 additional players may be added at later date).

4.Royals:16 pd. Players.

5.Angels:10 pd. Players (6 additional players may be added at later date).

C.Taylor Leiby will scan/take a picture of each team’s roster, notate which players have paid their league fees along with the Ck #, & send it to Manny Barrera to post on the league’s website so that any league member/team manager can determine which players are on each team’s roster. This will help decrease/eliminate suspicion that a team is using an illegal player.

D.18+ Summer League Game Schedules: Tony Camacho did the scheduling & presentation:

1.Tony noted that our league has every Sunday at Porter Field in Arroyo Grande from now until the end of July, plus many dates at Sinsheimer.

2.Tony handed out the proposed 18+ Summer League game schedule to team managers with 16 regular-season games per team & explained the scheduling.

3.18+ Summer League Playoffs:

a.Double elimination format tournament with all 5 teams making the playoffs.

b.Number 1 seeded team gets a bye in the 1st round because of the odd number of teams.

c.League 18+ Championship: must win 2 of 3-game series.

E.Summer League All Star Game & Home Run Derby:

1.Proposed date: Sunday, August 27th (Time TBD at later date) at Blair Field in Pismo Beach. Home Run Derby will be held on the same date as the All Star game, but prior to the game. Details will be determined at a later date.

II.Treasurer & League Finances:

A.Motion by Josh Hunt (2nd by Boz Barron) to nominate Taylor Leiby for treasurer. No additional nominations were received. Taylor Leiby was elected the league’s treasurer by unanimous vote.

B.Motion by Steve Daugherty (2nd by Marc Smith) to specifically authorize the treasurer to have signature authority on the league’s checking account at the Bank of the Sierra. Motion passed unanimously.

C. Motion by Josh Hunt (2nd by Marc Smith) to direct pres. James Hixon to give the Board our league’s bank account records dating from January 1, 2016, through May, 2017 by the next Board meeting on Friday, June 23, 2017. Motion passed unanimously.

Page 2: Central Coast Baseball Team Managers Meeting, June 10, 2017

D.League pres. James Hixon requested that our league consider making a $200.00 donation (which pres. Hixon said he’s done annually for many years) to the L.S. Warriors, which is a travel softball team composed of military veterans & is a charity supported by MABL/MSBL National.

The Board voted to delay consideration of this expenditure until after looking at the league’s current financial situation at the June 23rd, 2017 Board meeting.

III.Changes to local league rules (Note: National MABL/MSBL rules govern except when local league rules have been passed to supersede/modify national rules in order to better fit our local situation).

A.New local league rule on assessing an out when a player in the batting order must leave the game.

Note: the local league rule in effect until modified at this Board meeting was that no out was assessed to a team when a player had to leave the game for either an injury, or had to leave to go to work or some other activity, if the team did not have a reserve player on the bench that was not previously listed on that team’s batting order. In this case, the batters in the lineup were just moved up one slot without an out being assessed the 1st time that the player’s spot that left the game came up to bat.

New Rule listed below (Motion by March Smith; 2nd by Tony Camacho) passed unanimously:

“If a player is forced to leave a game for any reason except for an injury, a reserve player, not previously entered into the game as a hitter, must hit in the replaced hitter’s place. If there are no reserves who can replace the individual, the spot is skipped and all hitters below that position move up. The first time this vacated spot comes up in the batting order, an out will be assessed; after that one time, no out will be recorded for skipping the spot vacated by the displaced player. If a player is injured during the middle of an At Bat, then the reserve player, if available, or the next hitter in the lineup if no reserve player is available (as described above), moves up and inherits the count on the injured batter that left the game.”

B.New league rule on forfeited games during the playoffs:

Motion by Boz Barron (2nd by Steve Daugherty) that if a team forfeits ANY game in any round of the league playoffs, that team is OUT of the playoffs. Motion passed unanimously.

Note: this new rule was implemented to address situations in the past where a team purposely forfeited a playoff game to gain an advantage, especially in a double elimination playoff format, such as saving their pitchers to face another team.

Also note that for regular-season games, the previously-passed rule is still in effect, i.e., if a team has fewer than the MABL/MSBL rule 8 players to play an official game and, thus, must forfeit the game, the game is played for fun (unless the forfeiting team notifies the league pres. in time in advance of the game to cancel the field & umpires so that the league is not charged for these items, & notifies the opposing team manager) with the other team loaning the forfeiting team enough players to field 9 players on defense. This is because the field and umpires have already been paid for.

Next Board meeting: Friday, June 23rd. Location and time to be determined by league pres. James Hixon.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Daugherty, League Secretary